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  PokemonEvents09 said:
i wish that they would make it so korean games could communicate with an american platinum i think that is dumb.

Lets just hope that if there is Korean HG/SS in the future, they would be able to communicate with other language versions of HG/SS.


More info!!! Korean games can trade with japanese versions. My friend has a flash cart and I discovered that all the pokemon (EVENT) has the same hidden values as other languageS

---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 PM ----------

Distortion world will be called 깨어진 세계(GGae o gin Sae Gae) (Broken World)

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody.

I find it in the NOK official site and I hope someone could translate it...

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Thanks :grog:


hey, the fact that you could pal park any region's gba game with korean pokemon has been know for a long time, well i mean, longer than when you posted it.

since it is not fair for south koreans, since they don't have their own region of gba pokemon games.

  punky said:
Hi everybody.

I find it in the NOK official site and I hope someone could translate it...

  Reveal hidden contents

Thanks :grog:

I will translate and will summarize it the 'Event and WC' thread.


Oh! I just saw a Koream Pokemon Platinum commerical in TV. I was watching a channel specifically designed for showing progamers playing 'Starcraft' [it is a old strategy game if you don't know what it is] against one another.

I am going to see if the Korean Platinum is on the shelves of game store today.:D

  ifyfg said:
there is a starcraft tv channel?

it seems korea is making up for lost time with all these events!

Yes, we Koreans are Starcraft freaks. There is a whole channel devoted to Starcraft matches.

Let's not get off topic though.


I might be able to get the Shaymin in Korea...(I wonder why anyone would want it though, you have to be really lucky<I begged to get an Korean Manaphy on my U.S. Diamond Version>or you have to cheat. You can't trade Korean Versions to other languages. And Where can I buy a flash cart???

---------- Post added at 11:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

I got a question but are R4s flash carts??? I know more than 10 people who have it. If it is, what do I do???


Yes, R4s are very popular (but no longer made) flashcarts.

What you do depends on what you want do do... You probably want to back up your saves, right? That's one thing you can do. You can also play ROMs of your games with your backup-up save, it works just like a real game, but you can carry around a bunch at once. =)

I'd be happy to help you out, just PM me or better yet try to get ahold of me on IRC.

  • 3 months later...

I'm sorry I was on a trip. I'll post again starting now. First up, Pokemon movie 12 has been officialy announced by the website. It will be shown in the theaters for the first time.(other movies were first shown in TV channels) According to the website, there will be a special surprise. I expect it to be pichu and arceus.

  • 3 months later...

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