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Everything posted by Greencat

  1. Oops, sorry about that. I don't remember making that mistake. Go here.
  2. Where do you get your stylish backgrounds from?
  3. As to why you put emphasis on my name, I don't know. :\ Anyways, iPhone updates are free. And IMO, iTouch users can spare an extra $10 for an update. Albums are usually around $13. I don't know if damio's method works, but I guess you can try that too.
  4. Sometimes people call me Green, Greeny, Kitty, Kittay, Cat, and GC.
  5. It's not heat sensitive. Your fingers give off small electric signals and that how it picks it up. You can always jail break it an play the old ones, but I suppose that isn't like the DS ones, but I'm not sure either if there is an App for DS games or just a Pokemon collection. So can a JailBroken iPhone/Touch and I haven't seen an Emulator of a PSP for any flashcart. :\ True, but they can utilize that feature into games. Such as a driving game where you can drive around your area. Actually, a lot of games use it. You can use the 3G and WiFi together on things like Tap Tap Revenge to play against those around your area and check records around your area.
  6. Nah, I still think the iPhone can beat the DS. Have you seen Need For Speed Undercover from EA? Or how about Sims 3 from EA? And I don't think Nintendo DS provides Internet Tethering via cord or even Bluetooth. I got mine doing it couple of times and gets 150 KB/S download speed sometimes. Edit: The iPhone/Touch may not have buttons either, but it can handle up to 5 points of touch, not just one like the DS. It also has an accelerometer, compass, GPS, and Bluetooth.
  7. Granted, but humans were unable to hear them. I wish Metagross could learn Dragon Dance, Outrage and had a base speed of 130.
  8. There always is Pokesav Requests. They can request legal Pokemon.
  9. No problem, but it will have to be "Quality > Quantity". As in, making many pictures of low quality pictures isn't appealing, but making a handful or two of wonderful pictures or other works will grant you the badge.
  10. Maybe the rainbow badge would be good, although, I don't think giving a special username color should be added. It's not just this badge (if it becomes finalized), but others don't have extra colors such as Helpful Member, Team Rater, and a few others.
  11. Than just make it all 6v6. And yes, it supports all moves and items from Pokemon Platinum.
  12. I suppose I will join in as well. Although, I'll be using Shoddy Battle. I hope this comes our great as PP's first Tournament!
  13. Check this interesting article here. What do you think?
  14. Check this interesting article here.
  15. I don't read very often (3 hours a day), but I do enjoy reading Non-Fiction, Articles, News, Information, and the history and origin of things on Wiki. My favorite thing to read though? Researching animals and technology (Usually on Wiki) for fun. I never liked novels. I could never hang on to one. I don't mind writing, though.
  16. I got the MacBook Pro 15.4" with no extra upgrades and it's great! GIMP, similar to PS, runs quickly, doesn't glitch, doesn't slow down and is just amazing. I just love how smooth everything is, but you can also try getting the $999 MacBook.
  17. I heard that Vista has been really buggy since it came out and it still is, but not as bad. Is this true? I'm still stuck in the Ice Age with my XP.
  18. Granted, but you lack wifi connection during the distribution dates. I wish there was Pokemon for the iPhone.
  19. Say that to the doctor I had when I almost died from a car accident. He told my family they should start preparing a funeral. My surgeon said the seat belt damage was so severe it was like someone got a chainsaw and put it inside me. I was on life support for over a week. I believe that is a miracle. It's happen to one of our family friends.
  20. But I said it was pernament. You should see the church channels on TV. What if the doctor says there is no chance left to live (chance=luck) and you live from the car accident? Read above. Did I say everything came from miracles? 1. We are narrowing this subject down health related miracles/luck. 2. Did I say everything came from miracles? 3. It wasn't luck either. 4. It just happened. Like how the wind blew this spec of dust to my back yard. Yes we do. We make choices don't we? That's a different subject of coincidences or destiny as some may call it. @ everyone discussing the lighting: That's a little to strech since that's like saying you getting hit from a dump truck. I think if you got hit from lighting and lived, you are lucky and maybe a small miracle. But if you are told from everyone something isn't going to happen and it happens--such as losing 7 years of cancer overnight with no trace in your body that you had cancer-- than I think that's a miracle.
  21. Well, I just think that if someone was pernamentally para from the neck down--spinal cord cut... infact, we will say 10 inches ripped out leaving a 10 inch gap for those who want to test this. Anyways, he or she wakes up and gains all mobility. No doctor can explain how it happen and even the best say it is impossible to happen and so do sceintists. What are you going to believe? IMO: Now for luck? That's chance. Like saying the chance of the computer randomly picking a number between 1/10.
  22. You may want to re-edit your post since I changed this relates to health conditions and not space or the future. IMO: That is very true, but you could also see someone experience it too. Same here.
  23. Debate Topic: Do you believe in Miracles or Luck? Take this in a point of view of health conditions and not space. My Stances: I believe in miracles. Reason: Because I've lived through about a handful of major ones. Although sometime I believe in luck (winning the lottery), but for a health condition stand point, I believe in them. Rule: All the default rules apply, but provide a reason why!
  24. Granted, but it only last as long as your eyes are closed. I wish I wasn't stuck being a Green cat (Shiny Espeon?). :B
  25. lol That was fun.
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