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  Mester0077 said:
Clair: Dragonair Lv. 38. Dragonair Lv. 38. Gyarados lv. 38. Kingdra Lv. 41. it's - one Dragonair + one gyarados and they are all got one lv up

Thanks for finishing my news :D

And speaking of which...

They changed some of their moves too, like Muk got Gunk Shot now, and Bruno's hitmonlee has a blaze kick

and etc

Posted (edited)

Ok what in the world? Falkner's Pidgeotto is TOO tough. It has Roost! The other moves I've seen were Tackle and Gust... I believe the other move might be Mud Slap? Either way, this level 13 Pidgeotto can be quite a force. It will attack and continue to Roost off any damage... although for some reason it only used it once.

Edited by wraith89

Lol, Wraith, actually, his Pidgeotto is level 13

And oh yeah, Red's Espeon got replaced by a Lapras (Wth, I know :P)

and while fighting Red on Mt. Silver, there's the hail effect in battle

But thank goodness his Pokemon aren't so spammed with powerful moves of their type

Example: Pikachu now has Volt tackle

Snorlax now has...Blizzard? o_O...What? Why would they..nevermind, moving on..

Venasaur has Sludge Bomb

Charizard has Flare Blitz

Lapras has psychic

As for Blastoise...I dunno

Lance's Gyarados now has Dragon Pulse

btw, on a quick off topic note: Mewtwo, the 3 birds, 3 dogs, Lugia, Ho-oh, Groudon (SS), Kyogre (HG), Rayquaza (both) are catchable :D

The wait for these remakes are killing me already..Spring 2010? Oh boy..


Oh yeah, and rematches have been confirmed (yay)

Brock - Golem (FINALLY -_-), Kabutops, Relicanth (o_O?), Ramparados (Awsome!! ^_^), Onix (Of course, Brock isn't Brock without Onix), and Omastar

Misty - Starmie, Milotic (Also cool =D), Quagsire, Evolved Buizel...Floatzel, Lapras (Misty look out! Red's gonna steal it someday!!), and lastly, a Lanturn

(Ya know, I really think their Signature Pokemon should be last...)

Lt. Surge - Not here because you need to find him in his gym and arrange a rematch with him somewhere else. All the other gym leaders stay in one place, but I'll name his pokemon anyways: Raichu, Mancentric, Electrode, Magnezone (<- WIN MOVE), Electivire (whoo!! ^^), and LASTLY..A....Pacharisu? O_O? Replace it with Luxray or something GF...Coulda done that..

Erika - Shiftry (Niice O_O), Tangrowth (Fitting, but..Ew), Victribell, Roserade, Bellossom (WHY? >_<), and lastly a Jumpluff (Again, sig pokemon should be last >_>)

Janine - Crobat, Weezing, Toxicroak (Woah O_O Good move Gamefreak), Ariados (Like Father like..Daughter :P), Venomoth, and lastly an Evolved Skorupi form (Forgot the name but...Wow)

Sabrina - Alakazam, Gallade, Jynx (Ew..), Mr Mime (Make a Mime Sr. already xD), Espeon, and a female Wobuffet. Why did I say female? Because the female Wobuffets wear lipstick apparently in the DPPl gen >__>

Blaine (Awsomeness) - Torkoal, Camerupt, Magmortar, Rapidash, a..Magcargo? >_> and lastly a Houndoom. I think they best redid Blaine

And the one you've all been waiting for...GREEN - Why he starts with an Executor, don't ask me..Pidgeot, Rhypherior (YES! YES!!), Arcanine, Machamp? And lastly a Tyranitar...Boooo, remove the champ and give back the water dragon!!

Speaking of rematches, guess who makes a comeback

That's right, Giovanni. After you get Celebi, there's an event where you travel back to the past, and you get to fight Giovanni, he has a Nidoking, Honchcrow (<- TIME PARADOX), Nidoqueen, Kanghaskan (Its sprite looks so tiny -_-), and that's all

Johto rematches coming soon!!

---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

Falkner - Staraptor (YES!! Just like you wanted Wraith =D), Swellow (Also as you said), Another Staraptor (Seriously..?), Honchcrow, Noctowl, and finally, Pidgeot :D

Bugsy (STOP SAYING HE'S A GIRL JUST CAUSE ALL HIS POKEMON ARE FEMALE) - - Scizor (First? Whaaa? His evolved sig pokemon and they put her FIRST? >:( ), Yanmega, Heracross (w00t!! ^_^), Pinsir, Vespiquen (Saw this one coming >_>), and..that, angel like thingy...Forgot the name

Whitney (Now 20% more eccentric with moving sprites and better graphics :D) - Girafirig (....), Lickylicky, Clefable, Milktank (looks so paltry in comparison to her other pokemon now >_>), Delicatty, and lastly a...(GRAHHHH) Bibarel (Why...oh WHY)

Morty (Now with more awsomeness than ever..He's got a scarf..a SCARF) - Drifblim, Gengar, Dusknoir, Sableue (shoulda been first >_>), Another Gengar, and a Mismagius ^_^

Chuck - Medicham, Primape, Breloom (It's a fighting type? O_O..), Hitmonchan, Poliwrath, and lastly a Hitmonlee

Pryce - Abomasnow, Dewgong, Glalie, Frolass, Wall reign, lol, just kidding, Walreign, and lastly...MAMOSWINE, WHOOO

Clair - Gyarados (Don't be copying your cousin Clair), Aerodatcyl (Claaaaair >_>), Dragonair (STILL?!), Dragonite, a....Charizard...Really Clair? Really? and lastly a Kingdra

Clair = Horrible trainer, and the only way she could be good is if he plagarizes others >_>

Oh my..It seems I forgot Jasmine...

and I WOULD retype it up there, but my computer is eating away my text if you know what I mean..

Jasmine - Metagross (Nice choice Jasmine!), Empoleon (O_O Woaahhh), Skarmory (Thank you -_-), Steelix, and Magnezone...:P

And apparently, at Dragon's Den after beating Clair, you can 2v2 with your rival against Lance and Clair

Enemy side


1st turn: Dragonair and Gyarados

2nd turn: Dragonite and Charizard

3rd Turn: Kingdra and Dragonite

And as for your rival, he sends out Feral. on his first turn, what are his other pkmn? I dunno

And apparently you can rematch Lance as well, he has a: Salamence (YEASH!!), Gyarados, Garchomp, Charizard, Altaria, And Dragonite (level 75...sweet)

Only a few words can describe how I feel about Lance's new team:

Eat that Cynthia!! Who's greatest champion now?!?!

And of course...E4 rematches

Will - Bronzong (+Levitate = ultimate annoyance), Grumpig..or w/e it's called, Gardevoir, Slowbro (No! Slowking! I demand Kingo of all slobs!!), Jynx, and his sig pokemon, Xatu (FINALLY, a sig pokemon for last >.>)

Koga (Get any stronger buddy? Let's find out, btw, his entrance is WIN) - Skunktank, Crobat, Toxicroak, Swalot, Venomoth, and of course..Muk(<- What is Muk supposed to be anyways?)

Bruno - Hitmontop, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Lucario (Finally, a change >_>), and a Hariyama...You were expecting Steelix? Too bad :(

Karen - Weavile, Houdoom, Honchcrow, Spritomb, Umbreon, and Absol! Cool! But..wait, Absol is dark?

That's all I got for now, I dunno about Red rematches yet..

  • 5 months later...

Well, the gym are easy if the player power lvls one poke (Starter) or actually training in certain areas. But if players caught wild pokes and lvl them equally w/o grinding, the game gets a lot harder. My friend had a team of ~ lvl 36 after beat all of the gyms so the E4 could definitely be a challenge, since her pokes are way under level. But me on the other hand only had a ~lvl 60+ Gator and ~lvl 55 Lugia, and the E4 was a piece of cake. I guess the difficulty of the game depends on how we play.

But I think a way this could be fix is if, the level of the pokes of the E4 or the Gym Leader depended on the level of your pokes. Like maybe all gyms could be +5 levels of your highest level pokemon or something. Also I think there shouldn't be a option to switch out after your opponents poke gets knocked out so it would be like a wifi game thus more competitive, because having a switch advantage every time makes the game too easy and boring.


I thought Whitney was pretty hard, xD.

But maybe because HG is only my 2nd game that I've played. ( my first was Silver, & those were pretty darn simple. )

  • 2 weeks later...
  mewmart said:
Among all the trainers, I feel that Red is the strongest really, even without EV boosts!

Red had the worst movesets on his Pokemon... and I feel they were very gimmicky. I'm especially talking about Snorlax here. Why is he running Shadow Ball and Crunch on the same set? And even so, while these HGSS rosters did give some Pokemon those 150 BP Recharge moves (Giga Impact on Snorlax, Blast Burn on Red's Charizard, Hyper Beam on Lance's Dragonite), I never see them use it... ever.

Personally I found Lance to be the biggest pain... but that was when my Pokemon were only at the 40s-42s... while his were averaging around 48. Or perhaps Bruno and his evil Machamp. Actually, Green (Blue in your US games) was the toughest... his Exeggutor surviving Flamethrower and Trick Rooming... that Gyarados just wouldn't go down either... but again, probably due to my low levels -_-


exeggcutor survived flamethrower for you?! he dropped and i was 7 levels under where i marginally should have been (at least 4 below his stronger is marginal, i was 11 under). however, i would definately appreciate tougher gym leaders

  randomcouchpotato said:
exeggcutor survived flamethrower for you?! he dropped and i was 7 levels under where i marginally should have been (at least 4 below his stronger is marginal, i was 11 under). however, i would definately appreciate tougher gym leaders

Yes, a Ninetales with STAB and Charcoal boost... survived Flamethrower... and I was its same level. I don't care anymore... the game LOVES to do that to me... leave the enemy's Pokemon on pixel of an HP...

Oh and get this... Heracross learned Megahorn at that battle... when I needed it against Exeggutor. Just wonderful.

Anyhow, I may have underestimated the gym leaders of HGSS (aside from Falkner). Perhaps the low level curve really does affect leveling up... since most of my friends who play NORMALLY end up around 38ish even after they complete Victory Road. It seems strange in the end, but whatever.

  wraith89 said:
Red had the worst movesets on his Pokemon... and I feel they were very gimmicky. I'm especially talking about Snorlax here. Why is he running Shadow Ball and Crunch on the same set? And even so, while these HGSS rosters did give some Pokemon those 150 BP Recharge moves (Giga Impact on Snorlax, Blast Burn on Red's Charizard, Hyper Beam on Lance's Dragonite), I never see them use it... ever.

Personally I found Lance to be the biggest pain... but that was when my Pokemon were only at the 40s-42s... while his were averaging around 48. Or perhaps Bruno and his evil Machamp. Actually, Green (Blue in your US games) was the toughest... his Exeggutor surviving Flamethrower and Trick Rooming... that Gyarados just wouldn't go down either... but again, probably due to my low levels -_-

Oh I see.. Come to think of it Red's team only superior in level then. I see I see. Pardon my ignorance =)

  wraith89 said:
Red had the worst movesets on his Pokemon... and I feel they were very gimmicky. I'm especially talking about Snorlax here. Why is he running Shadow Ball and Crunch on the same set? And even so, while these HGSS rosters did give some Pokemon those 150 BP Recharge moves (Giga Impact on Snorlax, Blast Burn on Red's Charizard, Hyper Beam on Lance's Dragonite), I never see them use it... ever.

Personally I found Lance to be the biggest pain... but that was when my Pokemon were only at the 40s-42s... while his were averaging around 48. Or perhaps Bruno and his evil Machamp. Actually, Green (Blue in your US games) was the toughest... his Exeggutor surviving Flamethrower and Trick Rooming... that Gyarados just wouldn't go down either... but again, probably due to my low levels -_-

i got lucky my typhlosion has a good sp atk IV and a timid nature (+speed - atk for those of you wondering) but i know what you mean, jolly gyarados using aqua tail and not taking out rhydon was very dissapointing for me, specially after OHKOing the exeggcutor

  mewmart said:
How are we able to tell IVs just by battling alone by the way? Read about it but couldn't really understand the mechanism

I use Marriland's Stat calculator to find my IVs. I know there are a few others out there.

I know I was ridiculously overleveled by Cianwood, so I'm probably no judge, but I found the level curve to be pretty low. I was Lance's level by the time I got to the Elite 4. I always find Whitney to be the hardest, for some reason. Her Miltank just walks all over my team...

  Relyte said:
I use Marriland's Stat calculator to find my IVs. I know there are a few others out there.

I know I was ridiculously overleveled by Cianwood, so I'm probably no judge, but I found the level curve to be pretty low. I was Lance's level by the time I got to the Elite 4. I always find Whitney to be the hardest, for some reason. Her Miltank just walks all over my team...

Yes, level curve was made purposely low so that the Kanto gym leaders wouldn't be at something like 70s. However, I was pretty underleveled, only reaching level 36-38s when I reached the Victory Road.


I found that Blue was one of the few gym leaders that actually challenged me. His team was nice, but I didn't like how he had unevolved stuff like a ryhorn. That's probably just me being overleved again :3 It'd be nice to have a few more gym leaders like Blue: actual trainers with balanced teams rather than specific type-oriented trainers. Especially the champion (I'm looking at you, Cynthia. You were good). Make it a bit tougher. But that would mean that, unless you had planned your team in advance and had gotten good stats/natures/moves and whatnot, you would find it difficult... it's a tradeoff, I guess.

Also, I'm always surprised at the trainers that have made it to Victory Road. The only gen when I saw decent-ish teams was R/S/E, despite the fact that you would have had to have beaten all eight gyms, or at least the last gym to get there. Shouldn't they be about as good as you are...?


Remember, this is a JOHTO game. Rhyperior did not exist until Gen IV... and those people probably didn't know about Rhyperior. I heard Giovanni was the first person who discovered that Rhydon could evolve. If you wanted to get disappointed at unevolved Pokemon, look at BROCK. He has two trainers in his gym, one who uses a Golem and the other who uses a Rhydon. Then comes Brock with his... Rhyhorn and Graveler? WHAT?!

That unevolved trend started when they made that lazy rehash they call Fire Red/Leaf Green. Giovanni, the boss of the ultimate mafia that terrorized Kanto, Team Rocket, had the most powerful Pokemon in Team Rocket... a level 50... RHYHORN?! Wait... what?! Whatever happened to his Rhydon? Did Gamefreak think we couldn't handle a Rhydon? Shame! But at least Green/Blue used a Rhydon...

Ace Trainer Gaven near Victory Road has a decent-ish team... consisting of a Victreebel, Flareon, and Kingler. But the other people around seem a bit weird. Jamie has only Rapidash (although if you rematch her she gains an Ampharos). Some Ace Trainer Joyce had a Pikachu and a Blastoise. Game just has a low level curve... that is all. Although to be fair, most trainers you encounter towards Victory Road are Ace Trainers.

The reason Green/Blue had an amazing team was because he was the rival of last gen... and he used to be the Pokemon Champion don't forget. But I didn't expect his team to be TR-esque. Pretty challenging in my opinion. Ironically, the one which gave me the most trouble was his lowest level Pokemon, Gyarados. But then again, that's probably because I didn't have any electric Pokemon around. His ultimate Pokemon seems to be a Pidgeot... which was actually supposed to be his lead Pokemon in the previous generations. He switched it around to Exeggutor. Now don't talk about Cynthia... she's a cheater with Pokemon having 31 IVs across the board along with using top tier Pokemon like Milotic and Lucario and Roserade...

His rematch team though... I would expect his team to be higher level than Lance's since he defeated Lance three years ago... but I guess they didn't do that either. Oh well. He does manage to evolve his Rhydon after this though... but his Machamp's set is... weird o_O And his ultimate Pokemon still remains Pidgeot of all things... and he kicked out his Gyarados >.>

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