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Posts posted by ReignOfComputer

  1. Thread Update ~ 14th April 2012

    Public Notice

    - The Global Terminal, in particular, Server 2, was victim of what appears to be a DoS attack which saw 18 GB of data flood, 17 GB more than the server's cap, in less than 12 hours. This has caused my server bill to soar well into the hundreds of dollars.

    - As a result of this, Server 3 (NEW), sponsored and run by KanashimiKun, has been cut (not that anyone was using it) and re-purposed as Server 2 (Events).

  2. Your file is corrupt in some way. At least I think so, PokeCheck doesn't like it regardless.

    Anyway, (Pokétransfer) is at the top of the Met list. If the Pokemon is hatched (both 4th and 5th Gen), it shouldn't correspond to any algorithm, so just leave the PID field blank and PokeGen will fill it in for you.

    Yes, tick the As Egg box.

    You are making the Pokemon in PokeGen under Black/White as a Target Game, right?

  3. Gen 5 doesn't technically use the PID Finder at all. The PID Finder is still meant for 4th Gen. Use that to generate PIDs for Gen 4 Pokemon.

    Location will be Day-Care Couple (G4). Hatch Location will be (Pokétransfer).

    OT/Misc, follow Trash Bytes instructions here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14026-Guide-How-to-generate-Gen-V-Pok%E9mon-in-Pok%E9Gen

    Alternatively, make whatever Pokemon it is in Gen 4, then PokeTransfer it using PokeCheck.

  4. The point of The Global Terminal is not for someone to swoop in and get an exact Pokemon. I've been running it this way since I started doing this 2 years ago.

    It's for people to go in and get a completely random Pokemon, not technically for their collection. Makes things more fun when people work for stuff IMO. I am trying to make it easier for people to get a certain Pokemon, as you can see from the creation of Server 3.

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