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Pokémon Black and White Translation Project v2


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Oh, and I would like to report one more bug, When at the Karakusa Mart, When you go to buy, it doesn't say how much money you have.

When you actually buy something, it the top right, it looks like this:


(Pokemon Money Symbol)Items

One final thing lol, does anybody know what the Game ID was changed to with v2? I'm trying to use my AR codes.

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also, can anyone cut this down to fit the pokedex:

It runs across the ground as if it were \xfffe gliding. It confuses its enemies with \xfffe quick speed, then takes them down with Vine Whip.

since the last line goes over the limit, far over it >__>

any help would be nice

Please send any messed up move descriptions and Dex Entries to me, also put in this format so i can find the move info easier:

Move name:

Few words before where it breaks off

Dex Number: National region number

where it seems to cut off

i have found the egg hatching scene, my bf fudged up the translations, i will fix his mistakes, right now trying to get the dex entries to fit right

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I've got an R4, which I'm pretty sure is legit. And I had to put on the Wood ... program thing (I'm blanking on the name) to get the game to play at all. I've got the new patch (Well, whatever was new on the 30) with exp.

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Squid: its strange i was able to recreate that issue on my Acekard, only when i had a code on it, but other than that, im using the Rudolph's patch and the English patch with my clean Rom and never had an issue with my C-Gear

@senbon: i have found the issue, changing it now

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An example of the progression:

Minezumi used



's defense were broken!

The wild Mamepato used

Quick Attack!


fell for the feint!

It runs as if it were gliding. After\xfffe confusing its enemies with quick speed, \xfffe it takes them down with Vine Whip.

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I was hoping this patch would have solved the issue...but the issue still remains.

I tried the Battle Subway again, at first I thought everything was fine, cleared the first 7 battles. As I continued, the same problem that happened before happened on the 13th battle. Before the opponent say's his dialogue, the game freezes with the bottom screen blue, and the top screen with japanese text. Not being able to soft reset tells me that the game froze (also the fact that it didn't go into sleep mode). This is the same issue as before, the only difference is that I made it a little farther in the Battle Subway. I have yet to try it without the English Patch to see if it's just an AP measure...I'll probably go about that next.

Again, I'm using an Acekard 2 with the latest 1.7 AKaio firmware. Any replies are appreciated, and again, good job you guys.

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しょていの いちに ついて\xfffeたいせんを はじめてください

Take your place, start playing.

しばらく おまちください\xfffe……Bボタン キャンセル

Wait for a moment. B button cancellation

それでは さんかする ポケモンを\xfffe3ひき えらんで ください\xf…

Then choose 3 pocket monsters

それでは さんかする ポケモンを\xfffe4ひき えらんで ください\xf…

Then, choose 4 pocket monsters.

それでは さんかする ポケモンを\xfffe6ひき えらんで ください\xf…

Then, choose 6 pocket monsters.

たいせんを しゅうりょう しますが\xfffeよろしいですか?

Shutting down. OK?

たいせんを しゅうりょう します\xfffeしばらく おまちください

We are shutting down. Wait for a moment.

\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000の トレーナーケースを\xfffeみせ…

Trainer Cases. Show me.

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