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Everything posted by Ziz

  1. Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's I'm in the mood for a more calm, sad genre of music for some strange reason.
  2. Where exactly would the text placement be better and not more "Random"? There's a big black space at the left, so why on earth would you put the text somewhere else? I do see what you mean about the flow, but the focal point doesn't need to be Samus' gun. I focused the image more on Samus as a whole.
  3. I do more :mad: lol. Hot Air Balloon - Owl City ... but Strawberry Avalanche is still better.
  4. I added a gradient map and a clipping mask...I think this one is a lot better. But idk... EDIT: Made this one out of boredom.
  5. The whole thing was composed of various C4Ds...since I never really use them all that much, I decided to give it a try.
  6. Rate my new signature: The lighting is a problem.
  7. Wow...that looks awesome! I definitely would want it once/if it is released in America.
  8. You're only allowed to post three times a day. That's why the posts are counted, unlike the Pokemon Trivial Games Discussion. Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
  9. Awesome. I'll definitely be experimenting with your brush pack, thanks.
  10. Rate: Too...many...effects...the making of this signature probably enhanced my Photoshop knowledge tenfold. 10/10 I love the color and flow of this one. It's pretty amazing.
  11. http://www.gamexe.net/photoshop/distortion-signature/ http://www.gamexe.net/photoshop/abstract-signature/ Are the tutorials Toffeuy uses to make his signatures...
  12. B-b-but......you'll always be the best wraithy. I'll never forget you, so please don't ask me to. Your unique personality and your overwhelming intelligence. Your kindness. You've always been nothing but amazing. You introduced me to this community. Haha, life really is a pain...there will always be problems. Pardonnez mon français, mais c'est ce que je reçois de l'aide d'un traducteur. Je suppose que c'est peut-être revoir. Mais je refuse de dire au revoir, pour le moment ... je peux encore espérer. Je vais toujours te souviens wraithy. Adieu mon ami.
  13. I'm definitely getting it on the 7th. We've all waited a LONG time for this
  14. 11: Extraordinary, Unique, and haven't seen anything like it! before Does not describe what I think of it quite clearly. It is a very beautiful fine piece of artwork Greencat. Definitely one of the most unique pieces of work I've seen. It inspires me...a lot. To try it step away from the ordinary.
  15. He did that intentionally. The signature was supposed to be jumbled mess of effects and everything like. It is definitely no where close to his real potential. Anyway... Greencat! You're definitely improving. The Lugia avatar is easily one of my favorites as well. Your art is very amazing and definitely stands out in uniqueness.
  16. For this one...I messed around with a whole bunch of effects and in the end ended up changing a bit of it. I barely used anything at all, just a little smudging and a soft eraser.
  17. My computer is an old dinosaur and it runs hyper-speed for me...in fact, every Adobe software I've had ran extremely fast with no lag at all.
  18. I got really cool ones Band Name: Ragxi Album Title: Middle of the Night Band Cover: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gleek/3964894772/ Direct Link - http://i849.photobucket.com/albums/ab55/Naru-Chu001/BandCover.png
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