Administrator does not appear to make any difference on it.
The best I can determine, it's a Windows problem, an intermittent problem, and now a documented problem. Hopefully, the next poor sap to run into this issue can find this post and experiences less aggravation.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
This gift was distributed to players via Nintendo Network to give them rare berries that is normally not obtainable in the games.
WC 1636: Rare Berry gift
Enigma Berry
x 12
0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Micle Berry
Custap Berry
Jaboca Berry
Rowap Berry
Nintendo Network | Jan 08 to Sep 03, 2019 | US & EU 3DS: SMUSUM
Rare Berry gift
This gift bundles up five kinds of
Berries that you can't obtain through
regular gameplay. Use them wisely
to enjoy their unusual effects!
Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190109_0049