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About wejhvabewjty

  • Birthday December 26

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  1. Over the past few days I've been gathering some Pokémon to build a living dex for HOME. To make it easier I've looking through the save files of some of my cartridges to help with the process. A few of the playthroughs are well over 10 years old and some mons I needed had ridiculous nicknames, which I wanted to remove. I was previously convinced that once you nicknamed a Pokémon, the nickname flag that shows in PKHeX stays there forever even if you revert to species name. For that reason I nicknamed them all in lower case for gens 3 and 4 (even though species names are supposed to be in all caps for those generations). I got curious about what would happen if I did otherwise, so I decided to check and rename a nicknamed Riolu to RIOLU in Platinum. PKHeX showed that the nickname flag was gone. I tried then to evolve it and the name got updated to LUCARIO correctly. I tried to do the same with another Pokémon in Emerald with the same result. However, if I try to manually set the nicknamed flag to on when the nickname matches the species name in PKHeX, it still shows as legal even though I can't figure out how a situation like this could happen during regular gameplay. I read on another post regarding gen 3 that there isn't a really an IsNicknamed flag that gets saved into the Pokémon's data. If that is the case, how is PKHeX is able to figure out the flag is still on after I export and reload the save? Does it have to do with nickname trash bytes perhaps? I'm not sure.
  2. The lastest update fixed this. They are IV locked.
  3. I think it shows up as illegal because the checker doesn't take in account that you can change the language in the PAL version of the game. I'm almost certain that Colosseum saves data about the language you start the game with. Any Pokémon you catch, will also have that language, even if you decide to change it afterwards. That is why your Ho-Oh shows up as Spanish, even though you changed the language to German, which is probably considered as a mismatch by PKHeX given Ho-Oh's OT name.
  4. All Sword/Shield Pokémon show up now as illegal if they, at some point, learnt any move through a Technical Record.
  5. I redeemed this one: A8994PHC9NNF336R This one too: A8994N2QXACT5PSU
  6. It is not identifiable if done correctly, but the same applies to something created for scratch.
  7. I tested Scizor and the result always was a Hasty nature and 0 IVs for all the stats.
  8. Welcome.
  9. Remember to make backups every now and then, just in case something goes wrong again.
  10. I loaded your save and after the 3 guys from Team Plasma left, the screen goes black. EDIT: I'll run it with an actual cart. Hopefully it will work this way. EDIT 2: Same black screen as before. The save is probably lost.
  11. So loading the save state and then saving didn't work? Maybe someone can help about this if you upload the corrupted save.
  12. Do you have any save backup? Or any save state? If you can load an earlier save state you should be able to recover the save. If you used PKHeX with it, you may have a backup of the save in its folder.
  13. The TID goes from 00000 to 65535. No secret ID for those gens.
  14. I might be able to help you. Send me a message tomorrow.
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