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About Dude22376

  • Birthday 10/10/1990
  1. Hi, I recently learned to RNG abuse. I am attempting to capture a quint-flawless Scyther in the south section of Route 210. However, there's one problem: http://www.eggmove.com/encounterplat.htm lists Scyther's encounter slots as 2 and 6, meaning it has an encounter rate of 15%. This is only true in the morning. My target time occurs at 3:00 p.m., which is in the afternoon. Scyther's encounter rate in the afternoon is 5%. So that means that it uses different encounter slots. My question is, which encounter slots do Scyther use in the afternoon? Additionally, if I could get a list of encounter slots for all other Pokemon that appear on Route 210 south in the afternoon, I would appreciate it as I will be able to check which frame I hit if I didn't succeed.
  2. HyperGTS can receive pkm files: https://sites.google.com/site/pokencg/gtsemu
  3. Hi, I have a request. Could someone make these Pokemon and trade them to me? My FC is 0991 0440 4668. Applies to all: No nicknames, any ID/SID/OT/OT Gender/Pokemon Gender is OK. Non-shiny. Max all PP. The pkm files are attached below, you can verify them if you want:
  4. I believe "Met at Level" should be set to 0, since it's hatched from an egg. Unless HG/SS is different from Platinum.
  5. One more thing: When I open the files on Pokegen, their nicknames appear differently. Some of them have \FFFF\FFFF\FFFF at the back. Should I be worried?
  6. I used Pandora's Box in RNG Reporter to generate the SID. I set the ID as 1337, year as 2010. The seed was 431117AF and the delay was 6053. Are the "encounter hexes" the 44h, 45h, etc. values? I think I got those correct.
  7. Hello, new user here. Could someone verify the legality of these Pokesaved mons? They appear legal when passed through legal.exe but a Sand Stream Larvitar (should be Guts) also was declared legal, so I might have missed something. HallChomp.pkm TowerChomp.pkm TowerAzelf.pkm TowerTar.pkm CastleGross.pkm
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