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  wraith89 said:
I'm quite the opposite. I love the Kanto series just for its nostalgic value.

In the episodes where stuff actually happens, it sure is a joy to watch. The early episodes are interesting (by early, I mean like the first 10) because the show is still finding it's footing. Team Rocket doesn't become comedic relief until like episode 7. Bill mentions crap about trading via your Pokedex which is promptly ignored for the rest of the anime. And the structure of meet COTD-battle-TR crap-battle-farewel isn't totally set in stone.

But after the first 10 or so episodes, there's so much filler between gym battles (because Ash captured basically the first 6 Pokemon he saw) and the League that it becomes quite a drag.


lol and i also dont understand why i dont know episode numbers ect. but in Battle dimensions ''if i am correct'' there was an episode where Ash n friends went to a mansion to like i forgot -_-'' but it had somthing to do with an Old Charm ,people wanted to steal it ect.

Anyways.. toward the end of that episode Ash n Friends Meet with team rocket under some maze thing...



"BOOOOOM" ( note: team rocket are UNDER GROUND and alot of Concrete)

"Team Rocket Again Blast from a Charge bean,T-bolt Crashes above like alot of concrete and Then FLIES IN THE AIR only to leave a " * "...seriously wtf?


That episode was called "Luxray vision" and actually recently aired today as one of the weekday episodes :) Whats strange is luxray couldn't even pull off a charge beam earlier on in the episode or before luxray met pikachu. So it must've been the true power of a uberchu. Ugh, Ash's pikachu strikes again. You have to remember, its a cartoon and anything can happen.

  pokemonfan said:
That episode was called "Luxray vision" and actually recently aired today as one of the weekday episodes :) Whats strange is luxray couldn't even pull off a charge beam earlier on in the episode or before luxray met pikachu. So it must've been the true power of a uberchu. Ugh, Ash's pikachu strikes again. You have to remember, its a cartoon and anything can happen.

Even time travel. On this show, I'm not talking about Dr. Who at the moment.


Exactly randomspot555, like for instance....

-Pikachu fainting ground types

-5 hyper beams without resting

-Hydrocannon without resting

-Water gun going right through spiritomb

-normal type moves hitting ghost types

-some things just dont really make sense like buizel defeating floatzel? what up with that?

-Dodge it! (instant miss)

-The bigger ones are either electric Killing ground or dodge it.

Sometimes they do it right and sometimes they dont. It just doesn't add up.

  pokemonfan said:

Sometimes they do it right and sometimes they dont. It just doesn't add up.

It's not that they do it "right" or "wrong". It's just the anime doesn't operate the same as the games.

Now there are some blatant obvious mistakes in the early episodes. But since about Hoenn, they've become very consistent with how battles work. Pikachu's attacks, for example, don't hurt ground types nowadays. And it's been shown in at least two circumstances that electric attacks on electric types will power up their own electric attacks. Pikachu was loaded up with electricity during a Hoenn Gym by Raikou robots, and then swept the gym leader's team. And in DP003, Paul says that he let Pikachu attack first so Elekid's Thunder would be more powerful.

It also seems that accuracy isn't nearly as big of an issue in the anime. In a Hoenn episode, Nidoking and Nidoqueen used Dynamic Punch multiple times and never missed.


I'm just guessing the Pokemon anime is pretty much aimed at a lower audience. and i believe kids don't really care about what beats what. evolution is stronger then first form, all that complicated stuff, for kids, and toddlers, which only want to see a small cute little mouse, defeat towering monsters a billion times it's size, and i also think that's the message the anime is portraying, that no matter how small you are, you can make a difference..... ok that sounds lame, like Disney channel.


That does sound like disney! As for the important message like that they are teaching kids with friendship and bonding with the pokemon I believe is the only way nintendo and game freak are getting a way with it. I mean pokemon is sort of like slavery. Capturing wild creatures and using them for competition forcing them to work and stuff like that. If it wasn't for the values of friendship that pokemon franchise is trying to portray then I dont think it would last as long as it has.


Disney actually used to be good... now it's all commercial marketing. I hate it now. Modernism screwed many things for the most part :-/

I guess the lack of real danger turned me off from the Pokemon anime... if you have uberchu by your side, who needs the others?


Yeah, Disney used to be so innocent and far purer so to speak, then it is now. Well, all great things come to an end or become corrupt. What happened to the good old mickey mouse?

Yes it seems like with uberchu by your side you cant go wrong even if you have a giant lion like creature 4 times the size of it shooting giant fireballs at you, you still cant lose. Isn't that great! Fun for ash right.


I like the storyline especially with team galactic. I'd just wish that ash would just crush paul to prove his point. I cant stand paul or barry because he likes paul. I also wish team galactic would pull their stunts do a major blow to ash and the gang just to know that the antagonists can win. Its somewhat annoying to see that powerful organization scatter off running although they were usually successful.


What caused me? Hmmm. Pretty much what Floot said. Also Uberchu and Haxpiny. Pikachu beats a regice, and then loses to an Elekid? Happiny has the worst ATk ever! and is able to hit boulders and stop a rampaging mammoth. >.>


I've still gotta go with medabots.. Even as a kid that stuff was pure awesome and as I grow older it went from being "omg so kewl" to " Holy shit the premise of this entire show is not only hilarious, but the stupid puns, lack of terrible quips and all around silly antics during, before and after 'serious' situations makes this the coolest show ever. Oh and SPACE MEDAFIGHTER X is by far one of the coolest cartoon character, right up there with Kamina and Kittan "


With my crimson cape billowing in the cosmic breeze,I have heroicaly traveled across stars ,too numerous to count, to arrive at this majestic planet you call 'Earth'.I am...SPACE MEDAFIGHTER X!

I just hate how stupid everyone is. Remember the episode where Team Rocket got a machine that force evolves Pokémon? The seller told them they had to wait a week to use it, and they completely forgot. That really bothered me how stupid they are. The anime just frustrates me. Not to mention it has nothing to do with the game.


I remember that episode. Team rocket can be funny though. In one of the very first episodes they were going to kidnap pikachu but they set their sights on a pumped up sandshrew and meowth said "Looks fat! You guys will have to carry it" LOL! Well at least I laughed. Team rocket can be hilarious.

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