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Everything posted by SirYeen

  1. Yeah; I tried using your narc editor. Perhaps I did something wrong. Will try again. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. That looks pretty cool (to say the least).
  3. Would editing some of the Pokemon yourself be possible somehow ? Apparently the usual tools don't work. I'd like to do some changes myself. (not much)
  4. Hello there, Having trouble installing with my mac. Whatever rom base I use it says that the patch does not match. It's the US version right ?
  5. Yeah, we really need one with B2W2 support. Sadly I'm a huge noob on stuff like this.
  6. So does that mean that once you start editing you have to redo every single movepool from scratch ?
  7. Seconded the issues. Are we doing something wrong ?
  8. Dropbox it is then. Does anybody have the last version still on his computer ? I deleted mine during exams.
  9. Or if you want to be really ballsy, torrent it. Will be pretty hard to get off the internet then.
  10. Anyone got them saved ? I really need a decent moveset editor.
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