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wow looking through off topic i saw there were know threads about books some people here must read books.so people post your fav books,series,author whatever as long as its about books.My new favourite is angels and demons by dan brown which i just finished an hour ago this is a fantastic story from start to finish and i highly recommend it.

post your favrite people:kikkoman:


Harry Potter (who doesn't love Harry Potter .-. ), anything by Edgar Allen Poe, Moral Minds, the House of Night series, Eragon, Blue Bloods.... I don't feel like naming any more. .-.

And if anyone says "Twilight", I will cry. >_< I hate that series with a passion.


harry potter is good the problem being book made into films are usually awful like the harry potter movies*sighs*I will not go see the angels and demons film probably awful.one of my fav series is darren shan which there making a movie of i hope they dont screw up.

*sighs again*


None, 18 years and could never get into a book. Have yet to complete one that a Highschool would call a "book".

  Kuro said:
None, 18 years and could never get into a book. Have yet to complete one that a Highschool would call a "book".

You should try again:p

seriously though if you seen any films that you know were adapted from books you should read them the books are always better.


There's probably barely anyone that's read this book here.

It's called: Death Note: Another Note: Los Angeles BB Murder Cases.

I got the book off Amazon. If you like Death Note or mysteries... then get this book. It actually makes you think about the problems the character's go through. It's awesome.


Well, the Bible is a given for me. I enjoy several different translations, New Living being my favorite, with the King Jimmy in a close second.

Blue Like Jazz -Donald Miller

Traveling Mercies - Anne Lamott

Purpose for the Pain - Rene Yohe

Scars that Wound: Scars that Heal - Jan Kern

Bloodletting - Victoria Leatham

A Million Little Pieces - James Frey

The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch

Captivating - John & Stasi Eldredge

Soon, Silenced, Shadowed - Jerry B. Jenkins

The Circle Trilogy - Ted Dekker

Thr3e - Ted Dekker

House - Ted Dekker & Frank Peretti

The Restoration Series - Terri Blackstock

Newpointe 911 Series - Terri Blackstock

Cape Refuge Series - Terri Blackstock

I'm a suspense and psychological memoir sort of girl :]

  • 1 month later...

Bringing this back up, I just finished Ted Dekker's latest, BoneMan's Daughters. It is chilling in every possible way. One of his best yet. </recommendation>


I love books. Hmm... Especially Goosebumps and Animorphs as a kid.

Harry Potter series


Where the Red Fern Grows - Randomly picked this up in my school's library.

Interstellar Pig, and Parasite Pig - This was actually a surprise. The first was on a summer book report list, and everyone knows that they never put interesting books on them. [Or put baby books on it. They put The Sorcerer's Stone on the 6-8th grade list when I read it in about 3rd or 4th. Wtf] Loved it so much I got the sequel.


Read Or Die

Read Or Dream

Angelic Layer


Love Hina

... Umm. A lot of the rest are books I read when younger and are either dragon related or just plain kiddy.xD;; Or they're series I haven't finished yet.D:

I haven't really done much reading for the more adult audience, I guess.


Oh, I just remembered my fave fantasy book, The Redemption of Althalus - David + Leigh Eddings.

Good stuff, a nice twist on the story of good vs evil! <3


*cough*Twilight Series*cough*

I'm sorry, but I really enjoyed those books (Movies suck horribly...hoping New Moon won't be a complete fail). I'm currently reading the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series. So far, its a pretty good series. Well, Kingdom Hearts is the only manga book I've purchased, but I find the Naruto manga pretty exciting. More into anime though...I really don't want 500 books of what I can just watch on TV/Online for free, it costs a bunch to buy all those books. Yeah, I know some things are only shown in the manga, but I'll settle for anime. I used to like The Young Man and the Sea, The Golden Compass, and the Goosebumps series, but they got boring and old.


Watch online for free? Haha. If you're willing to go that far you might as well just... View the manga online for free also.

I was told to read the Twilight series by people who have similar tastes as me, but... It seems largely based on romance, and I'm not too interested in books with little plot besides "two teens meet and fall in love". (With minor exceptions, which usually involve plot.) I know it has to have some sort of story to it besides that, but by the other people I've seen reading it... It makes me suspect it's mostly a romance series, and that the other person was reading it simply because they're a vampire junkie. xP If I'm picky in anything, it'd probably be books, as much as I love to read them.

There are also other reasons which make me seem less shallow and wary about reading it simply because it appears to be romance based, but I'd rather not get into those.

Speaking of Artemis Fowl... I never finished reading that series...

  Zafur said:
Watch online for free? Haha. If you're willing to go that far you might as well just... View the manga online for free also.

I was told to read the Twilight series by people who have similar tastes as me, but... It seems largely based on romance, and I'm not too interested in books with little plot besides "two teens meet and fall in love". (With minor exceptions, which usually involve plot.) I know it has to have some sort of story to it besides that, but by the other people I've seen reading it... It makes me suspect it's mostly a romance series, and that the other person was reading it simply because they're a vampire junkie. xP If I'm picky in anything, it'd probably be books, as much as I love to read them.

There are also other reasons which make me seem less shallow and wary about reading it simply because it appears to be romance based, but I'd rather not get into those.

Speaking of Artemis Fowl... I never finished reading that series...

I mean, its just a pain to get books and read it once, never use it again, and have 500 of those. Plus, most of those books aren't readily available at book stores so, that's a pain too. Yea, I watch manga online, its just that there are so many parts it makes my head explode.

The Twilight series is sort of an actiony-romance kind of thing. Yeah, its mostly about romance with sort of a "forbidden love" feeling. Its just that Stephenie makes you feel and experience what's going on in the books by vividly describing them. Plus, I'm not the kind of person who reads romantic books :P so IDK why I liked them.


eragon, david eddings(writer), harry potter, darren shan(writer), the hobbit, and many other fantasy stories... ah now i remember (the living ships) hmm even more


I Currently Have Several Favorite Books/Series:

Title (Author) [Point Read To] # Of Books

Fablehaven (Brandon Mull) [Read Latest] 4+

Artemis Fowl (Eoin Colfer) [Read Latest] 7+

The Forgotten Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel (Machael Scott) [Read Latest] 3+

The Pit Dragon Chronicles (Jane Yolen) [Finished] 4

Among Others, But Those Are The Most Recent


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