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  • About our Staff Roles


    These people oversee Project Pokémon and its general direction. If you try to contact them directly for support, you may not see a response.

    Please report security issues to an administrator like @evandixon directly.


    Managers handle the site-wide day to day business of Project Pokémon. They manage the community and organize the team. You're free to contact managers for support, but you may see a faster response when using the support forum.

    Super Moderators

    Super Moderators deal with issues such as spam, enforce the rules, organize forums, and handle other issues concerning users' content. If you report a post, they can see and react to it.


    Moderators, too, are specialized to a certain group of sub-forums or categories, enforcing the rules in that section of the forums, and ensuring their forums are organized. If you report a post, they can see and react to it.

    News Team

    Members of the News Team are responsible for making sure our front page stays up to date with the latest Pokémon and hacking news.

    Pages Team

    Members of the Pages Team tirelessly make more content for the Project Pokémon website, such as what appears in our Games section.

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