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Everything posted by dji

  1. mmm but it would not be a mistake to put it as suspicious to pokemon that are of event since it always has 0?
  2. The truth is that I do not remember where I downloaded it ...
  3. FireRed - Gen 3 In-Game Trade Compilation.savFireRed - Gen 3 Event Compilation (3).savFireRed - Gen 3 Event Compilation (2).savFireRed - Gen 3 Event Compilation (1).sav here
  4. 025 - ピカチュウ - 0BBC25879824.pk3
  5. 4 to 5 generation change the skills ?, in bulbapedia says that 3 to 4, but from 6 to 7 it seems that yes, had a beartic in the 6th generation with mantle niveo and when passing it to 7 change to snowplows (sorry if they do not understand the skills is that in my language they are not called the same)
  6. dji

    pichu event ilegal

    I am looking for legal pids that are the reverse method 1 which is the pid with which it is legal but I look for other pids but it does not work out legally
  7. dji

    pichu event ilegal

  8. dji

    pichu event ilegal

    the type of pid has disappeared ... why? 172 - PICHU - D882A5296BD8.pk3 and now ilegal 172 - PICHU - D88240FC92FF.pk3
  9. dji

    pichu event ilegal

    172 - タマゴ - 150696A470FE.pk3172 - タマゴ - 08FADF508FD0.pk3
  10. then in the next update, will you correct those pokemon?
  11. no, electabuzz suicune and snorlax with the previous version put them as legal but the latter gives them as illegal and I do not know why
  12. 125 - ELECTABUZZ - 8D2C66ABCB86.xk3245 - SUICUNE - 66BA8994A8D9.ck3143 - SNORLAX - 9F25C99DC542.xk3
  13. dji

    what pid is bacd_r?

  14. ok, I'll try with pokefinder if something comes up I notice
  15. absolutely not change anything to suicune I just put in pk hex to know the ivs I had and it came out
  16. I understand I will try to see what it would be when I go for feebas, and how do you know if they have edited the pid ?, and as far as this is concerned? I mean it already indicates male and female but 12.5% will not be interpreted etc
  17. is that as I do not know where to post this kind of thing 245 - SUICUNE - B4BA8994A8D9.ck3 Thanks for everything, by the way you did not answer me in the question that I asked you in my last post
  18. Sorry, my English is worthwhile ...
  19. If I think it was the 2nd or the 3rd time ... but I do not understand why it's illegal for me if I do not change anything
  20. I do not understand ... I capture it without modifying anything ... why do I get it that way?
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