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Everything posted by Favna

  1. Edit 2: less derp than before You quoted a post from page 1.... dating 9th of August.
  2. Like I said - read properly. As SciresM said on the forum post in which he releases the editor: Like others I do not know what this secure value is - so the logical next step is to read the topic in question. And with read I do not mean read the first 2 and last 2 comments. No I mean read EVERY comment. If that is not your thing then sorry, this is not something for you at all.
  3. By reading the conversation of Waitress and Kaleo 2 pages back. A rule of thumb to avoid answers such as mine: It is a common formality rule of forums on the internet that before asking questions you always first do some searching on the forum(topic) before asking.
  4. In all honesty it probably will eventually. At the end of the day Nintendo is obliged to provide a safe to use system to its users. Sure, we use this exploit for save editing and the sorts, but no doubt it can also be used for more harmful means. Compare it to Apple fixing exploits used to make a jailbreak - iOS devices are also professionally used so Apple cannot afford such a professionally used device to suddenly well... Do ... Things. Just use your imagination there.
  5. Title says pretty much everything. Getting notified by email when someone quotes my post is getting really really annoying and I can't find the option to disable it anywhere in the profile settings. A fix to this by whatever means would be greatly appreciated (excluding mailing rules for my inbox as i read most mail on my iphone).
  6. It's PAL. As it clearly states on my profile, I'm from The Netherlands.
  7. Well try my Poke X then. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3BCbgeJ8rVJZ0c0d2VHSi1KbUE/view?usp=sharing
  8. Just dump your own and make edits with pkhex... why would you want to import someone else's save to begin with?
  9. Nowhere does it say the Pokemon X save on there is a gateway main save ......... In fact, it says:
  10. Real Gateway saves don't have .sav afaik, so you would have downloaded something that is marked incorrectly.
  11. My own dumped Main is 472 KB and has no extension at all so you could use that as an aim value I guess.
  12. I think so, yes Edit: just transfer your own Main to your pc and save it somewhere then import a gateway save to test. If anything you can also make a powersaves backup to be sure you're safe.
  13. I honestly don't know what exactly TDVS does, so as far as I can currently tell there will be no difference. On the GBATemp forum it says use this until TDVS releases the swap so we'll just have to wait and see.
  14. I've tested it on my physical AS and it works flawlessly.
  15. HYPE HYPE! This works! Thanks so much for sharing. What a great way to start my morning !
  16. It takes a lot more than just having the bin file due to encryptions. I advise you to read up on save decrypting in general by going here.
  17. But if you want another alternitive way here is the last message on the PCEdit post from supercarrotte.
  18. I personally used the build in one 1 single time to get everything set up and now just use FTP-3DS from the homebrewmenu. It's so much better in so many ways.
  19. From this tweet we can tell that he's been busy with his day job.. so that's probably what's holding him up. [ATTACH=CONFIG]12513[/ATTACH]
  20. Don't think so. And i think they'll be in big problems with google if they do.
  21. Once Smea releases TDVS (follow him on twitter @Smealum for news updates), yes.
  22. Web injection in general yes. They all rely on the Spider3DS exploit.
  23. Try this. But if you want an alternative way here is the last message on the PCEdit post from supercarrotte. Also very very hard to find indeed.
  24. If you have a classic 3ds then yes. For New3DS it is godsend because the MicroSD is under the back cover. Sure, the New3DS has a local wireless file transfer build in.... However, that has some limitations. 1) Only useable on windows 2) Connects pretty slow 3) Gives less freedom feeling and doesn't satisfy my geeky desires.
  25. It is as the name suggests a FTP client. On Windows you can use a program such as WinSCP to login on your 3DS so to say and transfer files over local wireless. The IP and Port are given by your console, the Login and password are blank (as in, nothing)
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