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    News and updates about Pokémon, events, and game mods
    Pokémon GO Fest is due to begin today, July 22, 2017, at 10am, CDT and will wrap-up at 7pm.  This event is the most
    anticipated one to happen since Pokémon Go’s launch, which was just over a year ago.  There is so much hype behind GO Fest
    because we could potentially encounter and catch the first Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon GO.  It will require teamwork
    from Trainers all across the World and especially from those attending the localized event in Chicago’s Grant Park for a
    successful outcome.
    There are three phases to this event.  During Phase 1: Catch Challenge, there will be three Challenge Windows.
    The first will be at 11am-11:30am, and then 1pm-1:30pm and finally 3pm-3:30pm.  Within these Challenge Windows,
    Trainers in attendance at Grant park will try to catch specific Pokémon-types (e.g., Fire, Water, Grass, Electric) in order
    to unlock special perks for everyone else that is concurrently catching as many Pokémon as possible around the global.
    The in-game perks vary from an extra Candy bonus, XP bonus, Stardust bonus, faster egg hatching and so on.
    Overall, the goal is to catch as many Pokémon as humanly possible within the Challenge Windows for two reasons.
    One, is to increase the duration of these perks; a Bronze Reward will extend a perks duration by 24 hours and a Silver Reward
    will extend a perks duration by 48 hours. The second and most important reason to participate is to collectively catch
    enough Pokémon to receive the Gold Reward.  If Gold tier is achieved, it will unlock Phase 2: Mystery Challenge, in Grant Park.
    After a successful Phase 1, a heavy burden will then fall upon the Trainers in Grant Park. From 6pm to 7pm CDT a new
    Challenge Window will open causing a Legendary Pokémon to spawn in the game’s first ever Legendary Raid Battle.
    If the Trainers actually defeat the Legendary Pokémon, the rest of the world will be rewarded with Phase 3: Global Reward.
    Legendary Raids will begin popping up worldwide the day after Pokémon GO Fest.  Sources say that the Global Reward
    Challenge Window will be from July 23 to July 24, 2017.

    Source: pokemongolive.com
    Update: Words from Niantic regarding today's "technical issues"
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    Update 4.2.0

    By evandixon, in Announcements,

    Our website as undergone a major update, which brings some cool new features!
    Clubs are sub-communities that you run! Have your own forums, downloads, group blogs, calendars, and more!
    Read more about it at the Project Pokémon Blog:
    Galleries are like forums or files, except optimized for images. You can create your own, or you can add them to clubs!

    Sample Gallery in the "I Love Cats" Club

    We've always had a Like button, but sometimes a Like doesn't quite express how you truly feel about a post. With reactions, you can react in one of many ways. Here's what we have so far:
     Thanks - Share how you feel about something with the same energy Victini uses to describe his V-WHEEEEL!!!!  Amazed - For things so amazing your eyes start watering out of sheer happiness.  Teary-Eyed - Sometimes bad news makes you want to cry.  Confused - Eh.. what? We can add more, so if you have any ideas, just let us know!
    The Blog Sidebar
    We recently got Blogs, which are basically your personal corner of the website. Now you can customize it even further with the ability to add a sidebar. This can be used for anything you'd like, including social media links or a blog overview. On my Sky Editor blog, I'm using it to keep track of my GitHub links for Sky Editor, my plugin-based save editor:

    File Attachment Improvements
    You can now upload files and images directly from your computer's file browser, using either drag and drop, or copy/paste.
    As described by the Invision Power website:
    Recently-Used Devices
    In your account settings, you can see a list of recently-used devices. We recommend you check this periodically, so you can know if your account is secure.


    7SPOT Rally Mew Event

    By jasenyoface, in News,

    "So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide."

    7SPOT is a Wi-Fi service that is hosted throughout multiple Seven & i Group stores all over Japan (e.g., 7-Eleven). 
    Aside from it’s internet allowance, 7SPOT sporadically gives consumers special gifts. 
    As of July 11, 2017, players can use the Nintendo Zone app to receive serial codes to obtain the Pokémon Mew for use inside Pokémon Sun and Moon games.
    Midday on July 10, 2017, Wonder Card ID: 238 -20TH☆ Mew was uploaded to the Wonder Card servers in preparation for the 7SPOT event.
    Naturally, this WC was added to our Event Gallery as soon as it was available.
    This led to the first report from one of our users that this event contained an invalid OT.
    Before the official release of WCID 0238, it was revealed that after trading this 20TH☆ Mew, the Original Trainer (OT) would change
    from “20TH☆” to the version name and save language of the 7th generation game in which the Mew was received. 
    Check out the visual below in the spoiler, for examples of this occurrence.
    This type of “censorship” in where a Pokémon’s OT and/or nickname can be legally changed (upon transfer or trade) and has been around for quite some time.
    Typically, it affects OT and nicknames that contain profanity and/or character-symbol discrepancies.  It is also worth noting that there were previous Event-Pokémon
    that had invalid OTs as well. One of our Event Contributors, Kirzi, has posted about this in the past and has provided a list of those events.
    Shortly after the event started, which was at 7am (Japan Standard Time), theSLAYER found proof that, in fact, players were receiving the invalid 238 - 20TH☆ Mew
    and it wasn’t until nine hours after the event started that the Wonder Card ID was changed in the server from 238 - 20TH☆ Mew to 238 -20TH Mew.
    Closely following the situation, theSLAYER found proof that the fixed Wonder Card had been successfully redeemed by multiple players shortly after its release.
    (And thanks to our dedicated Contributors as well for uploading their Wonder Card files!)
    However, approximately 30 minutes after the fixed Wonder Card had replaced the Invalid one, another WCID appeared on the servers, WCID 247 - 20TH Mew!

    There is much speculation around this third Wonder Card and why it appeared on the servers after the fixed 238 was re-uploaded and then distributed again. 
    At this time, we are seeking out anyone that can verify that they have received WCID 247.
    Images: 7SPOT, theSLAYER
    Sources: 7SPOT, theSLAYER, Kirzi
    ongoing discussion

  • Our picks

    • Since they released over a decade ago, the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games for the Nintendo DS have not had much in the way of ROM editors. Over the past few years, hackers have slowly learned more and more about the inner workings of the games, culminating in the most advanced PMD editor to date: Sky Temple. 

      SkyTemple is a user-friendly level editor for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky that gives the user full control over graphics, scripts, Pokémon data, and more, enabling a great amount of creative freedom to prospective ROM hackers to create not just edits of the game, but entirely new levels and plots.

      See the trailer for the version 1.0.0 release for quick samples of what can be accomplished:

      Additional reading:


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    • The #1 issue with Gates to Infinity is the super slow text speed. Luckily, @shutterbug2000 discovered how to fix it.
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    • PKHeX 20.01.10
      PKHeX is a save editor for core-series Pokémon games. With it, users can manipulate various save files including: .sav, .dsv, .dat, .gci, .raw, and .bin types. PKHeX can also read and write: .pk files, which are individual Pokémon files, and .pgt, .pcd, .pgf, .wc, which are Mystery Gift files.

      Version 20.01.10 of PKHeX has been released! PKHeX now supports the latest patch (1.1.0) Full change log below!



      Change log:

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    • Website Updates
      After a few hours of being offline, we're finally back! Not only are we on a shiny new server, we have some new goodies.
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    • Following the success of his fan dub of Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, YouTuber TheGoldCrow has started a new project: a fan dub of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
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