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Posted (edited)



Two Skitty from Generation 3. With Normalize, which is a Generation IV Ability. That's impossible, because game rechecks PID for Ability only upon evolution. Skitty evolves via Moon Stone - that kind of evolution cannot be stopped. That means this kind of situation is possible only on Delcatty.

The Pay Day on Skitty is legal, though.

(Also, why Pay Day shows up as 6?)


It should say "Valid (event exclusive move)."

Edited by WhatHappenedToStairs
  WhatHappenedToStairs said:


Two Skitty from Generation 3. With Normalize, which is a Generation IV Ability. That's impossible, because game rechecks PID for Ability only upon evolution. Skitty evolves via Moon Stone - that kind of evolution cannot be stopped. That means this kind of situation is possible only on Delcatty.

The Pay Day on Skitty is legal, though.

(Also, why Pay Day shows up as 6?)

Notice how it says "Hacked/Event only (6)? Read the event part of that carefully. Also, it says (6) because Pay Day's index number is 6.

Posted (edited)

Hi there, I just uploaded a Manaphy that I received from my Pokemon Ranger game and pokecheck says the PID is hacked, or more specifically: Hacked (valid spreads: 3/29/30/7/21/16).

If it helps my ranger game is American so I used the American code to unlock the Manaphy. It was then sent to an English version of Diamond and uploaded to pokecheck via an English version of White 2!

Edited by gingerade
Posted (edited)

I've found a False Positive in the Legality Analysis on Pokecheck. Back in July, I was able to go to Tokyo on a family vacation. While we were there, we stopped by the Pokemon Center, near the WTC, and I participated in a "FunFest Mission" on my English Black 2 game. This mission involved finding the evolutions of Eevee in the various Hidden Grottoes in the game. I captured a Glaceon during the mission, as well as a Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon, and when I checked the Legality Analysis for the Glaceon, it says "Unknown Encounter" under the Location.

Included is the link to the Pokemon in question. I will be double-checking this with the other Eeveelutions to see if it happens with them.

EDIT: All the Eeveelutions captured during the FunFest Missions hosted in the Tokyo Pokemon Center are showing the same Unknown Encounter error.





Edited by Tineda
Additional Information
  Tineda said:
I've found a False Positive in the Legality Analysis on Pokecheck. Back in July, I was able to go to Tokyo on a family vacation. While we were there, we stopped by the Pokemon Center, near the WTC, and I participated in a "FunFest Mission" on my English Black 2 game. This mission involved finding the evolutions of Eevee in the various Hidden Grottoes in the game. I captured a Glaceon during the mission, as well as a Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon, and when I checked the Legality Analysis for the Glaceon, it says "Unknown Encounter" under the Location.

Included is the link to the Pokemon in question. I will be double-checking this with the other Eeveelutions to see if it happens with them.

EDIT: All the Eeveelutions captured during the FunFest Missions hosted in the Tokyo Pokemon Center are showing the same Unknown Encounter error.





That's because they haven't been added to the legality analysis, nothing more.

  chabad360 said:
the legality check says my 100% legal arceus event has "unusually low IV's." it 100% Legal from the event database.

Warnings in yellow indicate a slight possibility of being hacked, when they may be legit. Red text means illegal.

This has an illegal egg move combination - the only valid parent for Clear Smog is Weezing, which is unable to learn Disable. Several other Pokemon receive Clear Smog as an egg move, along with Disable, but as only Weezing can pass it on in the first place, none can pass both at the same time.

So when I upload pal park'd pokemon as a Gen IV file, it displays the trash bytes as invalid but if I upload the same pokemon as a Gen IV - V PokeTransfer file, the trash bytes do not change but are now listed as valid. Which is the proper analysis? This has happened Sorry if this has already been noted...


If they were parked by an emulator, they aren't supported.

Please report any pokémon either incorrectly reported as hacked or new ideas to detect currently undetected hacks.

Always include a link to the incriminated pokémon if you can. You don't have to make it public.


Using GTS or uploading from an extracted save file via Pokegen works. It's when you resave the pkm save file in Pokegen where the OT name trash bytes get messed up. I'll just send them back to my game via GTS only and it'll fix it. Thanks for the help!


Now that there is a check for the TID/SID for 4th gen games, there shouldn't be the "ID 0 is hacked" message for OTs without metadata. Or perhaps it should be a separate message to go along with it rather than overwrite the legal/illegal from the check.

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