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Everything posted by Favna

  1. This is really NOT the place to ask such questions... I would assume you mean with getting the eggs, go to Pokemon Requests part of the forum for that.
  2. Yeah the servers seem to be down. A couple of pages back user Foxy posted alt links.
  3. That would work, yes (speaking from experience). To not mix up saves, I suggest doing 1 at a time. So to start, if you would send me your ramsav? Then I can "inject" my AS save which has the clear bell into it. Also if you have a powersaves, I suggest making a backup. It can't hurt to do. By the way, I won't be able to do what has to be done until tomorrow morning (in 9 or so hours).
  4. I've actually not yet found someone who has a female character in OR :\ Not that I have searched that actively... but it's also hard to find someone who has a second console that is not updated these days.
  5. You need to delete it through memory management in the 3ds system settings. Mind you that when deleted you need to once more spoof your firmware to download the patches again to play online. Something possible on at most 9.2.0.
  6. This FireFrame: http://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-spoof-firmware-to-access-eshop-and-more-on-new-3ds-and-old-3ds.386591/
  7. If you continue to complain like you do the chance if actually getting the help you want will diminishes rapidly. Just deal with it, really. There is nothing any of us can do as if by magic that would open up some method, that's just the way this type of hacking works. A bug that can be exploited in just the right way is required, and if that bug is not there, nothing will happen. Developers / hackers do NOT choose when they can make an exploit, they rely on the developers of, in this case, Nintendo to make a mistake. As for us letting you know, if you want to live by the idea that everyone will always do what you ask you'll likely have a tough life ahead of you. Instead you could also put some effort in these things yourself, and as such doing a daily check of forums such as this one and others (i.e. GBATemp).
  8. Nothing is certain ("appears to be" were the keywords) but what Alpha means are the offsets changed in the XY 1.4/1.5 and ORAS 1.3-1.4 versions that disabled web injection on the game. From what I recall it's possible to somehow upgrade the game on a 9.5.0-22 without upgrading the firmware or something, haven't looked into it, couldn't be bothered to either. Edit: a console on 9.5.0-22 with XY v1.5 / ORAS v1.4 should be able go online normally.
  9. Oh haha.. I was looking for a solution myself and when I refreshed the github I saw you got it already Kaphotics. Looks like your fix is more universal though ! This is part of what I was writing up as a reply before: It's not the most "beautiful" code, but placing this under line 1724 Species = Array.IndexOf(species, spec.Replace(" ", "")); should fix it: if (ld[0].Equals("Mr. Mime")) { Species = Array.IndexOf(species, spec); }
  10. Because they are a registered company that has already been sued by other companies in the past. It wouldn't be hard for Nintendo to sue them at any given time, let alone if they would allow it. And if you so much desire it to work, start up one of those petition things and once it has many people who back it send it in. Not saying it'll work, but the persistent tend to win in the end is what the saying tells us.
  11. @Tacanacy 1. That fully depends on when SciresM decides it is time for the server to go as far as I know. A couple of pages back there was a discussion when the site was down and some alternatives were given. While they required a few extra steps to be added to the process, at the end of the day it would be better than nothing. 2. That depends. I suppose you could say it was by sheer luck that GameFreak kept the way the game works (can't put my finger on the right words) between XY and ORAS, again, as far as I know that was the reason why the demo and later the actual game was dumped quite quickly. All in all, I would think that theoretically after the necessary data is dumped from the game(s) of the future a sort of "Ram2SavTwo" could be made, but that is completely up to how future games get encrypted (for example, the 1.4 XY and 1.3 ORAS updates reportedly block the injection game-wise, so even if the game would somehow have those versions on a 9.5.0-22 version the injection would still fail)
  12. There is a "pokemon requests" subforum on projectpokemon. You can put your request there.
  13. Not to mention that from what I've heard the current exploit that still runs on 9.5.0-22 relies on javascript injection. I can honestly not count the amount of times on two hands that my teachers have warned me and my class to always protect our programs against just that. So if it truly is / was (depends on the person which) javascript, that's quite... Stupid... Of Nintendo. In a way.
  14. As for XY at least the following glitch was fixed (I tested it on both old and new versions, same for ORAS) If you have an egg in your party and go to a field of grass then start the pokeradar you will first normally hear the radar music. Next step is to hatch the egg without encountering any Pokemon between the two steps. (Max repel in big field). Once the hatching animation is done you would expect the pokeradar music to continue, but it doesn't. Instead you would hear hatching music. If you then encounter a Pokemon and that battle finishes there will be completely no music whatsoever.
  15. Furthermore they fixed a bug in the dialog when teaching a move through the move tutor. On the old version if you were to do the following: - select a move to teach - select a pokemon - select a move to replace - decline replacing that move The tutor would then say for example "Fire Punch should stop trying to learn Ice Punch" rather than "Diggersby should stop trying to learn Ice Punch".
  16. Which is what? And as for your other question.... First of all Nintendo doesn't make the pokemon game, GameFreak does. Secondly, do we look like a bunch of Alakazam with Future Sight? And lastly, if anytime then in the next main series games. Patches will only ever serve the purpose of fixing bugs.
  17. That's probably a ssb thing then. I don't have the game nor any interest for it. This is projectPOKEMON after all :bidoof:
  18. So put it in the 9.6 console and update it there. It will be 1.02 on your 9.5 console and 1.03 on your 9.6 console.
  19. No, updates are stored on the SD card and the SD is console specific. Furthermore the 1.03 update blocks the exploit even further. There is no need to however. Just do all the injections on the 9.5 then take the cartridge out and put it in the 9.6 which has all updates for online play.
  20. Interesting... Guess I'll have to find a female OR trainer
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