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  4. Oh, I understand u.u Do you know any program with which I can do something like that?
  5. No, this program does not support adding NPC, nor does it support editing scripts.
  6. Hello! I have a question. With PK3DS can I insert an NPC that gives Rare Candy to the player, or have them already appear in the backpack/PC by default? this in Pokemon Omega Ruby
  7. It's nonsense randomness. Open a valid save file in a hex editor and scroll through it, and do the same for yours. Even without knowing what it should be, you'll be able to tell that the data is not what it should be.
  8. Not documented; not really worth when you'll unlock them all by just playing the game.
  9. Hello! Sorry if this was covered in other threads, I was trying to google search the forums before posting directly. I’m trying to use the Edit Block Data to unlock fly locations, and I was wondering if we ever figured out which one related to Fly Taxis. I found some old posts where we were just fleshing out encounters and such, and was wondering if we did research after this point. Thank you either way for your time!
  10. Hello people, I'm an occasional player that likes to have fun while not having to expend too much time training Pokemons. With that in mind, and not having access to a Windows machine, I started this little project that allows one to edit pokemon save files through a command line interface that will work in any platform (Mac OS, Linux or Windows) It heavily relies on PKHeX.Core, so all the kudos go to the maintainers of the library. In case you see a fit for usage, it's quite simple to use: Download the artifact related to your platform (Windows, Mac OS ARM or Linux) Unzip it somewhere Open the terminal where the unzipped files are Execute it with: pkhex-cli /path/save.bin If you're also a developer and wants to contribute, the repository is: https://github.com/arleypadua/PKHeX.CLI Just fork it and send me a PR. The project is in it's early stages, so the only thing possible right now is to see the information of the trainer and edit existing items in the bag, but serves the purpose for an MVP
  11. By the way, I tried copping the missing lines to the save, but it didn't opened in PkHex, (Idk if I did it correctly btw). I saw that some saves transfered by FTP got some kind of issue, and people solved it by transferring directly from the SD card, so I'm hopeful that this could be an issue.
  12. Yeah, I compared it to others saves provided in this forum, and it was missing the lines beyond 743A0, I don't understand nothing about hex editors but I'm watching some tutorials, the thing that called my attention was that every line is written with some code, different than the other saves, where there's lots of lines with only 00 and nothing written on them, why is the archive junk? Is it really bad? Sorry for the long text, and thank you for dedicating your time to help me with it!
  13. Open it in a hex editor and compare it to other saves. What you uploaded is entirely junk and nothing can be recovered.
  14. Hey @Kaphotics, how did you found the missing block for the save? I have a childhood save from my oras that is corrupted because I took the cartrige off while the game was saving ( Dumb Kid), so, now I'm trying to restore it, and I can't open it with PkHex, could you help me with it? Here's my backup from JKSV! main
  15. Last week
  16. Don’t edit any of the data if you want to be able to use them in conjunction with HOME
  17. Thanks to everyone for your feedback! I can add drag and drop to move Pokémon around in boxes / the party within one game (I was already planning this), but I don't know if or how I can support transferring between games yet. Will have to think about that one. I've added this to the 'Issues' section in the repo. It will get attention when I have time. There is not yet a way to do this in the web app. I've added this to the 'Issues' section in the repo. It will get attention when I have time.
  18. Hey, Someone have legal Celebi, Deoxys, Manaphy and Phione files for my BD save ?
  19. Does anyone have a homebrewed Switch that's willing to help me? Plss
  20. In 2024 there should be some way to achieve this. It's my favorite saga. Cheer up!!
  21. Hello there! Such a great work for mobile user like me! I really appeciate it. Got 1 question, Is there anyway to edit my pokemon status to FATEFUL ENCOUNTER in pkmds? I don’t see any options or checkbox whatsoever. Can you tell me how can I flag FATEFUL ENCOUNTER? or is it just impossible for web version?
  22. Yeah, for some reason the Epilogue Playback program could dump the ROM and save, and even flash another ROM to the repro, but it could not flash a save, for whatever reason. And my Epilogue GB Operator isn't compatible with FlashGBX, so. I ended up just having to restart my game, since I deleted my save data on the cartridge to troubleshoot some things. oh well, thanks for your help anyway
  23. 스위치 사용자 정의 버전이 있어야 합니다? pknx로 ROM을 수정할 수 있습니까??
  24. I am a Korean elementary school student. First of all, I am so sorry for my poor English. The purpose of the post may be wrong... I like Dialga, but even though I tried using a program called projact sky to increase Dialga's individual value, the individual value does not change. Please help me... I want to make Dialga the strongest..
  25. Hi, This is a save file request for Fire Red and Emerald, but would appreciate any or all GBC/GBA Pokemon games with this type of save file. I would like to request a save file (.sav) that has a completed Pokedex and Strong Level 100 Pokemon at the beginning of the game with none or at least most of the story (badges, etc.) not completed yet. Basically to play the game(s) on easy mode. Any save files would be massively appreciated! Thank you.
  26. This is a feature, not a bug. Also, Gen 1/2 have no personality value, so please don't report issues that don't actually exist for a given generation. This only happens for Pokémon generated in Gen 3 and 4.
  27. Probably not restoring it to your cartridge correctly. Save data doesn't magically revert, it only stores what it has available, and RBY have no backup save file functionality, so any changes visible in PKHeX should be visible once correctly restored.
  28. Hello! So, last night I was playing some Pokemon Green (I'll... get into that more later on in the post), and I named my trainer something stupid when I made the save file, lets say I named myself 'Zombo', but I've really grown to love the team I have currently and don't want to start over from scratch. So, I rip my Pokemon Green save file from my cartridge and load it up in PKHeX, I change my name to, lets say 'Zetta', in the SAV field, and also go through all my Pokemon and change their OT to my desired new name, so they don't get an exp bonus. However, when I exported the save, and uploaded it back to my cartridge, my name was still what it was before! On the "Continue" window when you first bootup the game, on my start menu, my trainer card, and even on my Pokemons OT! Now, the biggest reason I can think of as to why it isn't working is because. I'm playing on a repro cart of Pokemon Green, which is just the Red/Blue translation, with the sprites from Pokemon Green. It is not official at all, and I was scared that the save wouldn't even be compatible in PKHeX in the first place, but... it was? If PKHeX can read this repro carts save file, id figure it should be able to make changes to it too, but I could be wrong. I'm at work at the moment, and did all of this last night, so I cannot send the save file in question, but does anyone have any idea why this isn't working? When I reload the save file into PKHeX, it sees all of my changes, only when uploading that save file back to the cartridge does it not recognize them! Are there perhaps additional steps I need to do to achieve changing my name, or have I done everything right? Thank you all for your time!
    I wanted to ask you, can you evolve before the post game? Like, during the main story? thanks
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