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Everything posted by Fallen

  1. Use the help forum next time. Moved-
  2. With the recent confirmation of the long awaited Pokemon Gold and Silver remakes a question came to my mind when they announced the names, are they good names? Fire Red and Leaf Green go very well together, but Heart Gold and Soul Silver? I get the Heart Gold cause people say you have a heart of gold sometimes, but Soul Silver? Your thoughts?
  3. I stopped playing after SFII but recently bought SFIV. I really like the new one, although it could use some more characters and what not.
  4. Started off with Cyndaquil back then, so I'll start off with it first for the remakes. If I end up buying both versions I'll probably use Cyndaquil in HG and Chikorita in SS.
  5. Well yeah. Anyone with any kind of common sense would know it should be and is for both respective handhelds.
  6. If the fifth generation is successful then they probably will. I doubt it'll be more popular than FRLG and won't even touch HGSS.
  7. All very valid points. Once I heard the remakes were legit I started getting a lot of new ideas, so I'll have to get back into Arceus mode.
  8. I have no preview of either. It's just to get me going cause I want to do both but not sure which one to do first. Yes, The GS will feature Ho-Oh and Lugia and other Johto specific things.
  9. I know, I know. Silly silly question. Just to see how one-sided this poll will be, who will be buying the much anticipated remakes of Pokemon Gold and Silver, Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver?
  10. Ok, for my next theme I'm sure what it should be based on; an Arceus theme or a GS remake theme? I'll post a poll up so you can vote. I'll have voting open for two weeks, so be sure to vote if you want a say.
  11. I hope the don't rip out the kanto region. In my eyes, that would ruin the remake quite a bit.
  12. This is by far the greatest news that I've heard all week! I mean, we knew it was inevitable, but still. I really can't wait for these games. I may even buy the japanese versions just so I don't have to wait that much longer.
  13. Why don't you just copy and paste the code? So much easier with huge codes like that.
  14. I think this fits better in the Pokémon Franchise forum. Moved-
  15. I really think they should make a feature where you can choose how difficult the game play will be.
  16. Not a necessary topic, really. Closed-
  17. I really really hope this isn't some let down. If it's not a GS remake people will definitely be disappointed. Disappointed enough to where they may even lose some interest in what ever they may be announcing; unless of course it's a new generation.
  18. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  19. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  20. It's a childrens' game though for the most part. What child would enjoy such a game that requires such strategy.
  21. Alright. Question has been answerdd and we are now starting to digress away from it. Thanks for helping him out, Wraith. Closed-
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