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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Thanks for the information, guys. I'll work on updating everything today. Screamoarte, for those you marked as "id not correct," I thought all three were distributed from December 16th... so Entei and Raikou were distributed a second time with Suicune...
  2. Whoops! Thanks for catching that. I had the name down correctly on my data list, so that was just a dumb typo.
  3. The events aren't really designed with that in mind, though. It makes sense, because most people wouldn't be able to travel to the US, Australia, and Canada during the time period of the event.
  4. Thanks! Well, one more beast down.... three more to go... Not to mention Celebi and a few others... So it was never distributed? Do you mean Amity Field/Meadow? Is there any source for that one?
  5. It turns out the US Zoroark has an identical WC to the Australian one, so I've combined their entries in the Gallery. http://projectpokemon.org/events/en-V.php Thanks to Mister T, we have a German Pokemon Day Zoroark! I have also been given some different German Karrablast and Shelmet pgfs, so now that the OT is better confirmed, I'm releasing them with this update. http://projectpokemon.org/events/de-V.php The Korean Home Plus Darkrai submitted by Nintendo1252 appears to be actual, from the information that I know. While we always prefer events attended personally and not events gotten from friends or other people online, this one appears to check out. If you think otherwise, please say so, and we'll sort it out. http://projectpokemon.org/events/ko-V.php 9-18-2011 Collection archive updated Added: German Pokemon Day Zoroark Re-added German Karrablast and Shelmet Renamed Australian Zoroark WC to reflect general English Home Plus Korean Darkrai All have been added to the Event Collection zip file.
  6. I doubt the TRU OT, but couldn't you check? You're in Canada.
  7. With the newly announced information (OT, ID, and Ribbon have been announced in addition to three of the moves), I've added an entry to the Gallery for this event here: http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-V.php
  8. Oh yeah, you're right. That was as copypaste from the Japanese description, and I guess I forgot to change that one to Axew. Thanks.
  9. Oh yeah, Liberty Ticket wasn't Wifi in Korea. Well, there wasn't IR in D/P, so are you saying they used a Slot 2 distro ROM each time?
  10. You say "always" but there have only been two non-wifi events so far, right? So does that include the Zoroark? Was it also IR?
  11. 9-16-2011 Collection archive updated Added: Australian Snarl Zoroark Thanks to trance's contribution, we now have the second released English event Zoroark. The Collection zip has been updated to include it, and it can also be downloaded from the Event Gallery, here.
  12. Yeah, I was able to grab those details from what I could understand on the website, but thanks. Odd that it's only by IR, though.
  13. Thanks! Infrared and not local wireless?
  14. If you received it in a trade, we'd rather not have it here because we haven't yet confirmed what is real and what is a hack.
  15. Updated first post with information announced in Corocoro.
  16. I updated the "Upcoming/ongoing" list to include a plethora of newly announced English Zoroark events. As of right now, we do not know if these will be identical to each other or to the previous Greek ones, so please contribute them if you are able to attend! Additional details can be found in the links in the first post. I also added in a Dutch event distribution of Karrblast and Shelmet that was missed. It is unknown if these were different from the Greek English versions. Also added the Japanese Wifi Mewtwo event to the list, now that there is confirmation. 9-12-2011 Event List updated Added: Netherlands Karrablast/Shelmet (Aug 27, missed) Australia Snarl Zoroark (Sep 16 - Oct 16) Netherlands Snarl Zoroark (Sep 18) US Snarl Zoroark (Sep 18-25) Canada Snarl Zoroark (Sep 18-24) Japanese Wi-Fi Mewtwo (Sep 26 - Oct 31)
  17. K, done now. You kids need to place nicer.
  18. Update: Starting to get some details, first from Corocoro. http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org2014237.jpg It IS a Mewtwo event, and it will be distributed via Wi-Fi to Japanese games from September 26 to October 31. It is meant to tie in with all the other Mewtwo promotions going on right now. The only details so far is that it has its normal ability, Pressure, and that it is level 70. More specifics will be announced on Pokemon Smash next week. Update: Official site updated as more details were announced on Smash http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-V.php ^ (Full details and WC now available)
  19. I hope you're informing your trading partners of the origins of these pokemon and not scamming anyone.
  20. I didn't think people would need to check pokemon that they generated in-game themselves...
  21. The symbol on the right would make me say "fossil," but I'm not super knowledgeable on the cards.
  22. The Spanish Generation IV section is now up! http://projectpokemon.org/events/es-IV.php Report any errors, broken links, etc, here please! http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?17603-Event-Gallery-Error-Reporting Japanese and Korean are next...
  23. Very cool. Judging from previous patterns, I would guess that the Canada one would be the same as the US one, but the Australian one would probably be different.
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