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Everything posted by ReignOfComputer

  1. Yes, this again. I know Kaphotics researched into this and apparently, according to his site, "can not be shiny due to the way the games distribute them." So my question is - How does the game distribute/generate the Ageto Celebi, and what about it makes it impossible to be shiny? Thanks
  2. "If the IR-GTS window closes without warning, it's likely encountered an error. If that happens, use these instructions to run the program from a command prompt. " --> http://code.google.com/p/ir-gts/wiki/CommandPrompt
  3. If someone can get me codes for JPN/ITA/FRA/KOR versions of Emerald to have 100% Catch Rate, Infinite Money and/or Infinite Masterballs that can be used on VisualBoyAdvance, I'll probably get the Trash Bytes done much faster.
  4. In what cases does the Escape Sequence appear for the OT Name? Some of the Pokemon I have have some Escape Sequence for the OT Name, whereas some do not have any at all. All OTs are the same.
  5. It MUST be Port 80. If your ISP blocks Port 80 then too bad, you can't host distributions publicly.
  6. I'm still working on it. Going to take a while, busy with Trash Bytes for Legal.exe and schoolwork. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?12090-Pokmon-Black-and-White-In-Game-Pokemon-Contribution&p=105435&viewfull=1#post105435
  7. Just open the program and use it, it's fairly straightforward.
  8. Sabre, I'm not home so I can't check IRC. Have you checked if the English batch I sent you were fine? If so, I should have everything settled shortly. Edit: Now actively working on the Trash Bytes, should be done by next week!
  9. Are you sure it was the public IP and not a local IP (not 192.168.xxx.xxx)? Did Shiny GTS log anything in the GTS section when they tried to connect?
  10. It needs to have Fateful Encounter.
  11. Haven't tried PokeSend yet, but what can it do that IR-GTS cannot?
  12. Looks interestingly familiar
  13. See if making the Pokemon 236 bytes (Party size) helps.
  14. I got that problem a while ago. For those getting the 'file must end in pkm' error, remove the "" from the filename before pressing enter.
  15. What has PokeSav got to do with this? o_O
  16. -Open ir-gts-bw.py -Set DNS in-game according to what the program shows -Press s to send a pkm to the game, then enter to select -Drop the .pkm you want to send inside the window when prompted, press enter -Enter the GTS in-game and receive
  17. Tested, the program works fine. I'd love for it to not bring me back to the main menu each time it finishes sending a Pokemon, though
  18. Excellent work! I'll go try it out Can it be run side by side along a 4th Gen GTS program?
  19. What size and extention is your save file, then?
  20. Reset the Action Replay, and put back all the codes. See if that works.
  21. TizzleFizzle: Met at Shift Factory? Should be (PokeTransfer).
  22. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14026-Guide-How-to-generate-Gen-V-Pokmon-in-PokGen
  23. Yes, there is. http://www.pokestation.net/pokesav/ Sucks though. Use PokeGen.
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