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Everything posted by Khari

  1. Ok Guys, A tool called Console tool can allow you to view the pokemon animations in a limited manner. I still am not confident in changing bone riggings and part like that. It's in its 3.0 stage and should allow for complete animation veiwing for NDS in the near future. The tool is here: http://llref.emutalk.net/projects/ctool/
  2. not yet, i'm going to try my best at finding a way to edit animation but i am stuck at the moment.
  3. Same way. the mechanics haven't changed. the trainers now use this hack strategy though.
  4. I'm researching that. in the 20 files for each pokemon form, the are 1 or two that govern movement...i think. right now i'm relying on the non edited animations. this is something i really want fully editable because of what it can lead to. so, i will need all the help i can get.
  5. you just open it as if an sf2 file. then you find the instrument you want to change and insert the correct instrument in behind 81 in hex format, replacing the bytes behind 81.
  6. Hey guys! Video tutorial! [video=youtube;2XJ2HH9NVbQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XJ2HH9NVbQ I found out the only reason i couldn't do one before was that i simply didn't create a folder to send it to.
  7. The answer everyone's looking for. [video=youtube;2XJ2HH9NVbQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XJ2HH9NVbQ
  8. I've seen that...wood doesn't want to load on my 3ds gold plus version. I know i have a compatible version, but i already installed the initial firmware into the cart via the burner it came with. i open the wood r4 from the firmware it came with, but it won't open.
  9. use the program VGMTrans, and extract the .dls file corresponding to the .sseq. use the program Synthfont to test all of the instruments inside of this .dls file. the number of the instruments in that file will be the number in the rom.
  10. when I extract an .nds file (in particular Pokemon White), there is a loss in data. the rom becomes 191 mb, when the r4 compatible version was 256 mb. Is there a way for me to recompile it so that it is compatible again? when i try to run it in r4, i get "error romload=-4)
  11. Hmm... I accept your challenge, but could you elaborate on what you would like to see?
  12. Dude, i'm making a remake just like this! We should work together!
  13. [video=youtube;pgYXg-dHiuw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgYXg-dHiuw&feature=plcp just a small side trip
  14. Oh, nonono it's not just changing colors. I didn't use the greatest example but that is a different sprite. You just keep the parts on the same place as the pokemon. Notice that one of Celebii's arms are missing and blood in it's empty eyes? That's all there is to it! Put the new parts on top of older ones of about the same size and it still animates! Here, i'll just edit the last tutorial a bit to make it clearer.
  15. I am willing to put fakemon in this hack Requirements: -I must have an image/link of the pokemon -rough stats (what is it good at/ whats it's type) -evolutionary line -where do you want this pokemon caught credit will be given
  16. SOZ GUIZ! Video capture software didn't want to work today, so This is the tutorial. So the first thing you want to do is extract the files in a/0/0/4.narc with Tinke. Download Here The open BWSE 2 by Kazo and select the "pokemon" function. open the folder with the extracted files. It will ask to rename the files. DO IT. , and look for the pokedex number of the pokemon you're editing. insert your "front" sprite that has all the parts broken up like the pokemon you're overwriting. then press "sync pal" and import the back sprite. This should have the EXACT same colors as the front sprite. deselect "back" sprite, and select shiny. Turn of sync pal and import a front sprite of your pokemon that has the same colors in the same place, but has a new palette (new set of colors) you can do this in Photoshop, paint.net, or by importing that sprite into Gamemaker and changing the hue (i prefer this method.) make sure none of the sprites glitched up and exit the program. Open "Kiwi DS" and select "make narc file". select that edited folder and DO NOT make a file table. overwrite a/0/0/4 with this new file and it should come out something like this [video=youtube;pgYXg-dHiuw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgYXg-dHiuw
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