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Posts posted by ReignOfComputer

  1. Having just 20 Pokemon in one server wouldn't be using the servers to it's full potential, I don't think.

    The point of The Global Terminal is to allow people to get events/all sorts of Pokemon that they cannot normally get, I didn't actually intend it for people to aim and get a single Pokemon. I've tried to make that slightly possible though, with the introduction of my 3rd server.

    Good suggestion on the events though, about a request system. I'll have to think about that when I find the time.

    As for RNG'd events, I usually have one of my RNGer friends (Volcorana or Arphage) sending me their RNGs. I myself can't RNG (bleh) and can never find the time to learn how to. *nudges Bond697*

  2. Thread Update ~ 17th March 2012

    Public Notice

    - I have obtained various new Events, namely, the Kyushu Train Events Batch 1 (Swampert, Blaziken, Sceptile), the Fukuoka PC Groudon, and the VGC12 Shiny Larvitar(s) from Germany and France).

    - That being said, I would like the public's opinion on how I should distribute these, if ever.

    - Distro 3, the "New" Distro, is meant for New Pokemon only, for easy access to collectors aiming at a certain Pokemon.

    - If all of these Pokemon are added to the "New" Distro, it could cause overpopulation, thus defeating the original purpose and intention of the "New" Distro.

    - Please post your suggestions and thoughts on this matter. Thank you.

  3. Thread Update ~ 16th March 2012


    - Added 23 Pokemon to Distro 2 (VGC12 Shiny Larvitar, SPR2012 Reshiram, SPR2012 Zekrom, Sakura Shinkansen ExtremeSpeed Pikachu, Nobunaga's Shiny Rayquaza)

    - Added 50 Pokemon to Distro 3 (Sakura Shinkansen ExtremeSpeed Pikachu, Nobunaga's Shiny Rayquaza)

    - PokeCheck Links Updated

  4. I'm having the exact same problem with SMR2010 Jirachi, FAL2010 Mew, WIN2011 Celebi, and the Gamestop Shiny Entei and Raikou. I did nothing to them. All I did was RNG for perfect or near-perfect IV's and a few Hidden Power 70's. Should I ignore those?

    The original post had 3 "problem"s. Which one are you looking at?

    All your listed events are fairly recent (in terms of Legal.exe development), and thus are not updated into Legal.exe yet. If they are showing as "Hacked or Unknown Pokemon", ignore it.

  5. SingTel is back up, and I've managed to optimize The Global Terminal and such over the days. I will be restarting the distribution shortly, maybe tomorrow or the day after. The VGC12 Shiny Larvitar (and perhaps others, if I have time) will be added into the distribution then.

    Looking at the stats for distribution, it appears that there is a massive lack of demand in the current 5th Gen RNG'd/Shiny Pokemon. I would thus like to appeal for RNGers to donate 5th Gen Pokemon for distribution.

    The Event server has hardly seen any activity. I will be trying my best to add as many more events as possible into it. If possible, I would like people to tell me what they would like to see removed from the event server, and what they would like to see added.

    As of now, I have made a few changes to the thread. The images are now hosted on GrumpyBumpers instead of Rotasig, and the YouTube video has been changed to a more updated one. The RNG'd/Shiny Pokemon list for 4th Gen has also been updated fully as space constraints ceased to be an issue. If anyone has any other suggestions for the thread, feel free to post away.

    Thank you for visiting The Global Terminal!

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