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Everything posted by Gin

  1. People, from the OP, it seems as if this is a VGC team. Is it?
  2. Useful coverage means normal or super effective damage on a type or pokemon that would have resisted. Facade is a 70 BP move with little or no additional coverage. Using it here would be a gimmick, and a bad one at that, especially considering the options that actually work. If you do not get toxic'd, then you just wasted a moveslot that could be Megahorn for Latias. Latias will OHKO you regardless of weather(All standard sets) and will 2HKO you when sand is up(All standard sets). Specs and +1 Latias OHKO in sandm too. Who cares if you can 2HKO Breloom? He 2HKO you first with Seed Bomb, or leech seed and stall you out. Offensive Gyarados OHKOs you almost all the time, and all the time with stealth rock or under rain (99.5% - 118.2%) Defensive Gyara is not OHKO'd by SE unless you have SR up, and even then, not always. Remember that SE's bad accuracy makes it even worse. It can either set up Dragon Dance, then KO, or 2HKO you with waterfall. Note that defensive Gyara OHKOs under rain. You shouldn't give bad advice on RMT forums, as more than half of the people who post here actually want help. Bronzong is one of the premier set up leads, yet you say that it is a horrible set up lead? Give me a break. OP: Infernape can also deal with all of the weather setters, but one of his STABs is weakened by rain, so choose wisely.
  3. They do different jobs. And Garchomp is uber, just so ya know. Azelf is a nice suicide lead and can also sweep with nasty plot. Celebi can do support, stall, baton pass stuff, or sweep with nasty plot or SD(SD is less seen) Jirachi is mostly used as support and to sweep using calm mind or hax
  4. <p><p><p><p><p>"Pokesav is a save editing tool used to enhance your gaming experience.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>^It enhances the users' experience, but not necessarily others'</p></p></p></p></p>

  5. <p><p><p><p><p>Shining Ray isn't THAT good. Its really slow... But its not like HA is really worth it anyway when you have buffs and stuff that attract parties.</p></p></p></p></p>

  6. Gin


    Pokesav is a save editing tool used to enhance your gaming experience. And welcome to the forums
  7. <p><p><p><p><p>No, I don't think there are standard builds... except the obvious(Max max mp first) and whatnot, but what skills is he adding first?</p></p></p></p></p>

  8. <p><p><p><p><p>What build is he running?</p></p></p></p></p>

  9. Facade won't work on RHyperior. It doesn't get helpful coverage, and there is no reason to use it (Guts, STAB, etc.)
  10. <p><p><p><p><p>Yeah, its Zombie Mush. Did you guys ever get a party of clerics and try to heal kill it? Or were we the only ones dumb enough?</p></p></p></p></p>

  11. <p><p><p><p><p>MUSHMOMM!</p></p></p></p></p>

  12. Crimson Assassin, we're not here to build her team. We're here to RATE it. And while it CAN get Air Slash, it is pretty much useless on Land Forme, far outclassed by a set like Rest/HPFire/Seed Flare/EP. Back to the OP: I'm not really sure what you're doing. Try to state the goal of this team in simple language, and explain what each thing should do.
  13. I'mthinking it's the land form(e), as he doesn't use air slash, the bread and butter of sky forme
  14. We have created viruses, though they are not considered alive.
  15. Changes and commentary in bold --- Lucario @ Life Orb Inner Focus @ Adamant/JollyTimid lowers attack. Instead, go for adamant, or jolly. Post EV's, not the raw stats - Ice Punch Aura Sphere uses special attack. - Close Combat - Extremespeed - Sword Dance Swampert @ Leftovers Torrent @ Relaxed - Surf - Ice Beam - Earthquake - Stealth Rocks: Protect won't really help, they'll just kill you next turn. Rhyperior @ Life Orb Lightningrod @ Jolly or Adamant - Rock Polish - Megahorn - Earthquake - Rock Blast Rhyperior here is outclassed heavily by Metagross, who can also perform a speed boosting sweep, but better. Here's a nice set for that: Meta@Life Orb/Leftovers 112 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Def / 132 Spe Agility Meteor Mash/Iron Head EQ T-punch/Ice Punch/Explosion I can't salvage Torterra, so I'll replace him. Try any of these guys: Salamence Life Orb Rash Moveset EVs ~ Draco Meteor ~ Fire Blast / Flamethrower ~ Brick Break ~ Roost 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe I don't like it too much personally, but some do: Dragonite Life Orb Rash / Mild Moveset EVs ~ Superpower ~ Draco Meteor ~ Flamethrower ~ Roost / Thunderbolt 112 Atk / 196 SpA / 200 Spe Hariyama Leftovers Thick Fat Careful Moveset EVs ~ Force Palm / Brick Break / Revenge ~ Earthquake / Stone Edge ~ Whirlwind ~ Payback / Knock Off 80 HP / 172 Atk / 252 SpD / 4 Spe --- Blaziken @ Life Orb Blaze @ mild - Brave Bird - Sky Uppercut - Fire punch? - Bulk Up Not bad, I guess.. don't want to sound like a smogonite, but you can replace that with an infernape and do better. Ape Life Orb Naive Moveset EVs ~ Nasty Plot ~ Fire Blast / Flamethrower ~ Close Combat / Vacuum Wave ~ Grass Knot / Hidden Power Ice 64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe One of the scariest pokes ever Togekiss @ Life Orb Serene Grace @Calm/Timid - Air Slash - Roost - Aura Sphere - Thunder Wave Some things: You fall to many standard pokes like Sala, Ape, Latias, Scizor, Azelf, Meta, etc. You don't have a spinner/spiker You don't have a truly effective lead You don't have any defensive stuff, and you don't have enough immunities to run hyper offensive Try it out on shoddy sometime, see how it goes.
  16. How do you know people won't just bulbapedia this stuff?
  17. Meh, this is my gimmick team. It's fairly old, but I decided to post it after seeing another BP based team. Interestingly enough, I've actually won a match against a real team before with thee guys. Works best if you have Evasion, Sleep, and Species clauses off. If you can, add Level Balance(This one is AMAZING, though not necessary)
  18. A few things... Your celebi lead doesn't seem to be working. I suggest a fake out ape lead, which always gets out stealth rocks. Your scizor needs a better item. Metal coat doesn't give it nearly enough power. I suggest life orb. I'll finish this later, my iPod is running low.
  19. Gin

    <p><p><p><p><p>Hey, there is an error on Shoddy. Dive and Fly are 60 and 70 BP each, respectively. However, in Gen IV, Dive has 80 BP and Fly has 90.</p></p></p></p></p>

  20. It's true that Stealth Rocks are overpowered, but, banning it is a no-no. However, I CAN see a clause, such as no entry hazard clause, or just no Stealth Rocks Clause.
  21. You have neither Salamence nor Togekiss
  22. 5 accuracy is a lot, when you consider that your fire move will be your primary STAB, and you'll use it quite a bit. I've had plenty of games ruined by 85 and 90 accuracy moves. If you're going to post here, you might as well take the advice. I can help you test out your team later on shoddy, just give me a PM.
  23. Gin

    <p><p><p><p><p>Welcome! I noticed your join request to Shoddy Battlers. If you're interested in battling, get on Shoddy.</p></p></p></p></p>

  24. <p><p><p><p><p>I got the stitches out, but I still have the cast...</p></p></p></p></p>

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