Pokémon: Magikarp Jump
By jasenyoface, in News,
The Pokémon Company with developer SELECT BUTTON Inc. released Pokémon: Magikarp Jump on May 16th exclusively in Apple’s Italian App Store. This means, if your Apple ID’s country is set to “Italy”, you can download this game right now. Others will just have to wait until it is distributed elsewhere… Or, you could create an alternate Apple ID with the specified country and play this curious game too.
As its title indicates, the featured Pokémon in this game is none other than Magikarp! Catch, feed and train Magikarp in order to maximize its jumping power. Jumping too high may entice bird Pokémon to swoop on your fish.
If you would like to see what it's all about, head over to the App Store and give it shot. Nintendolife.com summarizes how you can create a new Apple ID if you’re not in the targeted country. If you decide to play it, reply to this post and share your experiences with us.
Check out: The Magikarp Song
Published by The Official Pokémon YouTube Channel on May 12, 2017
Media Sources: "App Store" icon and "Pokémon: Magikarp Jump" icon - Apple iTunes; Youtube video - The Pokémon Company; Post banner - my own creation