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Everything posted by Chompizard25

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?bfw9fez94swsp9c uploaded the link for the people who DONT go on YouTube.
  2. Khari, quick question, is this in Nds format? Because I want to play this on my R4i. Edit:Never mind.
  3. You could also create your own PGF for the events not yet contributed.
  4. I am trying to edit my bw pokedex in a hex editor, but I don't know the offset. Any help? P.s. don't know is this is the wrong forum or not
  5. But you could upload them one by one. (PS check your pms)
  6. Do you have the correct: characters, language details? ( Why do the Japanese get all the good events? )
  7. Dreamer, please change your Pokemon to public.
  8. Oh, well, I got that stuff from bulbapedia
  9. Open it up in pokegen, and lower that stat by 10 EV's.
  10. I'm not sure PokeGen did support Fire Red sav files.
  11. Problem resolved, calm down.
  12. Never mind, it worked. (P.S. don't need .NET Framework to run the program)
  13. Keep PokeGen how it is!
  14. Hell ya I use my master ball! I use it on everything!
  15. P.s. to codemonkey85, I am getting my pkm structure data from here and pp.org wiki.
  16. Did you write it in .NET? I am planning on making a .pkm writer/editor for B2/W2. Won't release til it is version 2.4
  17. Thank you RubenPikachu. I really appreciate it.
  18. CALLING ALL RESEARCHERS!!!!! How do I find the .pkm structure for black2 and white2? PLZ help me! :bidoof:
  19. I vote more options to customize the program.
  20. RubenPikachu, quick question, could you upload the apps on the site? I don't really trust MediaFire, because MediaFire is just a bunch of viruses.
  21. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6882-Tutorials-and-Guides-Directory-for-ROM-Editing. try this
  22. RubenPikachu, I believe that your application is unique in every way.
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