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Everything posted by Gridelin

  1. I believe it is this, if you open the pcg_TRIAL.tgc file in DATWizard it gives you this game ID. https://www.gametdb.com/Wii/D56J01
  2. Hey everyone, just for starters since I figure most of you don't know me, I've been floating around these forums for years lurking on a lot of the Gen3 event progress that's been made. Last July on @InsaneNutter's site I even found the "Interactive Multi Media Game Disc" that would later be discovered to have the files for JPN Berry Glitch Zigzagoon. Just so you guys know that I'm not a complete noob to some of this haha :). Anyways, ever since I found out about the Meteor Jirachi successfully being retrieved and JPN Berry Glitch ZZ being found hidden in the game files of the demo disc, my interest was peaked to try and find more hidden files within some of the older GC discs. Looking through redump.org I stumbled upon this dump from last November. It is "Pokémon Colosseum: Kakuchou Disc" and is a version of the Japanese AGETO Celebi bonus disc with a playable demo of Pokemon Channel instead of the various video previews. The MD5 hash of the "pokocolo_ex.tgc" files is the same for both the regular bonus disc and the Kakuchou Disc. -[Snip]- Here is a quick video of the disc: Within the "pch_TRIAL.tgc" file there are a number of .bin files that seem to resemble the Meteor Jirachi.bin (in file size) at first glance, but the headers do not exist/match that of the Jirachi files. I believe further research is needed on this though, as I'm mostly positive these .bin files are not in the full release of the actual Pokemon Channel game. Here is a download link to all of the .bins within the pch_TRIAL.tgc > thumbcode. Hopefully someone can help in figuring out what it is these files are, all I recognize is the Pokemon names before the .bin. On another note I have been exploring the pokecolo_ex.tgc files and have been trying to distribute the coupon.bin and pkjb_test.bin file using @Lycp01's method to distribute Meteor Jirachi. I've tried altering the headers/footers and have so far managed to get the distribution process to seemingly begin before the GBA goes to a gray screen and hangs, while the distribution ISO gives the yellow error, and I again believe more research is needed into this haha. I hope this post was interesting or helpful in someway, any feedback or contributing research would be greatly appreciated. Even if all of the .bin files turn out to be duds, I'd at least like to confirm it to put my mind at rest!
  3. Have you tried redeeming one from a wondercard and trading that? Have you tried any other eventmon?
  4. I'm not sure if this is the thread for this, but I figured I'd ask here. Has anyone tried activating this event on the VC console 3ds title (whether through cheats or transferring save file?) I'm curious as to if it will pokebank or not haha. **EDIT** I'm not realizing that this is a Crystal event and not a Gold/Silver event, so I think my idea just got tossed out the window haha.
  5. I can also confirm that @Deoxyz has pretty much singlehandedly revived that other site haha
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