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Pokemon Black & White AR Codes? [Jp]


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So i recently tested out the EV code for pokemon black several times and it doesn't work to the extent that if you set it to max someone in a specific stat it ends up lower that stat that you set to 252 (FC once you change to the code to suit it) I've tried with both the moth bug fire guy to set to 252 sp atk/252spd/3hp/1 other so the 00 doesn't mess up the code and to 252 atk/252 speed ononokusu with stats set in the order of hp/atk/def/speed/spatk/spdef and yes i tried with speed last but the order i wrote is the correct order because all of the other stats compare perfectly to serebii's pokemon stats on these two pokemon when i checked. The only two stats were out of order were the two that I set to 252 EVs

-Edit- When i say out of order i mean don't match serebii's pokemon hp/atk/def/speed/spatk/spdef values but the only times they don't match is when i set the code to 252

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Its funny that Tbird and I are thinking of the same solution of using a WC/PGT/PCD for the Liberty Ticket.

It will be hard to do so because this Event hasn't come out yet in Japan. However, I have another idea in order to create this code, but it will take awhile.

The Marking EV Modifier is still glitchy and the Order is Hp/Atk/Def/Sp. Atk/Sp. Def/Speed. It has an annoying habit of overriding one or more of your excisting EV.

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What's the Game Code and Game ID for Black and White? I'm trying to add codes to my AR Code Manager.

Edit: Would these codes work with the English Patch V2? I'm trying to add them using my Acekard2i and won't recognize them. I've already add the codes to my clean Black version and they work fine.

I'm sorry, Im kinda new here, and just saw your post, I play a rom and its all in Japanese? Are you telling me their is a patch to convert BW roms into English or are you talking about Action Replay?

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Riolu, see if you can do anything with this: WC

I'm sorry, Im kinda new here, and just saw your post, I play a rom and its all in Japanese? Are you telling me their is a patch to convert BW roms into English or are you talking about Action Replay?

There is indeed a language patch on this forum. It's in the ROM subforum. go check it out.

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Alright, guys, I have a bit of a problem. I'm playing Pokemon Black on my Acekard 2i, and so far, all AR codes have been working fine on it (EXP multiplier, event Celebi, walk through walls, wild Pokemon modifier, and quite a few others have worked with no problem). I tried to use the Shiny code for it a few days ago, but it won't work. I tried everything, but no wild Pokemon are shiny with the code. Do I have to hit a certain combination of buttons in order to activate the code? (such as hold L when encountering a Pokemon.) Or does it just not work with the Acekard 2i?

Oh, and this is the code I am using-

Shiny Pokemon (Black)

521A8764 21012006

E2002200 00000028

4C08B57E 88248865

08ED4065 F1A7B40F

1C06FDD7 40410401

428D0CC9 D1F5BC0F

BD7E1C30 0224F79C

021A9764 FD4CF658

D0000000 00000000

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does anyone have or know of the pokemon move modifier? thats the main codes i need

This site has a lot, if not most of the Pokemon Black & White codes.


Thank you everybody who put forth effort into create these codes!

If you want to modify a pokemon's moves, you can use PokeSav.

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I'm going to assume you're using the default configuration for DeSmuME.

After you save, you can either use the ".dsv" file that is your gamesave or you can export the raw ".sav" file (In DeSmuME, File>Export Backup Memory).

I've tested both, and it seems to work just fine either way. Just make sure you keep a backup copy, just in case something goes wrong.

You can download the newest version of the English translated Pokesav B&W from jsparrow's post:


All you have to do is open the .dsv/.sav file in Pokesav, edit anything, then save.

Just make sure you have the save's file name the same as the rom's file name, otherwise your game wont read that there's a gamesave.

Now I have a question about DeSmuME: Can I access the Dream World in DeSmuME? If so, how? (It requires a wifi connection, right?)

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i use the alternate code [ L+R ]

xxx=number of pokemon

yy= level

94000130 FCFF0000

0224FE90 00000xxx

0224FE92 000000yy

D9000000 0224FE90

D3000000 00000000

C0000000 0000000A

D6000000 0224FE90

D2000000 00000000

0001 Bulbasaur

0002 Ivysaur

0003 Venusaur

0004 Charmander

0005 Charmeleon

0006 Charizard

0007 Squirtle

0008 Wartortle

0009 Blastoise

000A Caterpie

000B Metapod

000C Butterfree

000D Weedle

000E Kakuna

000F Beedrill

0010 Pidgey

0011 Pidgeotto

0012 Pidgeot

0013 Rattata

0014 Raticate

0015 Spearow

0016 Fearow

0017 Ekans

0018 Arbok

0019 Pikachu

001A Raichu

001B Sandshrew

001C Sandslash

001D Nidoran-F

001E Nidorina

001F Nidoqueen

0020 Nidoran-M

0021 Nidorino

0022 Nidoking

0023 Clefairy

0024 Clefable

0025 Vulpix

0026 Ninetales

0027 Jigglypuff

0028 Wigglytuff

0029 Zubat

002A Golbat

002B Oddish

002C Gloom

002D Vileplume

002E Paras

002F Parasect

0030 Venonat

0031 Venomoth

0032 Diglett

0033 Dugtrio

0034 Meowth

0035 Persian

0036 Psyduck

0037 Golduck

0038 Mankey

0039 Primeape

003A Growlithe

003B Arcanine

003C Poliwag

003D Poliwhirl

003E Poliwrath

003F Abra

0040 Kadabra

0041 Alakazam

0042 Machop

0043 Machoke

0044 Machamp

0045 Bellsprout

0046 Weepinbell

0047 Victreebel

0048 Tentacool

0049 Tentacruel

004A Geodude

004B Graveler

004C Golem

004D Ponyta

004E Rapidash

004F Slowpoke

0050 Slowbro

0051 Magnemite

0052 Magneton

0053 Farfetch'd

0054 Doduo

0055 Dodrio

0056 Seel

0057 Dewgong

0058 Grimer

0059 Muk

005A Shellder

005B Cloyster

005C Gastly

005D Haunter

005E Gengar

005F Onix

0060 Drowzee

0061 Hypno

0062 Krabby

0063 Kingler

0064 Voltorb

0065 Electrode

0066 Exeggcute

0067 Exeggutor

0068 Cubone

0069 Marowak

006A Hitmonlee

006B Hitmonchan

006C Lickitung

006D Koffing

006E Weezing

006F Rhyhorn

0070 Rhydon

0071 Chansey

0072 Tangela

0073 Kangaskhan

0074 Horsea

0075 Seadra

0076 Goldeen

0077 Seaking

0078 Staryu

0079 Starmie

007A Mr.Mime

007B Scyther

007C Jynx

007D Electabuzz

007E Magmar

007F Pinsir

0080 Tauros

0081 Magikarp

0082 Gyarados

0083 Lapras

0084 Ditto

0085 Eevee

0086 Vaporeon

0087 Jolteon

0088 Flareon

0089 Porygon

008A Omanyte

008B Omastar

008C Kabuto

008D Kabutops

008E Aerodactyl

008F Snorlax

0090 Articuno

0091 Zapdos

0092 Moltres

0093 Dratini

0094 Dragonair

0095 Dragonite

0096 Mewtwo

0097 Mew

0098 Chikorita

0099 Bayleef

009A Meganium

009B Cyndaquil

009C Quilava

009D Typhlosion

009E Totodile

009F Croconaw

00A0 Feraligatr

00A1 Sentret

00A2 Furret

00A3 Hoothoot

00A4 Noctowl

00A5 Ledyba

00A6 Ledian

00A7 Spinarak

00A8 Ariados

00A9 Crobat

00AA Chinchou

00AB Lanturn

00AC Pichu

00AD Cleffa

00AE Igglybuff

00AF Togepi

00B0 Togetic

00B1 Natu

00B2 Xatu

00B3 Mareep

00B4 Flaaffy

00B5 Ampharos

00B6 Bellossom

00B7 Marill

00B8 Azumarill

00B9 Sudowoodo

00BA Politoed

00BB Hoppip

00BC Skiploom

00BD Jumpluff

00BE Aipom

00BF Sunkern

00C0 Sunflora

00C1 Yanma

00C2 Wooper

00C3 Quagsire

00C4 Espeon

00C5 Umbreon

00C6 Murkrow

00C7 Slowking

00C8 Misdreavus

00C9 Unown

00CA Wobbuffet

00CB Girafarig

00CC Pineco

00CD Forretress

00CE Dunsparce

00CF Gligar

00D0 Steelix

00D1 Snubbull

00D2 Granbull

00D3 Qwilfish

00D4 Scizor

00D5 Shuckle

00D6 Heracross

00D7 Sneasel

00D8 Teddiursa

00D9 Ursaring

00DA Slugma

00DB Magcargo

00DC Swinub

00DD Piloswine

00DE Corsola

00DF Remoraid

00E0 Octillery

00E1 Delibird

00E2 Mantine

00E3 Skarmory

00E4 Houndour

00E5 Houndoom

00E6 Kingdra

00E7 Phanpy

00E8 Donphan

00E9 Porygon 2

00EA Stantler

00EB Smeargle

00EC Tyrogue

00ED Hitmontop

00EE Smoochum

00EF Elekid

00F0 Magby

00F1 Miltank

00F2 Blissey

00F3 Raikou

00F4 Entei

00F5 Suicune

00F6 Larvitar

00F7 Pupitar

00F8 Tyranitar

00F9 Lugia

00FA Ho-oh

00FB Celebi

00FC Treecko

00FD Grovyle

00FE Sceptile

00FF Torchic

0100 Combusken

0101 Blaziken

0102 Mudkip

0103 Marshtomp

0104 Swampert

0105 Poochyena

0106 Mightyena

0107 Zigzagoon

0108 Linoone

0109 Wurmple

010A Silcoon

010B Beautifly

010C Cascoon

010D Dustox

010E Lotad

010F Lombre

0110 Ludicolo

0111 Seedot

0112 Nuzleaf

0113 Shiftry

0114 Taillow

0115 Swellow

0116 Wingull

0117 Pelipper

0118 Ralts

0119 Kirlia

011A Gardevoir

011B Surskit

011C Masquerain

011D Shroomish

011E Breloom

011F Slakoth

0120 Vigoroth

0121 Slaking

0122 Nincada

0123 Ninjask

0124 Shedinja

0125 Whismur

0126 Loudred

0127 Exploud

0128 Makuhita

0129 Hariyama

012A Azurill

012B Nosepass

012C Skitty

012D Delcatty

012E Sableye

012F Mawile

0130 Aron

0131 Lairon

0132 Aggron

0133 Meditite

0134 Medicham

0135 Electrike

0136 Manectric

0137 Plusle

0138 Minun

0139 Volbeat

013A Illumise

013B Roselia

013C Gulpin

013D Swalot

013E Carvanha

013F Sharpedo

0140 Wailmer

0141 Wailord

0142 Numel

0143 Camerupt

0144 Torkoal

0145 Spoink

0146 Grumpig

0147 Spinda

0148 Trapinch

0149 Vibrava

014A Flygon

014B Cacnea

014C Cacturne

014D Swablu

014E Altaria

014F Zangoose

0150 Seviper

0151 Lunatone

0152 Solrock

0153 Barboach

0154 Whiscash

0155 Corphish

0156 Crawdaunt

0157 Baltoy

0158 Claydol

0159 Lileep

015A Cradily

015B Anorith

015C Armaldo

015D Feebas

015E Milotic

015F Castform

0160 Kecleon

0161 Shuppet

0162 Banette

0163 Duskull

0164 Dusclops

0165 Tropius

0166 Chimecho

0167 Absol

0168 Wynaut

0169 Snorunt

016A Glalie

016B Spheal

016C Sealeo

016D Walrein

016E Clamperl

016F Huntail

0170 Gorebyss

0171 Relicanth

0172 Luvdisc

0173 Bagon

0174 Shellgon

0175 Salamence

0176 Beldum

0177 Metang

0178 Metagross

0179 Regirock

017A Regice

017B Registeel

017C Latias

017D Latios

017E Kyogre

017F Groudon

0180 Rayquaza

0181 Jirachi

0182 Deoxys

0183 Turtwig

0184 Grotle

0185 Torterra

0186 Chimchar

0187 Monferno

0188 Infernape

0189 Piplup

018A Prinplup

018B Empoleon

018C Starly

018D Staravia

018E Staraptor

018F Bidoof

0190 Bibarel

0191 Kricketot

0192 Kricketune

0193 Shinx

0194 Luxio

0195 Luxray

0196 Budew

0197 Roserade

0198 Cranidos

0199 Rampardos

019A Shieldon

019B Bastiodon

019C Burmy

019D Wormadam

019E Mothim

019F Combee

01A0 Vespiquen

01A1 Pachirisu

01A2 Buizel

01A3 Floatzel

01A4 Cherubi

01A5 Cherrim

01A6 Shellos

01A7 Gastrodon

01A8 Ambipom

01A9 Drifloon

01AA Drifblim

01AB Buneary

01AC Lopunny

01AD Mismagius

01AE Honchkrow

01AF Glameow

01B0 Purugly

01B1 Chingling

01B2 Stunky

01B3 Skuntank

01B4 Bronzor

01B5 Bronzong

01B6 Bonsly

01B7 Mime Jr.

01B8 Happiny

01B9 Chatot

01BA Spiritomb

01BB Gible

01BC Gabite

01BD Garchomp

01BE Munchlax

01BF Riolu

01C0 Lucario

01C1 Hippopotas

01C2 Hippowdon

01C3 Skorupi

01C4 Drapion

01C5 Croagunk

01C6 Toxicroak

01C7 Carnivine

01C8 Finneon

01C9 Lumineon

01CA Mantyke

01CB Snover

01CC Abomasnow

01CD Weavile

01CE Magnezone

01CF Lickilicky

01D0 Rhyperior

01D1 Tangrowth

01D2 Electivire

01D3 Magmortar

01D4 Togekiss

01D5 Yanmega

01D6 Leafeon

01D7 Glaceon

01D8 Gliscor

01D9 Mamoswine

01DA Porygon-Z

01DB Gallade

01DC Probopass

01DD Dusknoir

01DE Froslass

01DF Rotom

01E0 Uxie

01E1 Mesprit

01E2 Azelf

01E3 Dialga

01E4 Palkia

01E5 Heatran

01E6 Regigigas

01E7 Giratina

01E8 Cresselia

01E9 Phione

01EA Manaphy

01EB Darkrai

01EC Shaymin

01ED Arceus

01EE Victini -494

01EF Tsutarja 495

01F0 Janoby 496

01F1 Jaroda 497

01F2 Pokabu 498

01F3 Chaobu 499

01F4 Enbuoh 500

01F5 Mijumaru 501

01F6 Futachimaru 502

01F7 Daikenki

01F8 Minezumi

01F9 Miruhoggu

01FA Yorterrie

01FB Haderia

01FC Murandoo

1FD Choroneko

1FE Leopardas

1FF Yanappu

200 Yanakki

201 Baoppu

202 Baokki

203 Hiyappu

204 Hiyakki

205 Munna

206 Musharna

207 Mamepato

208 Hatooboo

209 Kenhorou

20A Shimama

20B Zebraika

20C Dangoro

20D Gantoru

20E Gigaiasu

20F Koromori

210 Kokoromori

211 Mogurew

212 Doryuzu

213 Tabunne

214 Dokkora

215 Dotekkotsu

216 Roopushin

217 Otamaro

218 Gamagaru

219 Gamageroge

21A Nageki

21B Dageki

21C Kurumiru

21D Kurumayu

21E Hahakomori

21F Fushide

220 Hoiiga

221 Pendora

222 Monmen

223 Erufuun

224 Churine

225 Doredia

226 Basurao

227 Meguroko

228 Warubiru

229 Warubiaru

22A Darumakka

22B Hihidaruma

22C Marakacchi

22D Ishizumai

22E Iwaparesu

22F Zuruggu

230 Zuruzukin

231 Shinpora

232 Desumasu

233 Desukaan

234 Purotoga

235 Abagoora

236 Aaken

237 Akeosu

238 Yabukuron

239 Dasutodasu

23A Zorua

23B Zoroark

23C Chillarmy

23D Chillachino

23E Gochimu

23F Gochimiru

240 Gochiruzeru

241 Yuniran

242 Daburan

243 Rankurusu

244 Koaruhii

245 Swanna

246 Banipucchi

247 Baniricchi

248 Baibanira

249 Shikijika

24A Mebukijika

24B Emonga

24C Kapurumo

24D Shubarugo

24E Tamagetake

24F Morobareru

250 Pururiru

251 Burunkeru

252 Mamanbou

253 Bachuru

254 Dentula

255 Tesshido

256 Nattoorei

257 Giaru

258 Gigiaru

259 Gigigiaru

25A Shibishirasu

25B Shibibiru

25C Shibirudon

25D Riguree

25E Oobemu

25F Hitomoshi

260 Ranpuraa

261 Shanderaa

262 Kibago

263 Onondo

264 Ononokus

265 Kumashun

266 Tsunbear

267 Furijiio

268 Chobomaki

269 Agirudaa

26A Maggyo

26B Kojofu

26C Kojondo

26D Kurimugan

26E Gobitto

26F Goruggo

270 Komatana

271 Kirikizan

272 Buffalon

273 Washibon

274 Wargle

275 Baruchai

276 Barujiina

277 Kuitaran

278 Aianto

279 Monozu

27A Jiheddo

27B Sazando

27C Meraruba

27D Urugamoth

27E Kobaruon

27F Terakion

280 Birijion

281 Torunerosu

282 Borutorosu

283 Reshiram

284 Zekrom

285 Randorosu

286 Kyurem

287 Kerudio

288 Meroetta

289 Genosect

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Actually, there's something important about that. Apparently, there's a very specific hidden hex value that has to be marked in order for mons with DW abilities to pass down their ability through breeding (under the correct circumstances). If you just use the ability mod, that value isn't present and the mons cannot pass their unique ability down. I'll link to the evidence as soon as smogon lets me search the B/W Research thread again >_? Off to work now though.

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