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All 806 Legal and Shiny Pokemon February 19th, 2025 (FFFF)

   (42 reviews)

7 Screenshots

About This File

All of the 920+ Pokemon in this save file are legal and will through Bank and HOME. Every pokemon that can legally be obtained as a shiny has its shiny form in the save file, the other pokemon are there in non-shiny form. 90% of the Pokemon in this save file were hatched/captured in USUM meaning that they can be used on battlespot.

The first evolutions of almost all of the Pokemon will be level 1; the middle evolutions are often level 70. A majority of the final stage evolution pokemon are a smogon set.

I hope this save helps some people out there. All of the complete 806 pokemon sets I could find online were either completely riddled with illegal pokemon, or all of the pokemon only knew 1 move; that is not the case with this save file.

Enjoy :) !

Youtube Video showcasing the savefile:


What's New in Version February 19th, 2025 (FFFF)   See changelog


Fixed an illegal Pichu in the Event Box (Thank you to Anubis and Atrius for discovery!)

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angelus kun


I see thank you so much :)



Can I use this savefile for online purposes? 



  On 6/13/2019 at 10:09 PM, noood said:

Can I use this savefile for online purposes? 


Provided you change the Save's Trainer Name, Trainer ID combo, Game Sync ID, it should be fine.

As always, use at your own risk. <- (I'm saying this because I think many people have the same idea as you. While they don't seem to compare saves between users presently, who knows what the future holds)



Which of these pokemon were from events? I'm asking because I want to change the OT name and the IDs, except for the ones that came with a custom trainer name and IDs at events.



  On 6/16/2019 at 9:54 AM, Araraura said:

Which of these pokemon were from events? I'm asking because I want to change the OT name and the IDs, except for the ones that came with a custom trainer name and IDs at events.


For Pokémon captured in Gen 4 and onwards, you can use this code in Batch editor:




Every event Pokémon Gen 3 Mew & Gen 3 Deoxys & Gen 4 and onwards (including VC transfers) must have the FateFul Encounter Flag, and this codes removes mons that doesn't have.
This way it'll be easier to see which are event mons. (Exception is Wild Event Darkrai)

As for Gen 3 event mons, you gotta go through the box to check.
Presumably I'll check known species, OTs and TID as potential candidates.
(However I think that Gen 3 non-island Mew/Deoxys events being added are pretty unlikely, as most were shiny locked)



  On 6/16/2019 at 9:54 AM, Araraura said:

Which of these pokemon were from events? I'm asking because I want to change the OT name and the IDs, except for the ones that came with a custom trainer name and IDs at events.

  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

hey just noticed some missing pokemon

alolan ratata

alolan geodude

alolan graveller

alolan diglet

alolan meowth


Edited by kerpgap
Cryptic Soldier


I also can confirm that the following Alolan Pokemon are missing:

  • Ratatta
  • Geodude
  • Gravelier
  • Diglet
  • Meowth

While they're not missing, if you know what you're doing with PKHex, you can literally copy their final evolved forms, change the pokemon to the previous evolution stage, and set them in an empty box. Remember to cycle your PID, and Encryption Constant and enable shiny. At least that's what I did.




i am clicking on download but it doesnt download


@Devastator432209 could be your browser. Hover over the button, and Right Click > Save target as... (or whatever the equivalent is for your browser)

Also, learn that "reviews" are not comments. Reviews are not the place to ask for help. It's for.. reviews.



hey got a question, if i wanted to use this save file but for the start of the game , no trials completed etc (right from the start) do i start a new game, export that file and then dump all the pokemon into it, is that the way to go?



  On 8/16/2019 at 9:35 PM, kerpgap said:

hey got a question, if i wanted to use this save file but for the start of the game , no trials completed etc (right from the start) do i start a new game, export that file and then dump all the pokemon into it, is that the way to go?


1. Start a new game
2. Export the new file.
3. Dump all Pokémon from this file into a folder
4. Import all Pokémon from the folder into new file.



  On 8/16/2019 at 9:35 PM, kerpgap said:

hey got a question, if i wanted to use this save file but for the start of the game , no trials completed etc (right from the start) do i start a new game, export that file and then dump all the pokemon into it, is that the way to go?


i did that but the moment i went to the pokemon centre to see if all the pokemon are in there when i clicked on the computer the game just froze lol, not a big deal i guess i probably did something wrong, also people say these saves are interchangeable with regular sun, so do i just remove the zeraora and new ultra beast pokemon or something? 



  On 8/16/2019 at 11:46 PM, kerpgap said:

i did that but the moment i went to the pokemon centre to see if all the pokemon are in there when i clicked on the computer the game just froze lol, not a big deal i guess i probably did something wrong, also people say these saves are interchangeable with regular sun, so do i just remove the zeraora and new ultra beast pokemon or something? 


Okay, try reaching the Pokémon center, access the PC/boxes, THEN do the mons import, and see if that helps.


I wouldn’t try to use a USUM save on SM. Different story flags and stuff..

testing this


Hey I was wondering if this works on Pokemon Shield and if not you should add it. Also does it it include all 6 different forms of Rowlet (my FAVORITE starter) evolution and shiny.



it is possible the Primal/Mega Legendary could be legal?
Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza



  On 2/12/2020 at 1:49 AM, GravityCode said:

it is possible the Primal/Mega Legendary could be legal?
Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza


Primal and Megas are in-battle forms only. So if you have them outside of battle, it's not legal.



Am I able to use this save file on my CFW 3DS to transfer a few Pokemon from this save file to my own cartridge and from there to Pokemon Bank and from Bank to Pokemon Home without any issues in terms of banning or legality with the mons found in this save file? If there is no issues am I able to trade/battle within Sword and Shield or on Home? 



  On 2/14/2020 at 3:59 PM, AppleGeek said:

Am I able to use this save file on my CFW 3DS to transfer a few Pokemon from this save file to my own cartridge and from there to Pokemon Bank and from Bank to Pokemon Home without any issues in terms of banning or legality with the mons found in this save file? If there is no issues am I able to trade/battle within Sword and Shield or on Home? 





@RubyMilo87 if you have an issue, please leave a comment, not a review. 

Can you show us the screenshot of the folder that you import back into the game?



@theSLAYER First I open up my SD card and go to SDHC (E:)/JKSV/Saves/Pokemon Ultra Moon/main, then I take the "GRIDELIN053119" file and put it into the "main" folder. I then take my sd card out of the computer and put it back into my 3DS, I open up JKSM, I go to titles/Pokemon Ultra Moon/Save Data, and then I click the "Y" button to restore "main." I leave JKSM and open up UM and it results in the corrupted message.


  Reveal hidden contents




  On 2/14/2020 at 11:07 PM, RubyMilo87 said:

@theSLAYER First I open up my SD card and go to SDHC (E:)/JKSV/Saves/Pokemon Ultra Moon/main, then I take the "GRIDELIN053119" file and put it into the "main" folder. I then take my sd card out of the computer and put it back into my 3DS, I open up JKSM, I go to titles/Pokemon Ultra Moon/Save Data, and then I click the "Y" button to restore "main." I leave JKSM and open up UM and it results in the corrupted message.


  Reveal hidden contents



I'm confused, it shows "main" as a folder. Why is "main" a folder?

simply rename the gridline053119 as main. That's where you went wrong.



@theSLAYER Huh strange, I don't remember doing that lol, thank you I'll go try it out.



  On 2/14/2020 at 11:27 PM, RubyMilo87 said:

@theSLAYER Huh strange, I don't remember doing that lol, thank you I'll go try it out.


you literally said you

  On 2/14/2020 at 11:07 PM, RubyMilo87 said:

take the "GRIDELIN053119" file and put it into the "main" folder


that's the issue. It's not supposed to be a "main" folder. It's supposed to be a "main" file.

If you look at your other Pokemon saves from gen 6 or 7, it's not a "main" folder but a "main" file. 😛



  On 2/14/2020 at 11:28 PM, theSLAYER said:

you literally said you

that's the issue. It's not supposed to be a "main" folder. It's supposed to be a "main" file.

If you look at your other Pokemon saves from gen 6 or 7, it's not a "main" folder but a "main" file. 😛


Sorry I have another question, am I able to transfer some of these Pokemon to Pokemon Bank and then Transfer them to Pokemon Home?



  On 2/14/2020 at 11:38 PM, RubyMilo87 said:

Sorry I have another question, am I able to transfer some of these Pokemon to Pokemon Bank and then Transfer them to Pokemon Home?


sure, why not. It's not like HOME can tell whether it's genned in PKHeX or caught in-game, as long as the details are legal.
They'll look exactly the same as data..

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