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Everything posted by codemonkey85

  1. Just a quick notice - I updated the Qt application to include some memory fixes (thanks to a Githubber named Antidote). You can grab the update at the usual link.
  2. Just FYI, I removed the SQLite database files from the Git repository to reduce the amount of bandwidth used when initializing a new environment. The databases can be downloaded from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2etuv926vyey5ou/jeAXk1qDXc. Of course, they haven't changed since I moved them, so you could just copy them to a local directory yourself. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I'll add the folder path I was using before to the .gitignore so that current local branches won't break after syncing the change.
  3. Unless he's just upset that hacks might make it in through Bank.
  4. Again, I sincerely appreciate the input. I'll look everything over after work tonight, although if you're planning to continue looking further I might wait until you're satisfied before attempting to merge any changes (development has been on a bit of a hiatus lately anyway). Also, I'm not totally opposed to the idea of using Qt's SQLite implementation, now that I think of it, if it helps with performance and / or makes it easier to coordinate the backend data with the UI.
  5. Wow, a contributor! I very much appreciate your advice. To be honest I used VB.Net for a long time before working on this project, so it is true that I am not used to having to manage memory. I actually have tried to figure out how to free memory, but everything I tried didn't seem to work very well. With that said, it is very exciting to have somebody with Qt experience looking at my source! I will review these patches and make the merges later. Also, I did know that Qt had its own implementation for SQLite but I've chosen to use the library from SQLite.org so that other people that utilize my library don't necessarily need to use Qt.
  6. Just so we're all clear, there is no way anybody could possibly ever know the difference between a Pokémon that was created by Pokégen and one that was made by the game - as long as it's done right. There will be Pokégen Pokémon in the Gen VI ecosystem. This is a fact.
  7. Well that wouldn't make it impossible - just really super hard. There have to be developers with debug kits, which means those kits will end up in the hands of enterprising hackers eventually, which is one avenue of exploration. Technically we'll have some control data to look for once we can transfer from Gen V (PIDs and such) so there's that too.
  8. But either way, my point is that the code for encrypting / decrypting save files is probably not part of the ROM, whether eShop or cartridge, but rather part of the 3DS firmware itself.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the decryption is part of the ROM but rather a 3DS system function.
  10. As one of the researchers (who doesn't work on Pokegen though...), I would be glad if you posted these save files. As Guested pointed out, they could help with research.
  11. I think some of you might take some interest in the forthcoming update: There is obviously still a lot of work to be done, but the underlying mechanics have been pretty much worked out - once I build the interface it should be pretty easy to use. You'll be able to choose which columns to display, filter and sort results, etc. Woo!
  12. Some minor additions: Hidden Power Pokerus Images for TMs/HMs and other previously missing items Box "grid" colors Also, you can now click one of the box grids to select a box. Plus, when you change a box, the list focuses on the one you switched to, and frames it. Yay? Oh, plus... some degree of Mac OS compatibility:
  13. As I said to Lego (via PM), if you think the colors are cool now - just wait until they make it into release. I spent about 20 minutes with my emulator, Snipping Tool, and MS Paint and got the real hex codes for the actual colors used in the game.
  14. I love being me. By the way, the colors are just the beginning. There's planned functionality too, of course.
  15. You're gonna want to start here: NDS: How to Backup/Restore your retail cartridge save file for DS games http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16601
  16. You said this program was exactly what you were looking for. Have you ever edited a .SAV file before? Are you using a retail cart?
  17. Come and get it folks - PKMDS Desktop is now ready for use! Currently editing of Pokémon and changing the current box are the only real features. Importing, exporting, and removing Pokémon is next, probably closely followed by moving Pokémon around in the boxes and party. NOTE: After thorough (and needlessly arduous) testing with the retail games, I can say that this application is correctly writing data to the save files and updating the checksums as necessary. However, feel free to inform me of any bugs encountered. Also, you'll notice Ribbons are not yet implemented, there are no contest stats (does anyone care?), and the Misc. tab only contains a read-only PID for now. This application is still in-progress, mind you. Get it while it's hot - https://www.dropbox.com/s/gt5rgv80rj72ajq/PKMDS%20Desktop%20-%20Qt.zip
  18. All righty folks, I finished the origins page. So now I guess most of the basic editing you'd expect is present. Next on my list of goals is importing / exporting / deleting Pokémon, and then moving the Pokémon around in the boxes and party. I've updated the .exe and the .zip files.
  19. Very kind of you! But I actually have all that info in the SQLite database I'm using; I just haven't written the queries yet. Also of potential interest to folks: I uploaded a (semi) working build for Linux (specifically Ubuntu, if that matters?): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/knfycny5t8nh2ih/aTo-8YG8oQ
  20. FYI, here are the update links: The exe file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/94fsbpzhlb1jfcc/PKMDS_QT.exe An update to the database file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lilo409wcj2ad1j/veekun-pokedex.sqlite An update to the image database: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rtp7g052ise4lnv/images.sqlite I'll simply have a link to both the zip and the .exe, and explain that they should start with the zip and download the .exe going forward. Actually, I'd really like to figure out how to get the app to update itself, but one step at a time. :-) Fixed. Fixed. I'll have to look for these. Not sure if they're missing from the code, the database, the images, or some combination. EDIT: I see what you mean. I'll have to see if Qt supports data bindings like Visual Studio, so I can use the database value instead of the selected index (which is what I currently use) so I don't have to pull in these "blank item slots" to keep everything lined up. The TMs and HMs I'll actually have to do "manually" (a couple database calls to get the type of the move in the given machine and then the image for that type), but I haven't gotten around to it yet. The others I'll look into. EDIT: Pretty sure I took care of the key items with a database update. That's... odd. I'll check it out. It might be stored that way (incorrectly perhaps) in the database. I'll look for that. EDIT: Fixed with a database update. Fixed.
  21. I already wrote the code to show the PID as either decimal or hex. :-P The real trick is going to be figuring out how to allow the user to enter only valid data. I've updated the .zip in my Dropbox. Thanks to a program called 'upx' the binaries are considerably smaller, so I would suggest downloading it once more, then in the future I will post only the updated .exe file (and the databases if I ever update those).
  22. Just so you know, I fixed a good portion of the issues you brought to my attention. Thanks again for the input! I won't pretend I care all that much about SE Pichu, but I will admit it doesn't make a lot of sense to have just dropped it. What game are you playing, Nintendo? That's not a bad idea. I'll have to squeeze it in somehow. Actually, the problem isn't so much generation (which I haven't even started thinking about yet), but the value of a PID takes up four bytes, which is just beyond what the number picker can handle. I'm going to have to either subclass it and use uint32 for the value instead of double, or I'm going to have to use a text box and figure out how to restrict entry to numbers. Well thank you!
  23. EDIT: Added bugs to the bug tracker on Github. https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-G5/issues?labels=bug&page=1&state=open Wow. You are thorough. I don't mind telling you, I think your input (and that save file) is going to be a tremendous help. Just remember though, this is a very rough application in progress. Let's see.... I will look into that. I'm pretty sure I already knew I didn't implement that, but now that you have me thinking of it I might as well get it in there now. Very odd, I'll check it out. See my response to Arceus. I'll look at that. I was just going to ignore this but I suppose it wouldn't be that hard to implement a fix for Spiky-Ear Pichu. At the very least I could simply show the normal sprite. This was my next task, and as a matter of fact I'd already finished it in the VC++ sister project. N's Pokémon will go in origins, Pokestar might be totally ignored like the contest stats. Is it really important? I suppose I could add it. Ribbons are likely the last thing I'll do, because they will be a nightmare. I have all the assets, just have to do the work. Moving Pokémon around in the boxes / party is a top priority, but I have to figure out how to do it in Qt (I'm going to do drag and drop of course). Creating Pokémon is a mite trickier... people might forget the little details, so I am thinking of a way to help make it easier. Or I guess I could just let the user do it the hard way. Oh, I have something in mind for that all right. Not sure where I want to put this yet. Unfortunately this is harder than it should be (because of how big the PID actually is). Gonna have to make a custom control in Qt, I think. Haha, wow. I didn't expect something like that to show up in a SAV file. Well I can't pretend it's not there, can I? What if you have one of these in a box, but it's invisible... what happens if you fill the box with other Pokémon? Do I now erase Brycen-Man? But I also have no intention of supporting such things, especially since they're not a part of the backend database I'm using. I'll have to give this some thought... maybe for cases like this I'll just show a ? and let the user do what they like with that.
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