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About Prejie

  • Birthday June 12


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  1. Hey Pako. I'm having the same problem now. Did you have any fixes?
  2. PID Mismatch. Marks are preset in encounters with PID.
  3. U100BPWX7LF78TRH U100BPWQ4MGRWQQ0 I got these two codes. Thanks, theSlayer!
  4. The save got corrupted. Try restoring an unedited backup of your save.
  5. Well, the context was in Emerald, that's why I thought of mentioning it.
  6. What's not a myth is that some abilities hatch eggs faster, like Flame Body. In a way, heat hastens the hatching of an egg, but not through hot springs.
  7. That is normal. I experience that in my complete Pokedex through natural means.
  8. What games is this?
  9. Considerably, yes. Try to change one of those two to comply with the other.
  10. 1) No, PKHeX is not outdated for Gen 6 and 7. I could still use it with no problem on my part. 2) One thing to note: some moves from Gen 7 are absent in Gen 8, like Hidden Power, Frustration, and Return. You can find the full list here. You won't get banned even if you use them in-game, as you can't. The game will tell you that you can't use those moves in battle. Pokémon from older games can't be used for online battles, either. You have to apply them the battle mark, given at the Battle Tower in Wyndon. I suggest instead of drag-and-drop, just use Pokémon Bank and Pokémon HOME, especially if you're unsure of how transfers work. You may pay up to $5 but hey, your Pokémon will be all transferred correctly. Pokémon HOME attaches HOME tracker among other things it do to convert it into a Gen 8 Pokémon. That might be the problem of your drag-and-drop, the absence of HOME tracker.
  11. I'm not sure if the two are compatible. But this one is definitely is. 2046 BW - Item Liberty Pass (ITA).pgf
  12. Open your save via PKHeX. Go to SAV tab. Find the Mystery Gift button, click it. Drag your Liberty Pass in one of the boxes. Click save. Then save your .sav file and load it back to your cart. In the game, go to any Pokemon Center and claim your event ticket. Now you can go to the Liberty Garden. I should also note that you should remove your first injected Liberty Pass as it might cause complications.
  13. But you know how to extract your saves from your cart, right?
  14. Pokémon made from PKSM have a high chance of being illegal especially if you're a beginner (more so if done from scratch). That software is mostly used for quick edits and not creating a new Pokémon from scratch I suggest you get rid of that hopeless Zekrom and create a new one. Try to use PKHeX and use its encounter database so you have a base Pokémon and just edit it to your liking. Good luck!
  15. What program did you use? How exactly did you hack it in? And what game is that Zekrom from?
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