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I doubt it'll happen, but do you think they should? I mean we all know the original plot that they wanted to use for it and how they just dropped it. Questions and speculation will in fact pop up once again about it now that Heart Gold and Soul Silver have been confirmed.

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I don't know. Wasn't the GS ball only available in Crystal? If this is indeed a remake, they might not include it and go the lazy way and make it an almost LITERAL remake like FR/LG (lol at Golbat evolving to a Question Mark). But I'm hoping there will be some way to get Celebi legit...


Are you talking about the anime or the games (it seems like you're referencing the "dropped plot" GS Ball of the anime, which is why I ask)? Because the games still had the plot in them, it's just it was never distributed outside of Japan.

I'll give two answers, for the respective formats:

  • Anime: Nope. Any major events involving a legendary are always going to be in the movies, or at least a special. From time to time, some "lesser" legendaries might show up in individual episodes, but that's about it. I doubt Celebi would be anywhere other than the movies.
  • Games: I'm fairly certain that the games are going to be relatively the same (no significant plot changes were in FR/LG). I'll save my thoughts on what they won't include/will include for other threads, but I'm sure they'll keep the GS Ball in. Though it, like the original, probably won't ever leave Japan.


The GS Ball was only available to the people of japan but you could get tit with an AR.

I hope that i the new remakes that they will have it as an event like the Shaymin event.

So seeing that they kept the GS Ball to japan in the original games, They Introduce it to the US And Europe in the remakes but obviously will be released in Japan some time before it makes it's way to the US.

  Michael_Imperfection said:
Yeah maybe, but our luck it will be a Japan only event like it was originally in Crystal.

Not quite true. Why would they leave out an event like that for the DS? If it were true, we would have never gotten the Rotom Secret Room Key, and etc.


It will probably just be another Toys R Us based event.

EDIT: Wait, I take that back.

In Japan it will be a gift of pre-ordering a ticket for one of the best-selling movies in the country where it will be advertised everywhere from magazines to television to subway ads and even gain national News coverage.

Here it will be given out by Toys R Us. We will learn about it through fan-based websites.

......Can I move? please?

  ZMaster said:
Maybe it is going to be a WonderCard/MysteryGift event, and you get the GS Ball as key item, and Celebi event is activated.

Yeah that is what I'm hoping too. I mean the FR/LG games got some events (Navel rock and Birth Island) so why not let HG/SS get something too? I'd imagine it would be rather similar to the in game Shaymin, Arceus, or Darkai. Also it seems that Celebi is the least common available event pokemon right now. So making this a wondercard event would make it about as common as other events.

  ZMaster said:
Maybe it is going to be a WonderCard/MysteryGift event, and you get the GS Ball as key item, and Celebi event is activated.

I could see that happening, but I would really like it for Celebi to be obtainable in-game.


I honestly think the GS Ball will be introduced as a key item obtainable via WiFi Mystery Gift. Once you get the GS Ball from the man in the PokeMart, you can head to the Ilex Forest, placing the ball in the shrine and HUZZAH! Celebi.

- I think it would go something like that, but once again, it's all a theory, not the actual truth.


I thought that the GS ball plot would have been nice in the US games and I hope they leave it in because it is one of the most discussed GSC era event. It would be nice to have the familiarity of the event even if it is distributed as Wi-Fi/store event.


Celebi being in-game or event doesn't bother me at all. It will most likely be event though. Usually, if not all the time, the last Pokémon in the dex is a event Pokémon.

Arceus -> event, yet to be released

Deoxsys -> event

and etc.

  ZMaster said:
Celebi being in-game or event doesn't bother me at all. It will most likely be event though. Usually, if not all the time, the last Pokémon in the dex is a event Pokémon.

Arceus -> event, yet to be released

Deoxsys -> event

and etc.

You make a good point. I guess that's how it's going to happen if Nintendo has it planed at all.


Yeah, it's most likely. But than again, I honestly don't care about that. I will be very disappointed if this remake isn't at least as accurate as Fire Red and Leaf Green was. Those were pretty accurate. But if it is an event, I'll be even happier.

Yeah, it's most likely. But than again, I honestly don't care about that. I will be very disappointed if this remake isn't at least as accurate as Fire Red and Leaf Green was. Those were pretty accurate. But if it is an event, I'll be even happier.
  A Hacked Soul said:
They better keep that and place it as a Wifi Event.

It was a plot hole for the Anime, but a event we needed for the game.

When you think hardly does it sound that Celebi would not be an wifi event pokemon. Does not sound right if you ask me...:rolleyes:


Maybe they will implant something new like the sevii islands in fr/lg. And there you can get a celebi after some event thing like a give-away or something like that.

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