cali_kid_818 Posted October 15, 2010 Posted October 15, 2010 whats 42h? lol im new, im just waiting for the move modifier code to be revealed like the older pkmn much easier
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 16, 2010 Posted October 16, 2010 Just use Pokegen instead of Pokesav. You can find Pokegen at the Pokegen Forum.
BoredPikachu! Posted October 16, 2010 Posted October 16, 2010 Request: A 2D code to flatten the area to make maps for the the cities? Like the flattening code from DPPtHGSS.
KaiKai Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Does anyone have the liberty ticket or a code to activate the event. I just want my own Viciniti from the event
CurseShooter Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 KaiKai said: Does anyone have the liberty ticket or a code to activate the event. I just want my own Viciniti from the event It's coming soon I think Riolu Aura Sphere Now is working on it. Also I really don't know much about AR codes but is there a way to get a AR code to change a Pokemon's ability? Hehe, this is my first post here!
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Mark to change ability: Black: 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E04 737020XX White: 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E04 737020XX Abilities hex list (new ability names given in Japanese with translations from Reveal hidden contents 00:None 01:Stench 02:Drizzle 03:Speed Boost 04:Battle Armor 05:Sturdy 06:Damp 07:Limber 08:Sand Veil 09:Static 0A:Volt Absorb 0B:Water Absorb 0C:Oblivious 0D:Cloud Nine 0E:Compoundeyes 0F:Insomnia 10:Color Change 11:Immunity 12:Flash Fire 13:Shield Dust 14:Own Tempo 15:Suction Cups 16:Intimidate 17:Shadow Tag 18:Rough Skin 19:Wonder Guard 1A:Levitate 1B:Effect Spore 1C:Synchronize 1D:Clear Body 1E:Natural Cure 1F:Lightningrod 20:Serene Grace 21:Swift Swim 22:Chlorophyll 23:Illuminate 24:Trace 25:Huge Power 26:Poison Point 27:Inner Focus 28:Magma Armor 29:Water Veil 2A:Magnet Pull 2B:Sound Proof 2C:Rain Dish 2D:Sand Stream 2E:Pressure 2F:Thick Fat 30:Early Bird 31:Flame Body 32:Run Away 33:Keen Eye 34:Hyper Cutter 35:Pickup 36:Truant 37:Hustle 38:Cute Charm 39:Plus 3A:Minus 3B:Forecast 3C:Sticky Hold 3D:Shed Skin 3E:Guts 3F:Marvel Scale 40:Liquid Ooze 41:Overgrow 42:Blaze 43:Torrent 44:Swarm 45:Rock Head 46:Drought 47:Arena Trap 48:Vital Spirit 49:White Smoke 4A:Pure Power 4B:Shell Armor 4C:Air Lock 4D:Tangled Feet 4E:Motor Drive 4F:Rivalry 50:Steadfast 51:Snow Cloak 52:Gluttony 53:Anger Point 54:Unburden 55:Heatproof 56:Simple 57:Dry Skin 58:Download 59:Iron Fist 5A:Poison Heal 5B:Adaptability 5C:Skill Link 5D:Hydration 5E:Solar Power 5F:Quick Feet 60:Normalize 61:Sniper 62:Magic Guard 63:No Guard 64:Stall 65:Technician 66:Leaf Guard 67:Klutz 68:Mold Breaker 69:Super Luck 6A:Aftermath 6B:Anticipation 6C:Forewarn 6D:Unaware 6E:Tinted Lens 6F:Filter 70:Slow Start 71:Scrappy 72:Storm Drain 73:Ice Body 74:Solid Rock 75:Snow Warning 76:Honey Gather 77:Frisk 78:Reckless 79:Multitype 7A:Flower Gift 7B:Bad Dreams 7C:わるいてぐせ Wicked Thief 7D:ちからずく Encourage 7E:あまのじゃく Perversity 7F:きんちょうかん Tension 80:まけんき Competitive Spirit 81:よわき Faint Hearted 82:のろわれボディ Cursed Body 83:いやしのこころ Healing Heart 84:フレンドガード Friend Card 85:くだけるよろい Breakable Armor 86:へヴィメタル Heavy Metal 87:ライトメタル Light Metal 88:マルチスケイル Multi-Scale 89:どくぼうそう Poison Rampage 8A:ねつぼうそう Heat Rampage 8B:しゅうかく Harvest 8C:テレパシー Telepathy 8D:ムラっけ Inconsistent 8E:ぼうじん Dust-proof 8F:どくしゅ Poison Hand 90:さいせいりょく Regeneration 91:はとむね Pigeon Heart 92:すなかき Sand Throw 93:ミラクルスキン Miracle Skin 94:アナライズ Analyze 95:イリュージョン Illusion 96:かわりもの Eccentric 97:すりぬけ Slip Through 98:ミイラ Mummy 99:じしんかじょう Overconfidence 9A:せいぎのこころ Heart of Justice 9B:びびり Self-Conscious 9C:マジックミラー Magic Mirror 9D:そうしょく Herbivore 9E:いたずらごころ Mischievous Heart 9F:すなのちから Sand Strength A0:てつのとげ Steel Thorns A1:ダルマモード Daruma Mode A2:しょうりのほし Victory Star A3:ターボブレイズ Turbo Blaze A4:テラボルテージ Tera Voltage
Crest Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 CurseShooter said: It's coming soon I think Riolu Aura Sphere Now is working on it.Also I really don't know much about AR codes but is there a way to get a AR code to change a Pokemon's ability? Hehe, this is my first post here! Do you have any idea how long this will take? I'm going to be away for a while and dont know if it will be ready by the time I leave. I am a complete amature/novice at action replay and codes, so I was just curious, how long does it take to find these codes? and RASN, how much longer do you think you will need to get the code?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 I am still working on the Liberty Ticket code. Once I get Grovyle's Mystery Gift Editor newest release to work on Mac, I can create the Liberty Ticket code. For now just be patient until I or someone else posts the Liberty Ticket code.
KaiKai Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 I have his newest mystery gift editor so you can create the code from that?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 If you have the WC, then yes. If not, then no.
Crest Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: If you have the WC, then yes. If not, then no. Why don't you give the wonder card too... KaiKai said: I have his newest mystery gift editor so you can create the code from that? and then you ^ can make the code?
Gowon Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Crown Suicune, Box 3, Sot 2, [select] to Activate Doesn't activate the event, with the name and OT being totally screwed up. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFFB0000 0221DF1C 05E6F8B8 0221DF20 94BD0000 0221DF24 9C5534DF 0221DF28 AD53E009 0221DF2C 50AA3DE8 0221DF30 DC57E5DD 0221DF34 D7C55883 0221DF38 306CFAD7 0221DF3C A8D705B3 0221DF40 9FF8CA26 0221DF44 C736DB5F 0221DF48 B28891E0 0221DF4C 18C99966 0221DF50 A60D9E0F 0221DF54 18D6D129 0221DF58 7092B2CB 0221DF5C AE6E28AE 0221DF60 8209AE2B 0221DF64 84BE3C99 0221DF68 524F271A 0221DF6C 464B597B 0221DF70 0EA69112 0221DF74 C7F52818 0221DF78 4B1A4F2A 0221DF7C 8CFA9FF3 0221DF80 06A7E690 0221DF84 C8FC1496 0221DF88 E0E8DA47 0221DF8C 85735CE9 0221DF90 9ADA56F0 0221DF94 64B04740 0221DF98 11690F9B 0221DF9C 15E9BE4C 0221DFA0 118704CE D2000000 00000000
param1019 Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 So hi i specially made this account to post this, so everyone is trying for liberty ticket, right, i managed to make a save for it,which worked, i uploaded the save, its for totodile pokesav v6b, i dont know how to make the ar code, so if anyone can feel free. Click on mystery gift to find the info. b-pokemonw133sssssaz.savFetching info...
PSIwind Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 So, I'm trying to make the 3 event Pokemon activate their events, but I can't. I know I have to click "Fateful Encounter", but it's not there. I'm using PVWCPM v0.01. Anyone have a newer version?
Gowon Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 Is there an "Instant Egg from Daycare" code? I've yet to try out the "Instant Egg Hatch".
xXBlueFireXx Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 I found this useful, although maybe a little outdated. A Basic Guide on How to Create AR codes, Including No$GBA and Emucheat
KaiKai Posted October 19, 2010 Posted October 19, 2010 Is there a Pokemon Black code to clone box pokemon but instead of using L or R i use Select. L and R don't work anymore on Pokemon Black it just switches boxes.
DCrypt Posted October 19, 2010 Posted October 19, 2010 Alright, guys, I have a bit of a problem. I'm playing Pokemon Black on my Acekard 2i, and so far, all AR codes have been working fine on it (EXP multiplier, event Celebi, walk through walls, wild Pokemon modifier, and quite a few others have worked with no problem). I tried to use the Shiny code for it a few days ago, but it won't work. I tried everything, but no wild Pokemon are shiny with the code. Do I have to hit a certain combination of buttons in order to activate the code? (such as hold L when encountering a Pokemon.) Or does it just not work with the Acekard 2i? Oh, and this is the code I am using- Shiny Pokemon (Black) 521A8764 21012006 E2002200 00000028 4C08B57E 88248865 08ED4065 F1A7B40F 1C06FDD7 40410401 428D0CC9 D1F5BC0F BD7E1C30 0224F79C 021A9764 FD4CF658 D0000000 00000000
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted October 21, 2010 Posted October 21, 2010 The Liberty Ticket code is still in progress.
Bernkastel Posted October 22, 2010 Posted October 22, 2010 Can i get wild pokemon iv and nature modifier codes? I searched all over the place and couldn't find them so please... I don't want to use the marking ones because it may not change the pokemon id to match the ivs and nature so just catching them with the ivs and nature that i need would make everything a whole lot easier.
obfvans Posted October 22, 2010 Posted October 22, 2010 Is there a working Wild Shiny Pokemon Code for White?
heimos Posted October 22, 2010 Posted October 22, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: Mark to change ability:Black: 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E04 737020XX White: 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E04 737020XX Abilities hex list (new ability names given in Japanese with translations from Reveal hidden contents 00:None 01:Stench 02:Drizzle 03:Speed Boost 04:Battle Armor 05:Sturdy 06:Damp 07:Limber 08:Sand Veil 09:Static 0A:Volt Absorb 0B:Water Absorb 0C:Oblivious 0D:Cloud Nine 0E:Compoundeyes 0F:Insomnia 10:Color Change 11:Immunity 12:Flash Fire 13:Shield Dust 14:Own Tempo 15:Suction Cups 16:Intimidate 17:Shadow Tag 18:Rough Skin 19:Wonder Guard 1A:Levitate 1B:Effect Spore 1C:Synchronize 1D:Clear Body 1E:Natural Cure 1F:Lightningrod 20:Serene Grace 21:Swift Swim 22:Chlorophyll 23:Illuminate 24:Trace 25:Huge Power 26:Poison Point 27:Inner Focus 28:Magma Armor 29:Water Veil 2A:Magnet Pull 2B:Sound Proof 2C:Rain Dish 2D:Sand Stream 2E:Pressure 2F:Thick Fat 30:Early Bird 31:Flame Body 32:Run Away 33:Keen Eye 34:Hyper Cutter 35:Pickup 36:Truant 37:Hustle 38:Cute Charm 39:Plus 3A:Minus 3B:Forecast 3C:Sticky Hold 3D:Shed Skin 3E:Guts 3F:Marvel Scale 40:Liquid Ooze 41:Overgrow 42:Blaze 43:Torrent 44:Swarm 45:Rock Head 46:Drought 47:Arena Trap 48:Vital Spirit 49:White Smoke 4A:Pure Power 4B:Shell Armor 4C:Air Lock 4D:Tangled Feet 4E:Motor Drive 4F:Rivalry 50:Steadfast 51:Snow Cloak 52:Gluttony 53:Anger Point 54:Unburden 55:Heatproof 56:Simple 57:Dry Skin 58:Download 59:Iron Fist 5A:Poison Heal 5B:Adaptability 5C:Skill Link 5D:Hydration 5E:Solar Power 5F:Quick Feet 60:Normalize 61:Sniper 62:Magic Guard 63:No Guard 64:Stall 65:Technician 66:Leaf Guard 67:Klutz 68:Mold Breaker 69:Super Luck 6A:Aftermath 6B:Anticipation 6C:Forewarn 6D:Unaware 6E:Tinted Lens 6F:Filter 70:Slow Start 71:Scrappy 72:Storm Drain 73:Ice Body 74:Solid Rock 75:Snow Warning 76:Honey Gather 77:Frisk 78:Reckless 79:Multitype 7A:Flower Gift 7B:Bad Dreams 7C:わるいてぐせ Wicked Thief 7D:ちからずく Encourage 7E:あまのじゃく Perversity 7F:きんちょうかん Tension 80:まけんき Competitive Spirit 81:よわき Faint Hearted 82:のろわれボディ Cursed Body 83:いやしのこころ Healing Heart 84:フレンドガード Friend Card 85:くだけるよろい Breakable Armor 86:へヴィメタル Heavy Metal 87:ライトメタル Light Metal 88:マルチスケイル Multi-Scale 89:どくぼうそう Poison Rampage 8A:ねつぼうそう Heat Rampage 8B:しゅうかく Harvest 8C:テレパシー Telepathy 8D:ムラっけ Inconsistent 8E:ぼうじん Dust-proof 8F:どくしゅ Poison Hand 90:さいせいりょく Regeneration 91:はとむね Pigeon Heart 92:すなかき Sand Throw 93:ミラクルスキン Miracle Skin 94:アナライズ Analyze 95:イリュージョン Illusion 96:かわりもの Eccentric 97:すりぬけ Slip Through 98:ミイラ Mummy 99:じしんかじょう Overconfidence 9A:せいぎのこころ Heart of Justice 9B:びびり Self-Conscious 9C:マジックミラー Magic Mirror 9D:そうしょく Herbivore 9E:いたずらごころ Mischievous Heart 9F:すなのちから Sand Strength A0:てつのとげ Steel Thorns A1:ダルマモード Daruma Mode A2:しょうりのほし Victory Star A3:ターボブレイズ Turbo Blaze A4:テラボルテージ Tera Voltage umm how do you activate this? I'm playing white version. sorry I'm new at this
obfvans Posted October 22, 2010 Posted October 22, 2010 heimos said: umm how do you activate this? I'm playing white version. sorry I'm new at this I think you'll use the "Mark" command in your PC at the Pokemon Center.
heimos Posted October 22, 2010 Posted October 22, 2010 obfvans said: I think you'll use the "Mark" command in your PC at the Pokemon Center. cool! thank you!
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