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Everything posted by Kaarosu

  1. From the sounds of it, seems like it's AP related stuff dunno if anything can be done maybe Rudolph will fix it. We'll just keep an eye on it for now.
  2. just updated both gits with what was up in both of them. As of now they all use the Yen sign but if you want to go back and fix them so the variables don't break go for it. Also the easy way to 'catch up' in the gits is to delete your fork and then just fork from the main git again.
  3. Hey guys! Just dropping by because I'm getting a LOT of people asking me how to edit the text in the game and I don't like explaining something more than once if I don't have to. So I've made a quick tutorial for all of you out there and tried to make it as simple as possible.. since the tools are out there now and I've been/will be busy till Friday now T.T I won't be able to compile v3 till the weekend. Anyways, here is a tutorial for all of you potential translators out there or for those of you who just can't wait for the weekend. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?br9p1ec1a7o9u4g P.S. For those of you who want to use Pokeshifter/Time Machine with your Japanese games again I'll revert those files back for v3 or if you can't wait you can follow the guide as well except you want to replace the files in "dl_rom" with these: http://www.mediafire.com/?j3cetp6nwbe3xtj and http://www.mediafire.com/?bmg5lz4rod3addm
  4. alright, updated both gits with the other forks and added some fixes here and there. Off to sleep I go.
  5. Awesome! Just updated the Git with your changes as well. Thanks!
  6. Just dropping by to let people know I'm alive, just swamped with lots of work. I'll try to catch up on stuff a bit tonight but can't really pay much attention to this till wed.
  7. Also guys if possible could you sync your forks up to the main one? there are some typos/bugs that randomly come back because not everyone has the same files and I miss of them at times. thanks!
  8. Yeah all you need is NitroExplorer2b and PPTXT and you're set. Main files are located in a/0/0/2 and story files are in a/0/0/3. Extract 2 and 3 with NitroExplorer2b, edit them with PPTXT (Always remember to File>Write to Narc) then re-inject them back into the game with NitroExplorer2b again... and test P.S. Download the source from the githubs, PPTXT has an Import all from files option P.P.S. Anyone who can't wait for a v2.1 do this cause my laptop is crapping out and failing to show japanese text properly out of nowhere so I really can't do much right now.
  9. sorry been busy all day just got to working on this, though pptxt is out now so people can just download the source and repack their narcs themselves now... though I doubt many people know how to so I may make a tutorial of sorts and have people do their own changes all they'd have to do is grab the latest stuff from the github... but we'll see
  10. wow you guys have been busy bees as I slept, nice job!
  11. Thanks for the feedback, if you run into any more compile them into a list of sorts and PM them to me so that I remember and doesn't get lost in the pages. thanks.
  12. That was one of those silent updates in v2 to see if Pokeshifter could be used with US games which is why you're getting that black screen/freeze, I'm thinking of up of a better way to distribute patches out to people and make it more streamlined but I'll fix the pokemart stuff tomorrow hopefully and make sure to get a version out that keeps the pokeshifter untouched
  13. I was hoping that wasn't the case as I was merging stuff in *facepalm* it's cause they stopped using the Yen sign... if it's bad enough I may have to do a v2.1 or something tomorrow
  14. v2 is now out with everything that is in the gits, enjoy.
  15. your post is still there... and if you mean for the story yeah that's my fault as i did not do QC as i do with the normal git, but I did say that from the beginning that I would be putting little to no importance to story stuff until the end. And for now i'm opting to go with improper English instead of nothing at all.
  16. alright just finished merging the story git, don't think I missed anything but if i did let me know.
  17. I haven't even really looked in there yet >< I'll get to that next though
  18. catching up with all i've missed first then should have patches with what we have in the gits done by tonight
  19. man power goes out and you miss so much =\ catching up on things now
  20. Looking at it, seems like it was my error should be fine (didn't realize the file had a blank line)
  21. should be 157 from what I can see I may be wrong I'll check it out a bit later, I have to go out and do some errands first.
  22. It seems an entry for the newer pokemon is missing from what I can tell not sure which one, someone mind checking?
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