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Everything posted by ALCHEMIST

  1. Wow. If they did do that, it may ruin the entire game if it they took out Kanto.*Snaps back to reality* But after thinking about it, I realize that unless they improved Kanto from a ghost town-esque region to a more interesting and lively region, it may also ruin the game. Perhaps a new Battle Frontier-like system should be in order, just to make the gym leaders more challenging.
  2. Oh yeah. I forgot about the time difference between America and Japan. Thanks for pointing that out Fenzo. Looks like I will have another thing to celebrate about ( if it turns out to be the remake) next week after my school's end of the year fieldtrip.
  3. Schoolwork is going to keep me preocupied until then, so it will probably be easier to wait until Sunday (I hope).
  4. Very good point, but time seems to go faster the more hyped up you are (in my opinion). Never the less, Sunday will come and we all shall find out then, so either way we must have patience until it does.
  5. I agree. I would do the same as well if I owned such a company that was able to use something like Pokemon to further boost sales of a game system and increase profit, but who wouldn't? Besides, does it really even matter anyways? Even if it is DSI exclusive, who cares? If it is a remake, as I said before, it is what it is! It might not even be a remake of G/S/C (disapointing thought, I know, so sorry) so lets just wait and see.
  6. Yeah, I definately would not put it pass them to do something like that though, especially becuase of the amount of money they would rake in from die-hard Pokemon fans who would just buy the system to be able to buy and play the game. It may sound screwed up, but oh well... thats just how Nintendo rolls, and there is no way of stopping it.
  7. Honestly. if it is, it is, and no amount of complaining will change it. Personally, if it is a remake of G/S/C, that would be awesome I would totally get it.
  8. -All That Remains -Rob Zombie -Linkin Park -Maximum The Hormone
  9. Rock would have to be my favorite type of music. The kind does not matter to me, as I will listen to anything- from classic rock to Japanese heavy metal, as long as it is rock. As for the other types of music, everything is else is just okay to me.
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