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Everything posted by FreeSpirit

  1. Great job on the codes! You wouldn't happen to have a code to reclaim Bill's Eevee? I can use a few extra Eevees to make my Eeveelution Team.
  2. Well, the code only works with Pokemon in your party. You have to switch your Pokemon with another Pokemon in your party to clone. Here's an example: You have an Eevee and a Pidgy in your party and want to clone the Eevee. So, you select Eevee and then Hold L followed by hitting "Switch". Then you choose the Pokemon you want to clone over which for this example be the Pidgy. After they switched places, release L and exit out of the party menu. Then go back to the party menu and you'll see that the Eevee has been cloned over the Pidgy.
  3. Now a vast majority of the people can finally stop asking and shut up for updates/requests of this code. You deserve some reward or something seriously.
  4. v2 should have worked. The code is activated as soon as you started the game and x4 exp isn't noticeable when fighting low level Pokemon. Plus, remember that if you have an EXP Share, the exp you gain is distributed. An example is defeating Pokemon in the National Park with x4. You get under 1,000 Experience unless you used the 124x code.
  5. v2 Should have worked. Have you tried using the code by itself? Also, try editing the line that has "FFBB" to "FFFB" which would make the code activate by pressing SELECT. See if that works.
  6. Oh snap I just found out something; the code "Max Aprijuice Mildness" works on an Emulator/ROM fine but for some reason it doesn't work on the actual copy of the game. Instead it gives you a Flavor of 64 and no Mildness at all ._.; I think using Emulators/ROMs to make codes is a bad idea since there's a possibility of it not working on the actual copy of the game. I may need to buy the NDS Trainer Toolkit so the codes are correct. Unfortunately, I can't make online purchases D:
  7. Did you even read the post that you quoted? It clearly said on the first few lines: "!!!Pokemon Heart Gold (J) !!IPKJ A587D7CD !!!Pokemon Soul Silver (J) !!IPGJ 7387AC7F" You are using the japanese codes and not the american/us version. Read before you post next time. Plus, there's a convenient tool over on top of this thread called a "Search" button. It's pretty cool since you can find posts that may have codes you already requested or have been released. Everyone uses the search button right?
  8. Well have you seen all the possible Pokemon in the region? I believe you must see every Pokemon that you can in the region including wild Pokemon from fishing and Pokemon trainers. I remembered how annoying that was in Platinum because the Pokemon I needed to see where Pokemon that you had to fish or from a Trainer I didn't battle (basically skipped/avoided that trainer). Someone correct me if I'm wrong. @urmom182: Ahh ok then thanks for the correction then.
  9. That's awesome and welcome! Espeon is an awesome Eeveelution for I love all the Eeveelutions. My favorite would be Umbreon x3 So hello and enjoy your stay here :3
  10. If it's not there, then that must mean that the AR Cheat Manager is installed, but the driver for the device (the AR itself) is not installed. Try this: 1) Don't open the AR Code Manager or anything. 2) Plug in the AR to the computer and see if the sound for when a device is plug in is heard. 3a) A popup will appear to install the new device aka the "NDS Link". 3b) If no popup appears, then open up the AR Code Manager and see if it recognizes it. If you had to use step 3a, follow these instructions when installing the driver: 1) When it asks for a location/cd for the driver, just browse for where the driver is installed such as the AR Installation folder/disk. 2) Let it find it and it should automatically install the driver. 3) Now open up the AR Code Manager.
  11. I can't because for one thing, it isn't even out yet. It's still being worked on by some people out there. That's why there's a lot of requests of it.
  12. I'm going to go crazy if see more people that request the same code. Use the search button if people are asking for the same code or if it's already released. I saw this code request in over 12 posts up to now. Shiny Pokemon code that works on Event Pokemon has also been requested many times, about more than 8 times. This makes me wonder if anyone would even post the code despite all these similar requests. But anyway going back onto subject, the person who requested the max performance code, I thank you for willing to wait for this code to be worked on. I shall continue working on it and see if I can remove the limit in the game. For some reason the code I've generated (not the code I've posted for I removed a few lines that didn't work) works smoothly on the emulator but not on the actual hard-copy of the game.
  13. You discard the amount of Masterballs to the Pokemon number you want. The Pokemon number is the nation dex number so for example Eevee's Nation Dex Number is 133 so you discard the Masterballs so you have 133 of it. You discard the amount of Ultraballs for the level of what you want to encounter it on. So if you wanted to encounter Level 50 Pokemon for example, you would discard the Ultraballs so you have 50 of it. Then you hold L and walk in the grass.
  14. It's ok, just use the search button next time before posting a code request.
  15. This is odd, I had 3 Pokemon this week break free from the Pokeball after trying to catch them when they only had 1 Bar left. Is this even possible because I've heard it's a 100% catch rate if they only have one bar? And I accidently got a critical hit on a Pokemon with 2 bars of HP left and turns out any Pokemon that loses all bars of health automatically flee.
  16. That one code has been requested so many times already. If you haven't checked/searched the forum, it's still being worked on and said that a username "Riolu Aura Sphere Now" would post the code when it's finished. So just be patient and it'll come out later on. And that reminds me, everyone who keeps asking for updates on any codes being worked on, asking about it in CAPS doesn't help at all. If I had someone constantly asking me for a code I'm working on, I would get stressed out and take longer than expected. Making codes (especially long ones such as the Wild Pokemon Modifier) takes a great deal of time and work especially when you're fixing bugs that appear from using the code.
  17. What Dahon said. But if it doesn't work out, then it could be because you used the "Max Cash" code.
  18. Maybe it doesn't have the same effect in HG/SS then because I tried a similar shortened code from Pokesav on Platinum and I was able to put other stuff in my bag. I'll go try the code out myself and see if you're right. I bought a repel as well as other items that go in the same bag and it appears in there fine. Maybe because your code didn't have either: 94000130 xxxx0000 <--- Without it, the code would loop itself until game is turned off. or D2000000 00000000 <--- Without it, the code would loop itself after you pressed your activation buttons until it's turned off. Without either would make the cheat code loop endlessly which may be why you wouldn't be able to put anything else for it'll always be replaced with the items in your code.
  19. Tetris Plus for the Playstation. I've loved that game to bits and it still works surprisingly despite the horribly bad scratches (even got that perfect circle scratch). Then played Pokemon Red on the Gameboy. These two games was when I was 4 or 5. And then a year later. I got Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for the Playstation and that is my all time favorite.
  20. They're not necessary so you could have simplified it to: The extra zeros are supposed to be the other slots but since you just put heart scales or anything else, it's just all 0's. If you filled up the list before exporting the code from Pokesav, those 0's would be replaced with the item numbers.
  21. Hello and welcome. Nice to meet you :U
  22. Hello there and welcome :U
  23. There is no way to generate a code with Pokesav that only replaces a certain slot for items. You can either use the All Item/Ball/Etc. code or put all your current items along with your 99 Heart Scales. It would take a few minutes to do that but better than selling every item off your bag. That or someone posts a TM Modifier code and then someone else modifies the code to become an item slot modifier.
  24. I do, I'm going post it under this. Ok I'm giving up to this code. I am having too many problems on it and even when I remove the values to editing the Power and Speed, it still won't edit the other stats! So, I'm just going to go and post what I have so far as well as the other code. 1st Pokemon in Party Gets A Speed & Power Boost By 3 Stars: Press SELECT to activate. And it will negate any other stats back to their original stats (doesn't affect stats boosted/decreased by nature/day). Max Aprijuice Mildness (255): Press SELECT to activate. Your aprijuice's flavor may decrease tremendously depending on what apricorns you put it but just add some more and reuse the cheat again. I'll be adding this to my post in the other thread too.
  25. Look for a line that has "1E0" in it and change it to "1ED". It should be within the first couple of lines.
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