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Everything posted by Sachka

  1. This is it! THANKS!
  2. I am not trying to edit anything, I don't even use a sav editor, I am just trying to get my original save into my sky cartridge. IT IS possible if I dump my game and use it with its own header in the template, BUT I don't have anything to dump it, so since SKY disk writer uses a template (.txt file with a header) I was wondering if the save file itself contained the game ID.
  3. Hi guys, I have a retail OR and Y, a SKY3DS and a Powersaves, I was testing with my current tools if I could use my original saves (from OR/Y) in my SKY, since SKY3DS works as a retail card, (detected by Powersaves / Pokemon Bank) and is able to restore/backup as an original cart, but I'm stuck with the fact they only recognize an individual value from each retail cartridge for the save to work. Now since SKY uses a template for writing the ROM header, I believe it is possible to just set it to my own cartridge info. The question is... Am I able to get a cartridge header info from just a save file? Thanks.
  4. Sachka

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    Wow awesome!
  5. Guys, i'm having some trouble getting Japanese Pokémon converted, any info with Japanese character is left behind and the result is a Pokémon with no OT info and no name, I've been looking through the code and there is a Japanese structure sort f thing but i think it needs some adjustment for it to work properly. Any ideas? I wish I could transfer some Japanese event mons, as well as my own Faraway Mew that would eventually pass through gen 5 to 6 DeSmume link is a bitch, it won't work with me, no matter what I do.
  6. What?! I was looking these forums for the exact same question! I always do this! Actually when the first silver went out what I always did was to save in front of the computer, go to Lugia, catch it, return to computer an clone it, after turning game on I had Lugia in whirlpool island event active and my cloned Lugia in pc, Anyway I did this with the gba versions too but with a save backup as you say, saving just before each event gets activated. Guess I'm going to start softresetting soon to detect the exact moment it start. Any news apretiated Megatrom, OH and do you know if rudolf saves utility would work with hg/ss? I'm starting to study the app right now.
  7. Sorry if this has been asked already, I couldnt find it so I'm asking it :confused: Is there any working Pokesav for gba saves? I like to go to Hoenn / Kanto now and then and I would like to make real cool pkmn for those games All I want is valid PID generator but its not posible with any editor,mod,french pokesav for RSE I know. I hope theres one D:
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