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  Pokefan1 said:
I need help beeting gneihst on pokemon white. I've tried to beat him 3 times and i cant !!! :mad: Please help !?! :redface:

Use a level 100 Zekrom...

The point of this post is to give us more detail. What are you struggling with? One of his Pokemon? All his Pokemon? Are you under-leveled?

  • 5 weeks later...

I'm currently at the Chargestone Cave and I finally found N at the end of the cave but he is unresponsive. I talk to him but it doesn't trigger any battle or event. I am currently using a Pokemon Black Rom on a flashcart. I turned off all the cheats I had on before and I went to him, I battled all the trainers & received all the items that could be obtained. Please help! Would this interfere with my ongoing game play or could I just skip this and keep playing?

  • 3 weeks later...
  Nommer said:
where can i ev train my female lvl 1 timid zorua?

How do you want to ev train it?\

  jidragon said:
I'm currently at the Chargestone Cave and I finally found N at the end of the cave but he is unresponsive. I talk to him but it doesn't trigger any battle or event. I am currently using a Pokemon Black Rom on a flashcart. I turned off all the cheats I had on before and I went to him, I battled all the trainers & received all the items that could be obtained. Please help! Would this interfere with my ongoing game play or could I just skip this and keep playing?

You can only play roms when you have the legal game, otherwise it's illegal, and Project Pokémon doesn't support that.


Hello everyone,

I was very sure I already posted but then can't find my post anywhere...

Anyway, I am in desperate need of a Pokemon gen 5 that has or can learn the move Megahorn. I thought it would be easy to find someone to trade me a Bouffalant which can do this but it's harder than I thought! I can't yet trade outside 5gen so if anyone is up for trading over a Bouffalant (can be found wild at route 10) or another gen5 that knows the move Megahorn (only just for a bit so I can breed it is also fine) then I would highly appreciate it!

Thanks in advance!

  • 1 month later...

I'm breeding scrafty.My scrafty has mild nature. I'm breeding it with dragonite. But the scraggy keeps hatching with Mild nature and it's female too. I keep hatching and hatching but the same thing! Is my game glitched? If this is a new mechanic someone knows about, explain it to me! I'm hoping to get a jolly nature male!

  • 3 weeks later...


Just wondering if anybody could spare a vullaby or mandibuzz (don't care which) - i have a lvl 1 bagon with pokerus I just hatched and would be willing to trade or ask me for something else.

Friend Code - 4040 52930107

  abb7 said:
I'm breeding scrafty.My scrafty has mild nature. I'm breeding it with dragonite. But the scraggy keeps hatching with Mild nature and it's female too. I keep hatching and hatching but the same thing! Is my game glitched? If this is a new mechanic someone knows about, explain it to me! I'm hoping to get a jolly nature male!

Is your Scrafty holding an Everstone by any chance? It gives a 50% chance for the mother to pass its nature to its offspring. That's probably not the case, or you're just unlucky. How many baby Scraggys have you got so far?

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

If there is already something like this, please delete/lock this thread.

For those of you that don't know, Zorua is a relatively good Dark pokemon that is infamous for requiring an G4 event pokemon to get.

Unfortunately I missed that event.

I searched the web and found some sort of GTS glitch that didn't work, so now I'm posting here.

I am in need of a Zorua, and hopefully someone has one. I can trade a Sawk, Maractus, or Sigilyph. I believe they are relatively rare. None of them are past lvl. 20 or so.

If you want another pokemon, ask, but I haven't gotten very far yet, so no telling if I'll have it.

Edit: Currently undergoing trade.

Edited by Nintz
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry if this has been posted before, but I am trying to transfer pokes between my pearl game and my white game, I have done this before with no issues, but it's been awhile, but I tried to transfer last night and got the message that my pearl game was not compatible, why am I receiving this message? I also tried switching games and got same message, any help much appreciated!!

  • 2 months later...

Wanting to trade a lv 40 regice for a non-ev trained regirock/registeel. plz b legit thx

My regice is legit (sassy nature)

looking for an adamant/bold regirock

registeel can be any nature that minus speed

just comment below and we can trade :)

  • 4 weeks later...

I have a question: The calculation to determine whether an attack hits factors in both accuracy and evasion, so would using an accuracy-boosting move/ability/item counter Double Team/Minimize?

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 years later...

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