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Posts posted by ReignOfComputer

  1. I strongly suggest a Supercard DSTwo.

    It's easy for all flash carts, since you can instantly access the save file directly from the MicroSD.

    To get Pokemon from PokeGen into a retail game, you're going to need a device that can pull a save data from a retail cartridge (e.g. NDS Adapter Plus), an Action Replay, or you can use a spoofed GTS server.

    Newer "R4" cards can work fine on a 3DS. The Supercard DSTwo works fine with the latest firmware.

  2. Late last year, a promotion ran to discuss the Pokémon to be given in Japan during February. This promotion was to give a Pokémon that used to cover a version of the Pokémon games. When the voting ended on December 25th, Rayquaza was found to have won. Today, the official site revealed the details of this event. This Rayquaza is Level 100 and has its usual ability of Air Lock. However, the moves it has is are more unique. It has the moves Extremespeed, Hyper Beam and Dragon Pulse, but more shockingly, it has Victini's special move; V-Create. The giveaway will be in store from February 10th to February 27th.

    tl;dr, Japanese Rayquaza for distribution, PokeCenters, 10-27th Feb, has V-Create. Also has a Life Orb.


    Edit by Guested:

    Here's the actual source.


    Here's the detailed results of the poll.


    I'll think up a good title for this event by the time I upload it to the gallery.

    "Popularity Poll" IS what it is, but not what it's called.

    "歴代ゲーム" translates to "Successive generations game" so I'll put it together into something more colloquial.

    Pokemon Generations, or Game Generations or something like that...

    Entry in Event Gallery

  3. I like to give an example. Here you go, attached a bred DW Riolu created in PokeGen.

    It's rather simple, just make sure the Dream World hex (0x42) is set to 1, you can find this in the OT/Misc section. As for PID, just leave it blank and PokeGen will automatically generate it when you save the Pokemon. Anything else, refer to my attached example.

    Note: My generated Riolu WILL show up as hacked on PokeCheck since there's no female DW Lucario available yet.

    RoChack - RioluDW&#46.pkm

    RoChack - RioluDW..pkm

  4. Is your AR updated for use with Black and White yet? If so then most likely it's PokeSav screwing up as usual. Regardless, what game are you trying to generate it for? I'll see if I can generate a code from PokeSav for you.

    As for Mystery Gift purposes, do you happen to have access to your .sav? There are several tools that are much better than PokeSav in this aspect.

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