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Everything posted by RenegadeRaven

  1. Can I have my username changed to RenegadeRaven Please and Thank You!
  2. Version 1.1.6


    This application can generate TID/SID pairs that can be used with the Cute Charm Glitch in Gen 4, and even outputs an Action Replay Code. You can: Choose the Cute Charm Lead, Shiny Group, and even specify a Trainer ID Even let the program choose the Shiny Group for you (if you want the shiny natures to be a surprise) Choose the button combo that activates the Action Replay Code (for those with broken buttons. Yes, I'm talking about you, shoulder buttons!) Add an Cute Charm Pokemon to be hacked in Compared to RNGReporter (one of the other programs that can calculate Cute Charm ID pairs), this program is: More user-friendly; there isn't all the RNG abuse stuff to get confused about (I still recommend RNGReporter if you plan on RNG Abusing for IDs) Built with everything you need. You no longer need to go online and find your 'Desired PID', etc. Able to output a Action Replay Code Able to choose Shiny Group for you Able to give you a Cute Charm Lead through the AR Code For more information visit the project's GitHub Page.
  3. Version


    This program can build custom Gen 5 Pokémon Distribution ROMs from a .pgf event file and a clean copy of the Liberty Ticket distribution ROM (both not included). The source code can be found on GitHub. I may forget to update the file here, so be sure to check the GitHub Releases. For any issues you come across, please feel free to open an Issue, so I can swiftly look into and fix any bugs With this program you can: - Change the .pgf event file - Create your own .pgf file - Change the date limit - Change which games can receive the event - Change which games region can receive the event (partially tested | only tested with English and French copies) - Change the event text that appears upon receiving
  4. That guide you gave me says that Giratina is Method J
  5. So RNGReporter is saying that Shiny Giratina is possible with my IDs?
  6. Shiny locks weren't introduced until Gen 5 with Victini, Reshiram and Zekrom being shiny locked
  7. Lately, I've been shiny hunting distortion world Giratina in Pokémon Platinum, but it's been taking forever. Now I'm wondering if it can even shine for me, so I started looking into TSV for Gen 4 but can only find stuff for Gen 6 and 7. So how is TSV calculated in Gen 4? Because what I've found is TID xor SID = TSV, but when I put my IDs in it gives me 0.
  8. So that I'm prepared for next time (had to find out from a gamestop employee when I asked them for the Regigigas/Heatran code), does anyone know how Entei/Raikou and the rest of the events are being distributed.
  9. Is the Regigigas/Heatran event serial code the same for everyone? Turns out my Pokémon trainer club account didn’t have the receive newsletters option selected.
  10. Isn’t UInt16 suppose to be two bytes?
  11. I tried incrementing forward as you said and found that byter(z) = blocka(z) Xor rand() is equal to byter(z) = 0xAA60CFF and byter() is UInt16. So I changed byter(z) = block_(z) Xor rand() to byter(z) = CType((block_(z) Xor rand()), System.UInt16), now the function rand() is giving me the System.OverflowException error.
  12. It gave me 0x35C7F1EE, but the pk5 file in HxD says 0xEEF1C735.
  13. I tried that, but the error persists. I then tried: Private Sub toEnc() Dim myFile As String = OpenFileDialog1.FileName Dim myBytes As Byte() = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes(myFile) Dim txtTemp As New System.Text.StringBuilder() For Each myByte As Byte In myBytes txtTemp.Append(myByte.ToString("X2")) Next RichTextBox1.Text = txtTemp.ToString() Dim myData = RichTextBox1.Text Dim pkx As Byte() = HexStringToByteArray(myData) Dim ekx() As Byte = encrypt(pkx) End Sub Private Shared Function HexStringToByteArray(ByRef strInput As String) As Byte() Dim length As Integer Dim bOutput As Byte() Dim c(1) As Integer length = strInput.Length / 2 ReDim bOutput(length - 1) For i As Integer = 0 To (length - 1) For j As Integer = 0 To 1 c(j) = Asc(strInput.Chars(i * 2 + j)) If ((c(j) >= Asc("0")) And (c(j) <= Asc("9"))) Then c(j) = c(j) - Asc("0") ElseIf ((c(j) >= Asc("A")) And (c(j) <= Asc("F"))) Then c(j) = c(j) - Asc("A") + &HA ElseIf ((c(j) >= Asc("a")) And (c(j) <= Asc("f"))) Then c(j) = c(j) - Asc("a") + &HA End If Next j bOutput(i) = (c(0) * &H10 + c(1)) Next i Return (bOutput) End Function
  14. The file is being loaded with: Dim myFile = OpenFileDialog1.FileName Dim pkx() As Byte = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes(myFile) Dim ekx = encrypt(pkx)
  15. I keep getting a System.OverflowException at the Select Case firstblock.
  16. I was able to find this: PKM Encrypt.cs Problem is I don't understand C#.
  17. So like this: 'block shuffling stuff srnd(chksum) rand()
  18. So, where does the checksum come in?
  19. Thanks. Now, how do I use the formula, X[n+1] = (0x41C64E6D * X[n] + 0x6073), what do I put for X[n] and X[n+1]?
  20. I had looked at those, it’s that I don’t know how to apply the formulas written there.
  21. How do I convert *.pkx to *.ekx, x being 4, 5, 6, or 7? I'm trying to write a program in Visual Basic, and I need it to be able to encrypt *.pkx files into *.ekx files. The problem is I can't figure out how.
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