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Everything posted by dji

  1. I understand I will try to see what it would be when I go for feebas, and how do you know if they have edited the pid ?, and as far as this is concerned? I mean it already indicates male and female but 12.5% will not be interpreted etc
  2. Ok then thanks for clarifying it, when I capture another pokemon look at the list and if it does not work with a certain slot I'll try another one, why did you write on the page that you can not use pids edited on the internet, as you distinguish one edited?
  3. I'm looking at what you went around but I do not see how that solves my question of why there's tailow 4 and next to tailow 5
  4. Wait for the slot means the level you can find the pokemon?
  5. I'm looking for the rng reporter pid h1 but I still get the fishy thing
  6. is that I'm looking for pids with rng reporter but I keep getting this
  7. Oh, and how can I find a pid for taillow?
  8. @Kaphotics @theSLAYER@jasenyoface
  9. ok .. have as I explain because my command of English is poor ... well you will not understand what the flag medals 1,2,3,4. What do they mean?
  10. sorry, I have doubts with this program regarding the medals
  11. help me please
  12. and the problem that sighted pokemon are repeated in coloseum and xd?
  13. one of those xd problems I said in another post but it was not corrected in the update of pk hex
  14. on the up edited with pk hex, on the down edited with gcmtool 01-GC6P-pokemon_colosseum.gci 01-GC6P-pokemon_colosseum.gci
  15. help me, pokemon colseum espeon and umbreon illegales, pk hex , 5 ivs espeon and umbreon(-atack) nature espeon= timid,modest, umbreon=bold,modest,calm,timid 01-GC6P-pokemon_colosseum.gci
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