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Everything posted by Okami

  1. 6 Yeah I saw. Seriously, I still love you mods *goes to the corner to continue crying*
  2. Probably so. 4. I love you mods anyways.....*cries*
  3. Just because you're younger than me and are a mod, greencat.....*sighs and decides to stop* OOH, I COULD STRANGLE YA, I COULD D: One, or two?
  4. 9. Cats are sneaky, yes they are. (And I would know, I own 3 of them, one who meows at you for attention EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. you walk past him!) Greencat is green. <.< >.>
  5. 7 Greencat, you're a stalker. \o.o/
  6. 5. I'm glad you're enjoying my slightly-manic ways, friend.
  7. What do you guys mean by 'choiced'? I hate feeling dumb and out of the loop about this stuff. Also, my question about what a sweeper is has been left unanswered thus far.
  8. 3 I need anger management.
  9. *screams* FRICKITGREENCAT!!!! 1
  10. I'll come back to this one later. *has many an idea*
  11. 39 It'll be soon for me too
  12. I've got speed fingers here, so much so it's driving me crazy to post here 32
  13. 25. Man, this is nuts. *yawns* I'ma gettin' sleepy
  14. 23. Can we make it back to 50?!
  15. Eh, it's just difficult with all of us racing to post 18
  16. 16 I switched it lol Um...yeah I suppose, but I really do want to work on my all-around elite team...no matter how many people crush me on the fact that it can't truly be an all-around team
  17. Heheh...guess that means I need a Charizard to my team, huh? I mean my elite team, not the crap one I have now <.< 13 *watches the superstitious slink away*
  18. 9. Eh...but Aaron is hard for my team...it's just that weak. There's no way I want to go back training though ;
  19. We made it to 55, though. I'd say PF and I make one heck of a team! Cheers to that! make it 7
  20. Hm...yeah, I dunno what I'm going to do about the E4. As I'm basically stuck without a paddle here. Dang Cynthia. Dang my not EV-trained team. Dang my horrible pokemon-training skills.... 4
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