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About DeathWatch

  • Birthday 03/12/1995
  1. Too me I think they should make more types of Pokemon. But that wold be cool to see them combine pokemon types together.
  2. I think all the pokmon look great and awesome so far. I can't wait to see more of it.
  3. Mine is X-Play cause it talks about videogames.
  4. I hated the PS3 during this time.
  5. I am going to be honest with ya. I don't need a Wii HD. I mean everyone is talking about one. But the whole part of the Wii is the gameplay and story. Honestly I don't care about the graphics that much.
  6. 1. Water 2. Grass 3. Dark
  7. My favorite course is the speed course or the power course.
  8. My celebi or Shaymin. I don't like the big pokemon following me.
  9. I usually pick the water starters so I guess I would pick that one.
  10. I might go with White version. I think the legendary pokemon on that one looks awesome.
  11. It kinda looks like Orre. But I don't think they got it from it. I think they got it from Johto region and changed it up a lot. But I don't know. Cause this is going to be the most different pokemon game out of all of them.
  12. I believe there is going to be a brand new enemy like each generation has. (Besides first and second) And they are going to be trying to get the legendary pokemon in each Pokemon game. There will be of course the 8 gym leaders and the elite four of course. But really I don't know anything about it yet.
  13. Yeah, I do but not on the main legendary pokemon.
  14. The new pokemon looks really awesome.
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