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Everything posted by AtomicGreymon

  1. "Hacked or Unknown", specifically. And I think "unknown" is the operative word. Poryhack or someone will have to come along to answer for sure, but I'm under the impression that the Legality Checker needs to be updated every now and then for new event Pokemon, etc.
  2. Better to use Grovyle's Mystery Gift Editor to just inject the PCD and PGT files into your save, and receive the Pokemon yourself from the Pokemart delivery guy... that way you get your own unique, legal, specimen, as opposed to the same massively-downloaded one that everyone else has.
  3. Currently, it looks like the Event PokeWalker course is missing from the new download section... Nigoli's original upload was one of the victims of the attachment deletion that occured a month or two back. However, he was kind enough to re-attach the files to his original post: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?5164-Event-Contribution-Collection&p=64475&viewfull=1#post64475 That's the only course missing from the download section, I think; hopefully it can be added at the next update.
  4. I wouldn't expect that until at least the evening of the day the movie comes out... you need to actually go to the theatre and watch the movie to get it, after all. That said, I wish the movies still played theatrically here... would've enjoyed seeing Movies 10 and 11 up on the big screen.
  5. So I take it the Shiny Beasts are available as of today? I hope they show up soon. EDIT: Damn, didn't is Nigoli's post. How on earth did you get all 3 so fast? Awesome, dude. Did they use the same type of slot-2 distribution as in the past? I think he might've meant "is it normal", as in that capture location makes it look like Movie 10, as in Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai. Just as Movie 07 kind of implied Destiny Deoxys (not helped by the fact an actual Deoxys was given away as an event), instead of actually being for the 10th movie. I never did quite understand why the use those numbers as the year the movie came out, rather than which movie it actually was.
  6. I've read the way it's going to work, but my issue with it is that it's probably (I'm assuming, as there's no real information) going to work in such a way that your actual save data is hidden behind several layers of programming... much more complex than a simple *.sav file backed up to your hard drive and kept on a flash drive or burned CD just in case something happens to your cartridge. The way I envision it working is the data being uploaded via Wi-Fi by your DS, and then from your computer you login to some Nintendo-run website that allows you to play the game on your computer (which has been previously associated with your specific save file, via some friend code-like mechanic or something). The game data, your save, etc. will all be stored on Nintendo's server, not directly accessible... kind of like a Pokemon cloud computing. When you're done playing on the computer, you start the logoff process, and it tells you to power on your DS and game (I imagine this feature will probably be in the main menu, before you actually resume your game progress), choose whatever option and then the new progress is uploaded onto your cartridge. While that's all fine and good as far as playing the game goes, it accomplishes nothing in allowing a consumer's fair use rights to backup his or her *.sav data to some external source. The feature will, in no way, remove my desire for a save backup device for 3DS cartridges.
  7. How does it solve it? Is the save in the form of a *.sav file that you can directly control and backup on your computer? I think not.
  8. But the TWL product codes on the boxart indicate they're DSi-enhanced. No reason they wouldn't include support for the DSi's WPA, if that's the case.
  9. Well, now they're just asking for abuse. I wonder how long before someone comes up with an exploit like the GTS one that allows for an edited *.sav to be sent to a cart over your local network?
  10. I finally found a listing of all the VGC09 dates, on Smogon: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1542464&postcount=1 About halfway through the post: So that does support the June 20th date for the French tournament and Milotic distribution. And as I suspected, Spain wasn't included last year and it was only the UK that was on the 30th.
  11. I can't find a list of the VGC 2009 European locations, but if last year was anything like this year then Mewtwo may be onto something. This year the UK is on the 29th rather than the 30, and it seems France has been pushed up to the 12th instead being towards the end of the month (maybe to make room for Spain, which is on the 19th... I can't see a Spanish Milotic, so maybe Spain didn't have an 09 event?). The 05309 Trainer ID from the VGC09 Milotic backs up the UK date of the giveaway, as they seem to default to the English-language date when making the trainer ID. Unless the UK and France had their VGC tournaments on the same day last year, something must be up with the French Milotic PCD.
  12. Since nobody else has done it, I thought I'd post the VGC10 Eevee Wondercard, recently contributed by NulMyre (not me) in another thread in this section. Figured it belonged in this thread, so it could eventually be added to the *.zip file and new event section, whenever it comes up. All I did was extract the unmodified version of PCD from the *.sav file NulMyre provided, and used it to make the PGT file. Event Name: Video Game Championships 2010 Shiny Eevee Card ID: 52 Card Title: Wow! Shiny EEVEE! Card Comment: Thanks for coming to a 2010 Pokémon Video Game Championships event! Be sure to save your game after you pick up the Pokémon at the Poké Mart. Pokemon Icon 2: 133 Date Card Received: 2010/05/15 Distribution Value & Game: 8001 (HG&SS) 052 Eevee, USA, VGC10 (HgSs).zip
  13. The Wondercards for the shiny beasts haven't even been given out in Japan yet. Why would there be AR codes for them already? No doubt there will be once they actually come out, though.
  14. Here's some footage from today's Pokemon Sunday about the starters, which ends with some battle footage between them: [video=youtube;zhECRMvZSgI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhECRMvZSgI&fmt=18
  15. The average person isn't going to want to spend $30 on that, just to be able to upload the WC to the site. I've got an NDS Adapter Plus, but there's no Canadian location for the VGc Tour. A ton of people have flashcarts, though.
  16. Yeah, Pingouin is right, unfortunately. This Wonder Card is a Hg/Ss exclusive, and those cartridges aren't compatible with the homebrew dumping tools. I hope this WC does show up eventually, though. Hopefully the next person to get it remembers to bring their flashcart. It doesn't take much time to get it on your retail cart, then swap that out for the flashcart and get another on there.
  17. Pokemon Sunday has revealed silhouettes of the Gen V starters: It's hard to judge too much just from these, but I dunno... they've got some pretty odd shapes. And the one on the right kind of looks like a deformed Piplup... I really hope they didn't try to make one of the starters a Pipclone, just because Piplup was elevated to co-mascot (with Pikachu) status with Diamond & Pearl.
  18. The Winner's Path is up as of a few minutes ago. Here's the PCD and PGT, exported from my save using Grovyle's Mystery Gift Editor: The WC ID is #51, and the version distribution is obviously Hg/Ss exclusive (8001): 051 Winner's Path, USA, WiFi.zip
  19. Whenever the event section comes back, though, it should have more Wonder Cards than are currently in the ZIP. Back when this was was still Pokesav.org, it had older Wonder Cards available (especially some of the Japanese ones like 2007 & 2008 Birthday events, etc.)... but also the English 2007 giveaways for Manaphy, etc.).
  20. I'm curious if Wonder Cards like the EVENT Pokewalker course will be included... although these were uploaded in this thread, it hadn't been added to the ZIP archive in the first post at the time it dissapeared. Unfortunately, it seems to have dissapeared from the post it was uploaded in, as well: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?5164-Event-Contribution-Collection&p=64475&viewfull=1#post64475 Maybe Nigoli still has a copy of it?
  21. The problem with Jirachi is that it's been available in so few ways, a hack is usually very easy to detect unless you really know what you're doing. There's the Colosseum Bonus Disc Jirachi (OT: WISHMKR), however to make a legit one of those from scratch you'd need to generate a "Common GBA Event (restricted)" PID/IV combination... and as far as I know, none of the current programs available will generate using that algorithm (probably to prevent the mass proliferation of hacked GBA event Pokemon). The only other English Jirachi available was via the recent Gamestop event, and is a regular NDS Mystery Gift Pokemon... probably easier to generate. But what's easier still is just downloading one of the many Jirachis already available, or requesting one in the appropriate section of this forum. Alternatively, you could also download the Wonder Card files for the recent Gamestop Jirachi, inject them into your *.sav file using the "Mystery Gift Editor" program, and then receive Jirachi in your game normally.
  22. Gameplay footage that shows a bit more of the big city, from today's Pokemon Sunday: [video=youtube;Y2lwFWOKYiI] [url= ][/url]
  23. Do you have a link to the announcement you're talking about? I've seen the announcements about the actual event download page being worked on (they've been up for months, how could I not have?), but I've seen nothing as to why all the downloads have dissapeared from this thread's first post. That only seemed to happen recently.
  24. True; assuming you got a male (which I did soft reset for), but I figured it couldn't hurt to have the ability to go back and get another original, encountered at the Dragon's Den, if I ever were to need one.
  25. Going by the logos on the games' boxes, R/B/Y were for the original Game Boy and G/S/C were for the Game Boy Color. Gold and Silver were playable on the original Game Boy models, yeah, but like I said they looked like completely different games when played on a GBC. B&W basically looks like Hg/Ss with the camera angles changed, and the environment redesigned to take advantage of that. The actual graphics seem barely improved. All it proves is that none of the current Pokemon games took full advantage of the DS; not that a 6 year-old, dying handheld has anything new to offer. As I mentioned, Hg/Ss briefly used 3-D angles like we're seeing so far in B&W (roof of Celadon Mansion, and halfway up Olivine Lighthouse)... clearly they were testing it out in that game, and merely expanded it for use in the whole game for B&W. The actual graphics probably can't be improved, because they've hit the limit of what the DS can do with a game as large as Pokemon.
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