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Sacred Fire

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Everything posted by Sacred Fire

  1. Title. Not like a game breaking bug or anything but I have two Hippopotas (the left one is male, the other is female) and there's some weird thing layered on the sprite of the female one. Anyone knows what it is?
  2. Next few days I'll update this package. Yeah perhaps I'll update this only once per year, since searching the newer version of the tools take me lots of time to search every single one
  3. It's been a year since I last online some updates for the tools
  4. I'm kinda lazy to search and update all of these tools up-to-date regularly. If anyone finds there's a newer version for any of those tools above, I'd be very appriciate
  5. I don't know. It works beautifully for me. can you tell the problem in depth?
  6. Really sorry. I edited the link. I don't know why I wasn't able to attach the file, so I have to use a different host
  7. A collection of useful Pokemon related tools. Please feel free to PM me or reply below if I missed any tools or any of them being outdated. All of each should consist of a notepad for explaination. And the creators. *Special thanks to all of the creator of those tools * DOWNLOAD LINK IS HERE. Here's the tool list: + Pokemon Editing Related Tools: - A-Save Editor v1.27 (Gen III) - Legality Checker (Gen IV + HGSS) - Metropolis Editor v4.2 - Mystery Gift Editor DPPtHGSS (v1.42) - Overload Editor - PikaSav v0.4 RC2 - PKHeX Gen VI (4-4-2015) - pk3DS (7-12-2015) - PokeGen v3.1.13 - Pokemon B2W2 Trainer Name Editor - Pokemon DS Gen V Save Editor - Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor Gen V (v1.43) - Pokemon Portable Save Editor DS - Pokemon Ranger Mission Injector - Pokemon Studio Injector (v3.4b) - Pokesav DP - Pokesav HGSS - Pokesav Pt - PokeStock 2 v3.7 (English) - PokeStock 2 v3.7 (Japanese) - PWT Download Tournament Editor (Gen V) - R4 Cheat Code Editor - Sky Editor v3.1 Final - Sky JEditor (v0.7c) - Time Capsule Transfer Tool (v1 beta) - Wonder Card Viewer (Gen V) + RAM and ROM Development Tools: - Andi's Pokemon Tools - Kazo's BW Tools - KeySAV + Mass Dumper (Gen VI) - Pokedex Reader Text Generator - Pokemon Evolution Editor by Pedro (Gen IV & V) - Pokemon Project ROM Editor 2 (v2.2.0) - Pokemon Project ROM Editor Beta (v0.14) - Pokemon ROM Changer B2W2 (v1.02) - Pokemon ROM Changer BW (v0.7 build 8) - PokeText - PPTXT - RAM Dump Viewer - RAM2sav - Shiny2 GTS Tool (v1.4) - Spiky's DS Map Editor - Trash Bytes Fixer Gen V (v6) - XY Decrypt + Extra: - DeSMume v0.9.11 - NDS Save Converter v2.6 Changelog: - 7-15-2015: + Metropolis Editor updated to v4.2 (from v1.2). + DeSMume v0.9.11 (from v0.9.10). + A-Save Editor v1.27 (from v1.23). + Overload Editor updated. + PKHeX updated (to 4-4-2015 version). + Added RAM2sav tool. + Added pk3DS (7-12-2015) tool. + Updated KeySAV 2 (now with ORAS support). + Updated Pokemon DS Save Editor.
  8. I wonder if someone can explain me what 'RAM' is? I've been searching on Google but got no result at all...
  9. Do this program support generating PID for gen V?
  10. Thanks for your sharing
  11. It don't work on Windows 8. Keeps receiving the message that there is a missing .dll
  12. I know some C++ but not talent enough to go through the whole progress to make it work on B2W2 (at least I don't know much about ROM and RAM, hex editing...) ... A portable pokegen run on NDS always awesome... Oh @Chase-san can you share me the source code of this program/ I'd like to try
  13. Ow man this is bad. I think my file kinda corrupted or something. Anyone can help me?
  14. I resaved in game already. Open up pokegen and the problem is still there
  15. Anyone can help me?
  16. Of course. If you change chour trainer name, the OT of those pokemon will different from your name and the game will treat as you've traded those. All traded pokemon should have some specific gym badges to "prove" yourself prior to use them. All you have to do is use pokegen and change the OT of those pokemon similar to yours
  17. I have the code to catch N's Pokemon without have to activate Memory Link. Here it is (Press Start and Select to activate; press again if you wish to catch one of N's pokemon twice (I've tried and succeeded, so don't worry): 94000130 FFF30000 B2000024 00000000 200208B8 00000001 10022250 00000000 DA000000 00020CAE D3000000 00000000 D7000000 02000010 92000010 FBFF0000 D4000000 00000400 B2000022 00000000 D7000000 00020CAE D2000000 00000000
  18. You do. Here's yours: https://mega.co.nz/#!jBIByS6L
  19. Change OT, ID, SID of the pokemon to yours. Then lower it's level (you still have strong attacks, IV, EV and nature benefit,, so you can easily dish out tons of damage in the early of the game). If you're afraid of losing, make a spiritom with wonder guard, break thru the game won't be so hard since nothing can touch you
  20. I think my save file is kinda corrupted or something. I play it on my NDS and the current progress is finished habitat list with 230 hrs of playing and plenty of new pokemon catched in box 6 + 7. But when I open the save file in Pokegen, it views the progress I played days ago. If I save the file using pokegen, play in NDS and it reverts my progress back days ago. Open the file with DeSMume and same thing happen. I don't know why there is TWO progress in a save file but only NDS view the correct one I'm playing. Kaphotics told me that there's a backup and a main save in every 512Kb save. He told me to save the file in-game again but the problem does not go away. I don't think my save file is corrupted, so why I can still play it properly on NDS? If anyone didn't get what I said, this is my save file. Use this save file on NDS then have a look at the pokemon party and box 6 + 7. Now open it up with pokegen and you'll see the problem Please help me! https://mega.co.nz/#!uBBDlaRC!cVm1S0U84uNrQeZVawun4rw0iyAQzPViu06FNoX_Om8
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