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Everything posted by Sabeta

  1. That sig finally gave me a reason to use Content-Aware. I love that feature but never get the chance to use it.
  2. He was. He was deemed a Heretic and killed.
  3. My main flaw with Christianity, is that it's far too narrow-minded. Science is an open minded practice. The very nature of the Scientific Method includes room for error. The bible; however, says that everything is absolutely the way it is, and that nothing will ever change that. It wasn't until 1992 that the Church acknowledged that our humble little Eart wasn't the center of the Universe, despite Centuries of overwhelming data proving that it wasn't. (The first of these being the Pendulum. I don't remember the poor blokes name, but he proved that the earth was moving, and not the sun, by building a pendulum. If the earth were not in motion, then it would swing to the same places every time; however, in his experiment it gradually shifted around and about in a circle.) Despite this, the church decided they should kill him. Hundreds of years later, they finally decided "Oops, guess we were wrong about something." This Narrow-Minded thinking is apalling to me. Why would you want to intentionally restrict every aspect of your life to a single solitary thought pattern? I've read up on what the Church says Heaven is as well. You lose all your friends, all your family, and all your worldly possesions, everything you have ever enjoyed is lost to you, and instead you only know god, and do nothing but pray to god all day and all night of all times. Call me selfish but that doesn't quite sound like a pleasant place to be.
  4. BananaMan14: I would like to personally apologize to you, as this was originally an unfinished Request. It must have slipped my attention.
  5. I'm a bit late into the conversation, but I'll plug my two cents in now. For those who don't know, there are currently TWO accepted theories for how the Universe was formed. I'll go over both of them shortly, but first. I want to talk about the Bible. The Bible literally does state 6 Earthen Days. I have talked to numerous priests on this subject, and all have confirmed the same, only a couple of Christians who only know the most famous scriptures have made claim that a Day for God is different than anyone else's. The bible also states that the Earth is exactly 6,000 years old, which we all should know by now that the Earth is somewhere in the millions (Billions? I can't quite remember) I would also like to point out, that the most prominent Christian Symbol The Cross, was created by the Norse. I can't remember what the symbol held for them (I think it represented Yggdrasil, the overly spammed tree) but they coined it first, in addition to the stories of Adam and Eve. (Except their version was left at the end of time, instead of the dawn) Oh, and one more point I'd like to mention, that I learned quite recently. People left their grain in giant mills. This is common knowledge, yes? Well, what happens to a big pile of just about anything that sits in a mostly sealed warm room? It begins to decompose and ferment. In short, everyone was putting so many weird chemicals in their body, it's no wonder some people can claim they saw these things. If you were taking hallucinatory chemicals, you'd be seeing things too (Which was actually what was being produced by these fermented grains mind you). Now onto Science. Science says the Universe magically sprang from nothing. It was just there one day. Well that's where you'd be wrong. The Big Bang theory never stated that "it was just suddenly there". It states that there was a single point of Mass, that contained the entirety of universe, and it exploded. More or Less, creating the big bang. a couple kinks in the theory are A) The universe seems to have expanded unevenly, and some farther reaching parts are "older" than inner reaching parts, meaning that there was likely multiple bangs, and B) where'd that spec come from in the first place. Well B) can be answered readilly enough, and that is "Whose to say there was ever a true beginning." What if time has no beginning. What if everything that ever is will be or was, has always been. What if there was no true beginning to time, but a cycle of universal expansion and contraction. This is actually the most accepted model. Basically, the universe will stop expanding, then one of three things will happen. A) everything will just keep drifting, because there wasn't much mass to keep us together. B) we hit a perfect balance, and will be staying where we are. C) We had too much mass, and the universe will slowly collapse in on itself, ultimately creating a new big bang, and another universe. The former question however, can't be answered so easily, and that's where the current more popular theory comes into play. Basically, we all exist in the 3rd dimension. The universe, expands to the 4 dimensional plane. In the 5th dimension, our Universe looks like a sheet of paper, as relative to 4th and 3rd dimensions. (Science can explain no better than this, as 2 more dimensions is rather hard to grasp from a 3D perspective)In this 5th dimension, are multiple other sheets of papers. These are all universes, and none of which (hypothetically) have been awakened. Now imagine, one of those sheets, just one. splitting into two, and that sliver of a sheet travels to our currently empty univserse. That sheet will crumple slightly, and impact our universe unevenly; however, the sheer force of two Universe colliding with each other. (Imagine the entire mass of everything that is, hitting something else with that mass.) This collision releases incredible amounts of Energy across the entire Universe (Big Bang) which as things slow down, begins to convert into matter, and eventually you are left with present day Universe. Oh, and this model, there's 11 dimensions. (I think it was that many) I don't know what basis there is for the second Model, but I'm sure there's some valid reason why it's the new standard model. (It's a lot cooler than "It just ****ing happened, I don't know how, but it did."
  6. Okay, sorry for my beligerant abscence. I got bored with the general inactivity of PP, and moved on for a little while, but I think I'll come back and see what's shakin' with all my friends. That being Said, I think I'm in the mood to crunch some Sigs. To ALL of you still waiting on your Signatures from Eons ago, please restate what you wanted, as well as the Page it was on, and the Post Number (As I will be doing them in order of oldest to newest requests) To those who have already forgotten my work, well BOO! To those of you who forgot my existence, BOO! To those of you who remember me, and missed me. Kay. Anywho, send in your requests. @Folite: I gotta say that yours are pretty nice, but yes they are amateur (hope I don't offend you with that). I don't know much, but I have a list of Tutorials from Toffeuy.
  7. Thanks Formless, I bet it was Skype lol. I'll check that now. Sabedit Yup, it worked.
  8. Okay, so I think my problem is slightly similar. I boot up Hyper GTS, try to start the GTS, and poop line 80 is apparently blocked or something. "Server could not be started (port 80 already in use)" Please explain it like you were talking to a brain dead monkey, I am unable to follow all of that above technical jargon, lol. Please and thank you for your assistance.
  9. I'll agree that this Meta is tricky, but most because atm people are going around spamming Ubers everywhere. Ftr, Ono has such horrid Defenses it balances out his insane offensive skill.
  10. I really don't get what your problem with Ulgamoth is. It's got a wicked design (although not the best, tbh) and is soo broken it's not even funny. Owait, it actually is.
  11. How do you do all those nice effects in the Riolu one?
  12. Everyone keeps saying that there's going to be less Stealth Rocks now that the TM is gone. Guess what, we can migrate. Some Pokémon don't need their Dream World abilities either. So yeah, it's not going anywhere. As for weather or not it should be banned, no it should not. All you need is Spin support, and your good to go. If you feel your opponent has a spin blocker, attack with your spinner and watch it fall.
  13. Nobody seems to play Ulgamoth right. It runs Flame Dance, Bug Buzz, and Hidden Power Ground, so that it can dish the hurt on Heatran, Shandeera, and Nintales, as well as anything else really (that's fire type, and would otherwise wall me) Also, it runs Lum Berry so it can get a free +1 when your opponents try to status you. Trust me when I say (As I have used it quite extensively) that Shandeera cannot do ANYTHING to a proper Ulgamoth; especially if you get it locked into the wrong move, as most if not all are scarfed. Ninetales is win, but tricky to play this gen, what with all the heavy hitters. Solar Beam is an alright move, but I stopped using it due to the inherent risk factor associated with it.
  14. It's very nice, I wish I could do that lol, I'm still learning though.
  15. With that then, it can't switch in, and so Venusaur has no immediate worries. Keep in mind that the game tells you if it has a Balloon or not, so it doesn't really work out too well for surprises.
  16. I made these, quite proud of them.
  17. So then, I've been playing mostly Sunny Day, and boy do I love it. Growth now give +1 Atk and Spa this gen, and when used in the sun, the effect is doubled, so it's a free +2 to both my offensive stats. This makes mixed sweeper Venusaur a real beast, and Victreebell got a major power up too, what with reliable Weather Ball and Leaf Storm. My favorite Pokémon this gen is Ulgamoth. 50% weakness to Stealth Rocks? Laughable. After a single Butterfly Dance, I'm able to decimate most teams, after 2 I'm unstoppable. Even Ditto doesn't scare me, as I can continue to Butterfly Dance while it struggles to do much of anything. It completely walls Shandeera too, allowing for free set-up if they are foolish enough to stay in. Even at 50% this thing sweeps like a pro, and I thoroughly enjoy it. Ftr, Sunny Day is now my preferred weather, but Sandstorm still holds dear to me. I like most of the designs, and hate others.
  18. I don't see anyway of Heatran beating Venusaur period. Venusaur is faster, and carries Earthquake, the only way, is with a Substitute.
  19. I believe I found a way to get CS5 Extended again. It's another 30 day free trial thing, so ~Crosses Fingers~ I have photoshop again, but I've been commissioned to make some badges, and that takes precedence at the moment.
  20. Well is it free, and where can I get it?
  21. I hate zuruggu. Gamefreak gave me everything I asked for this gen, sans the Light type. 1)Fire/Bug type; gogo 4x Rock weakness. Now I just need Fire/Ice, and Ice/Bug, and I can make an entire "Stealth Rocks Raped me" team. 2)Ou legal Drought and Drizzle Pokémon. 3)A lot of new cool Pokémon. Things I didn't get, but don't matter. Fire/Elec Priority moves. Replaced by Volt Change Fire Ghost Pokemon (I did get it, but I was hoping for a mirage; Shandeera is cooler though) Fire/Water Steam based Pokémon. The abilities Mirage and Mist Body; Which is Sand Veil for Rain and Sun.
  22. I use the smudge tool...Does GIMP not have Smudge/Blur/Sharpen tools? Those are relatively important to me.
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