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Version 1.3.1
This is a rom hack of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky that adds in all starter Pokémon from across gens 5-9! On top of just adding the standard starters, Zorua, Axew and Rockruff have also been made starters, Eevee can evolve into Sylveon, and all partner pokémon across all rescue team and explorers games are available. New portraits and animations have been added to existing starters. Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak and Hisuian Typhlosion have also been added as branch evolutions for their respective base starters (as of v1.3.0). Implements the fairy type, updating all fairy pokemon and moves to have the correct typing. Milk Drink has been replaced with Disarming Voice, and the placeholder move data for Judgement has been replaced by Moonblast. Due to limitations to the amount of partners in the game, the mod has been split into two separate patches, MIDDAY version and MIDNIGHT version. Both have the same hero options, but MIDDAY includes all fire, grass and water starters for gens 1-7 as partners, whereas MIDNIGHT version includes all other new partners added by this mod, as well as all other partners from rescue team and explorers (pikachu, eevee, machop, riolu, etc). Check the document included in the zip file for specifics and use whichever patch aligns your dream team best. Applies several quality of life patches that come bundled with skytemple - such as confirming your hero choice after the quiz, exp share, move shortcuts, mass-appraisal of boxes and fairy gummies. A full list with credits can be found in the document included in the zip file. A copy of XDeltaUI has been included in the zip file for ease of patching. Instructions for patching the game can be found in the document included in the zip file. XDeltaUI might not work if you're on a mac - if not, I've been told this tool works instead: UniPatcher works well for Android devices. This is purely a starter modification hack - there are no story changes. Learnsets, IQ Groups and evolution info can be found in this spreadsheet: Updates! NEW 23/05/24: A lot of you reported issues with Grovyle's sprite not behaving as intended. This has now been fixed. A bug causing the game to occasionally freeze when advancing floors should also now be resolved. NEW 10/03/24: Axew and Grookey added as starters, replacing Shinx and Riolu respectively. Shinx and Riolu are still available as partners in MIDNIGHT, to use them as heroes use version 1.2.1 or below. Additional portraits/sprites have been added for evolutions of all playable heros/partners where applicable, and sleep animation has been copied over to EventSleep where missing. Greninja's moveset has been updated and Sobble's full evolution line is now implemented. Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak and Hisuian Typhlosion are now available for evolution (see ingame evolution help via new cyndaquil NPC on the crossroads, alongside sprite/portrait/patch credits, or check learnset spreadsheet linked above. 15/06/23: The evolution flag for Litten and Froakie was erroneously still set to false in the previous update, but this is fixed as of 1.2.1, so be sure to update if you have either of those two. Despite doubts expressed in the changelog I can now confirm the update DOES work for existing save files! 08/06/23: Litten now evolves into Incineroar - and Froakie evolves into Greninja (mid-stages aren't available yet). Now includes a version compatible with Melon, RetroArch and DraStic emulators. Fairy gummis can now be bought or received as mission rewards, and existing pokémon that learn moonblast and disarming voice in sun and moon now learn it here. (Accidentally said Dazzling Gleam in the txt and changelog, but this is what I meant!). Several other bugfixes and improvements included - check the changelog for details! 17/05/23 Sobble is now available as a starter! This means Skitty had to be removed as a hero unfortunately (but is still a partner) - if you'd like Skitty as a hero, be sure to download version 1.0.0 of this mod instead of the latest version. Sobble is also now available as a partner in MIDNIGHT version. For full list of heroes and partners, check the last two preview images for this hack. Updated the rescue team partners (Cubone, Psyduck, Machop) to use additional sprites and portraits created for the PMD Sprite Repository. Splashscreen credits for the artists have been swapped over to the title screen for readability and visibility. Disclaimers: All portraits and sprites are the work of artists contributing to the pmd sprite repository (Spreadsheet of individual credits with links when provided is here). Because work on the repository is ongoing, evolutions for Chespin, Fuecoco, Spritgatito and Quaxly are unimplented as of now, as are Torracat and Frogadier. Certain portraits may not show up in-game for the same reason. A set of exclusive items have been added and set across all new pokémon (Enigma bow, brooch and scarf, and ultima prism) - but I've not yet figured out how to modify the functionality of these yet so they're likely pretty useless as of now. Due to the size of the expanded starter list, all starters are sadly gender-locked. Check the document to verify what gender to select in the quiz in order to get your preferred hero. I've not ran into any issues so far with this, but feel free to message me here if you notice anything. I'm also contactable on tumblr (pyromaniac-cynadquil) and bluesky( I'm currently looking into a potential version 2.0.0 featuring a third version with extra new starters as well as an overhaul to stats and patches used, but this is up in the air right now. Sprite and portrait credits (Detailed fully here): Chunsoft, gromchurch, Emmuffin, puropoly, 0palite, thechargingrhino, Emboarger, Miju, Garbage, baronessfaron, Meganai, PhillipsYoung, felis_licht, Audino, JFain, ShyStarryRain, kitkarma, dmDash, Vynnyal, starwolff, NeonCityRain, lemongrass, NOLASMOR, C_Pariah, Caitemis, Deeshura, Noo, Luna-Alex, Murpi, Ginnie, XModxGodX, lovefulpup, Smalusion, MilesFarber, NeroIntruder, Blanca, Noivern, NikolaP, 3P1C, mucrush, ◥θ┴θ◤, TopKec, XxWindpawxX, FrivolousAqua, Pink_no_tori, Jhony-Rex, Reimu\_needs\_$$$, CamusZekeSirius, avalancheman, Fable, psittacidae13, Bwappi, TawnySoup -
Version 2.2.0
Randomizer for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. For Windows, macOS and Linux. This randomizer randomizes... - ... all NPCs on the overworld (with matching portraits and names; additional portraits are downloaded from the PMDCollab Sprite Repository) - ... all dungeon layouts (including tilesets, music, weather, darkness, traps, items, Pokémon spawns, etc.) - ... Pokémon moves, types, abilities - ... boss fights matching the NPCs and boss fight layouts - ... chapter names and location names. - ... if wanted: all text in the game. Pokémon level are randomized between -3/+3 of the minimum/maximum level that the Pokémon on that floor had in the original game. Additionally patches by End45 to improve gameplay are installed. All settings can be toggled off! Also contains additional optional patches, like the Complete Team Control Patch from Cipnit. Part of the SkyTemple project: Support Please join our Discord server for support: Install on Windows and Mac Download the Installer (exe Windows [we recommend the x64 Version if you have a 64bit Computer!], dmg Mac) and install it. After this run "SkyTemple Randomizer". Install on Linux The Linux version is available as a Flatpak at -
Hello everyone , I am working on a romhack of PMD Sky based on the 2021 rewrite of the "Explorers of Death" Creepypasta. The following screenshots are from what I have so far. Here is also a short video showcasing the hack: And here is a download link for the cutscene demo: (please note that features which require ASM hacking have not been implemented yet)
Long time no see, My save file for Explorers of Time got corrupted, and as a result, I lost EVERYTHING. I do not want to start all over again, so I was seeking saves files for Time/Darkness with a specific thing; the original player's gender must be Female while the Partner's must be Male. Any Pokemon would do the thing,, the save DOES NOT have to be post-game, just after the Team Skull chapter (if possible) but the only saves I could find were only with males... Is there a way to Hex-edit that, so that my Main Pokemon is identified as a female? I tried a Java editor as well as another one (forgot the name), but they are only for Explorers of Sky... I dunno what to do. There's a link to a save file editor (SkyEditor Build 35), but the website's down, so I can't download it to see if it would be possible to edit that. Does anyone have offsets for Time/Darkness so I could Hex-edit a random save?
Version 1.8.4
SkyTemple: The Explorers of Sky ROM editor for maps, backgrounds and scripts, including an interactive debugger for the game's script engine. This is a very early pre-release of SkyTemple, please expect many bugs and make backups of your ROMs! Windows version Is attached here, just click "Download" on the right! You may need to install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (2022) for your platform, otherwise the debugger and emulator will not work correctly: Mac version Is also attached, the minimum supported macOS version is macOS 11 Linux version The Linux version is available as a Flatpak at Support For information and support: Github: Known issues: -
Project website: Hi! A few months ago I wondered if there are any tools to make custom PMD2 ROM Hacks. I found out that much work on the games had been done, but there wasn't really any user friendly GUI editor to make custom ROM hacks. So I decided, I'd give it a shot and try to make my own. This tool can edit both the ROMs of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky EU / NA. Now, before I begin, I want to stress that NONE of this would have been even remotely possible without people like @psy_commando, @Nerketur, @evandixon, @MegaMinerd or any of the other PMD ROM hackers. I'm not somebody who's good at reverse engineering ROMs or actually finding out how stuff works. They did all the hard work (especially Psy!) and they deserve all the credit for it! All I did was filling some gaps and building this editor, that I'll now present to you...: Features Map Background Editor Let's you view and edit the backgrounds of the map. Supports importing map backgrounds from image files. The collision of the map can also be changed. Scene Editor Let's you edit the position of Pokémon and Objects on the overworld maps and change how cutscenes are built. Script Editor / Debugger Let's you edit the script files of the game and debug them in realtime. > Script Editing You can edit all scripts in the game with features like auto-completion and calltips. > Debugging You can set breakpoints and let the game halt at different parts of the code. > Debug Overlay A debug overlay shows you where objects, triggers and Pokémon are rendered and what their hitboxes are > Game State View the current state of the Ground Engine, the game's script engine: What scripts and scenes are currently loaded and which actors and objects are placed on the map? > Variables View and modify the current game variables in real time. > ExplorerScript ExplorerScript is a new high level language that the scripts in SkyTemple are written in. It is compiled to the binary code (SSB) that the game uses. Dungeon Editor Edit and create your own dungeons and customize the spawns for each floor. Dungeon Tileset Editor Edit the graphics of dungeon tilesets. Fixed Room / Boss Fight Editor Edit treasure rooms and boss fights, create entirely new bosses and assign them to dungeons however you like. Ground Lists Change various lists in the game, such as the starters, the recruitment list, a list of placable NPCs (actors) or the world map. Pokémon Data Edit the data of Pokémon, including stats, move learnsets and portraits. More Features Apply ASM patches to add new functionality to the game Edit misc. graphics, such as the fonts or the message borders Edit all text in the game Source Code Can be found on GitHub: Downloads (Linux, Mac, Windows) Discord We have a Discord community for support:
This a simple thread from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Status Modifier. And here is the code in memory: North American (USA) Leader (1st Member): 221BA5FD 000000XX 221BA5FE 000000YY Partner (2nd Member): 221BA83D 000000XX 221BA83E 000000YY 3rd Member: 221BAA7D 000000XX 221BAA7E 000000YY 4th Member: 221BACBD 000000XX 221BACBE 000000YY XX - Status Name: 01 - Reflect. 02 - Safeguard. 03 - Light Screen. 04 - Counter. 05 - Magic Cape. 07 - Protect. 08 - Mirror Coat. 09 - Endure. 0B - Mirror Move. YY - Duration. (Only work with AR Code Trigger!) Link: (Example) 01 - 1 turn. 02 - 2 turns. 03 - 3 turns. 04 - 4 turns. 05 - 5 turns. 06 - 6 turns. 07 - 7 turns. 08 - 8 turns. 09 - 9 turns. 0A - 10 turns. 0B - 11 turns. 0C - 12 turns. 0D - 13 turns. 0E - 14 turns. 0F - 15 turns. 14 - 20 turns. 1E - 30 turns. 28 - 40 turns. 32 - 50 turns. 3C - 60 turns. 46 - 70 turns. 50 - 80 turns. 5A - 90 turns. 64 - 100 turns. 96 - 150 turns. C8 - 200 turns. FF - 255 turns. [MAX VALUE!] European (EUR) Leader (1st Member): 221BAF3D 000000XX 221BAF3E 000000YY Partner (2nd Member): 221BB17D 000000XX 221BB17E 000000YY 3rd Member: 221BB3BD 000000XX 221BB3BE 000000YY 4th Member: 221BB5FD 000000XX 221BB5FE 000000YY XX - Status Name: 01 - Reflect. 02 - Safeguard. 03 - Light Screen. 04 - Counter. 05 - Magic Cape. 07 - Protect. 08 - Mirror Coat. 09 - Endure. 0B - Mirror Move. YY - Duration. (Only work with AR Code Trigger!) Link: (Example) 01 - 1 turn. 02 - 2 turns. 03 - 3 turns. 04 - 4 turns. 05 - 5 turns. 06 - 6 turns. 07 - 7 turns. 08 - 8 turns. 09 - 9 turns. 0A - 10 turns. 0B - 11 turns. 0C - 12 turns. 0D - 13 turns. 0E - 14 turns. 0F - 15 turns. 14 - 20 turns. 1E - 30 turns. 28 - 40 turns. 32 - 50 turns. 3C - 60 turns. 46 - 70 turns. 50 - 80 turns. 5A - 90 turns. 64 - 100 turns. 96 - 150 turns. C8 - 200 turns. FF - 255 turns. [MAX VALUE!] WARNING: In the European version, it can cause problems with the language of the game you are playing, but don't worry it's not that contagious.
- pmd2
- action replay
(and 2 more)
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Hi everybody! I'm making some explorer badges from PMDEOS, and I would really appreciate if you guys could help me decide which badges would be cool to make! Please vote on this poll to let me know which colors you guys would be interested in. Poll Here! :^) Thanks !
I've decided to begin making a comic adaptation of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, but with a twist! Some of the characters are replaced with other Pokemon species, and all the main characters are just Pokemon-ified Milo Murphy's Law characters! For example, Guildmaster Wigglytuff and Chatot are now Guildmaster Dakota the Flareon and his partner Cavendish the Chatot. I have the first two pages already, and you can view them here!