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Everything posted by pokemaster623

  1. Poke-WHAT Omega Ruby Randomizer Steven Universe Homestuck Hack Something odd is happening in the Hoenn region. Things from other universes are popping into our universe. There are new people and gym leaders, they say they are here for a test. They won't elaborate, saying "The test isn't for you." It seems this anomaly as caused the Pokemon in Hoenn to get their habitats mixed up. We're gathering pictures tune back in for more.
  2. I 've been trying to use sharp develop to compile pk3DS but it gives me this error: Unexpected character '$' (CS1056) - C:\Users\sjest\Downloads\pk3DS-master\pk3DS-master\pk3DS\3DS\CRO.cs:95,21
  3. The problem is, as I've seen other people respond to this question, is we have to figure out how to decrypt the battle.cro. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. I'm sorry but how do I build it. Each time i try with MSBuild or .NET Core it gives an error.
  5. there is one app called AO Creator that has it's own homebrew app that goes along with it and it should work.
  6. I'm sorry if these questions are annoying, but which file do i compile?
  7. Do you have a cia installer on emunand? If you do just download the homebrew launcher cia and use homebrew that way. It's not hard.
  8. 1.Make a folder on your desktop named pk3ds 2.Place exefsdir and romfsdir in it 3.Rename exefsdir "exe" without 4.Open exe and rename code.bin ".code.bin" 5.Drag and drop pk3ds on to pk3ds and it should open
  9. Please do not make Dragonair evolve into Gyarados because Dragonair is a water/dragon type and Gyarados is a water/flying type.
  10. Hi I am trying to make all wild encounters including starter to be mega evolutions with PK3DS. But I can't figure it out
  11. I recently found this post http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?47152-Messing-with-Trainer-info-numbers that has a picture linked in it that tells you how to get "hidden" accessories. But every time i try i get this error: Please help.
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