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  • PKHeX 17.11.17



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    Version 17.11.17 of PKHeX has been released, adding the much-anticipated support for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.

    Change log:


    17/11/17 - New Update:
     - Added: Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Support
     - - Legality: Complete detection & validation.
     - - Added: Added all new US/UM content (Species, Moves, etc). Thanks SciresM & wwwwwwzx!
     - - Changed: All existing Sun & Moon editors work with US/UM.
     - Added: Complete sticker location listing. Thanks pokecal & ReignOfComputer!
     - Added: >50 respawn/settings event flags for US/UM. Thanks sora10pls & pokecal!
     - Added: Fashion Unlock cheats for US/UM to unlock all accessories. Thanks Holla!
     - Added: US/UM specific Trainer Stat Records. Thanks Holla!
     - Added: Map FlyTo location unlocking for Generation 7 saves. Thanks pokecal!
     - Added: Mantine Surf score editing via Trainer Info editor. Thanks sora10pls!
     - Added: Early Z-Move unlock flag next to the existing Early Mega Evolution unlock.
     - Fixed: Pokédex seen/captured flags for Generation 7 saves now correctly mimic the games. Thanks sora10pls!
     - Legality:
     - - Added: US/UM wild encounter and static encounter data. Thanks to all who identified the locations!
     - - Changed: Updated internal logic to handle US/UM content & oddities like Kantonian evolution methods.
     - - Changed: Another round of legality check updates. Thanks (so many different users)!
     - - Added: Ingame Trade OT/Nickname checks. Thanks sora10pls!
     - - Added: Ingame Trade PID checks. Thanks sora10pls!
     - - Fixed: Gen4 EncounterType detection reworked for cleanliness and accuracy.
     - - Fixed: Colosseum Starter PIDIV checks now detect gender lock skipping (no more false flags).
     - - Fixed: Added more Colosseum/XD ingame snag locations.
     - - Fixed: Gen1/2 -> Gen7 transfers are now checked for met locations.
     - Added: Misc safeguards for setting PKM data not obtainable in the save file's origin game. Thanks sora10pls!
     - Added: Gen5 BP editing. Thanks sora10pls!
     - Added: Can now load Mystery Gift pkm QR images to the Main Window tabs (same as importing PKM QRs).
     - Changed: Internal string resource fetch mechanism speed improved. Thanks evandixon!
     - Changed: Gen1/2 -> Gen7 transfer language detection improved for special characters in certain languages (German).
     - Fixed: Zygarde 50%-C showdown set importing. Thanks architdate!
     - Fixed: Gen1 Pikachu starter now saves correctly (doesn't remove Light Ball). Thanks Dunsparce!
     - Fixed: Gen2 TimeOfDay values now are editable in the PKMEditor (nobody noticed for so long!)
     - Fixed: Gen2 Korean encoding documentation errors fixed; strings now decode correctly. Thanks host1126!
     - Fixed: Gen3 Roamer edits now save correctly. Thanks TheRealAlphA!
     - - ~6 commits per day average over the last month. Big thanks to all who have contributed & provided feedback!


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    User Feedback

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    Hola buenas tengo un pequeño problema cuando ejecuto el pkhex no se abre y no se cual puede ser el problema (tengo window 10) alguna solucion se los agradeceria 


    Hello, I have a small problem when I run the pkhex does not open and I do not know what the problem may be (I have window 10) some solution I would appreciate it

    Edited by Nicolago
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    6 hours ago, Nicolago said:

    Hola buenas tengo un pequeño problema cuando ejecuto el pkhex no se abre y no se cual puede ser el problema (tengo window 10) alguna solucion se los agradeceria 


    Hello, I have a small problem when I run the pkhex does not open and I do not know what the problem may be (I have window 10) some solution I would appreciate it

    Need more information. Make sure you're extracting all the files from the .zip first.

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    Just wanted to say that you guys are amazing. Absolutely admire the time and effort to all of those behind the scenes who are always working to improve on PKHeX. The fact that we have US/UM support on day one is just mind-blowing to me and you should all be commended for your passion and dedication. Thanks for everything! :D

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    22 hours ago, ReignOfComputer said:

    @Nicolago Try using the non-mono version. Delete everything in the folder first before extracting the newly downloaded files from the .zip.


    it has to be my pc, because I do not have any results with either of the two downloads =(

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    @Nicolago No tengo Windows 10, pero has visto si en el administrador de tareas aparece el proceso de pkhex.exe o algo ?


    Windows 10 no tiene una opcion de compatibilidad para windows 7? o intentaste ejecutarlo en modo administrador????

    Edited by JISN[064]
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    1 hour ago, JISN[064] said:

    @Nicolago No tengo Windows 10, pero has visto si en el administrador de tareas aparece el proceso de pkhex.exe o algo ?


    Windows 10 no tiene una opcion de compatibilidad para windows 7? o intentaste ejecutarlo en modo administrador????

    Can you add an English translation?

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    6 hours ago, Cecillia said:

    Can you add an English translation?


    I don't have windows 10, but did you check if the pkhex.exe process appears in the Task Manager?

    Does Windows10 have a compatibility mode for Win7? Or did you try to run it as admin?


    snip_20171117113731.pngLOL just noticed the "PP" heheh

    Edited by JISN[064]
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    can someone help me with this? Im trying to get through ultra sun to the altar of the sunne but for some dumb reason i wasnt able to get ride machamp. is there anyway that pkhex can let me change that or someone could add the feature pls?

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    2 hours ago, ARCENEDON said:

    can someone help me with this? Im trying to get through ultra sun to the altar of the sunne but for some dumb reason i wasnt able to get ride machamp. is there anyway that pkhex can let me change that or someone could add the feature pls?

    Hmm, why don't you just go and speak to Hapu's mom?

    How did you get so far ahead, without Machamp ride. Walk through wall codes?

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    On 11/24/2017 at 11:07 AM, theSLAYER said:

    Hmm, why don't you just go and speak to Hapu's mom?

    How did you get so far ahead, without Machamp ride. Walk through wall codes?

    I spoke to Hapu's mom did nothing, yes i used walk through walls

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    I would like to propose a whitelist of the only 6 possible gen 3 and gen4 6x31iv pid numbers and their info.

    25 minutes ago, St. GIGA said:

    There are 6 spreads in gens 3 and 4 that have 6x31iv for method 1 pokemon. Method 1 spreads are gba stationary legends, rare manaphy or other egg spreads, gen4 wild and some other pokemon.

    Here are the six spreads using Emerald live/dry battery times, AKA seeds of zero. Out of all 6, only one has a neutral nature, the docile one. These outputs are from rngreporter 9.96 on a gaming pc.


         Frame                     Time                      PID           Nature
    1. 176,562,489            34d 01h 25m 08s 150ms      PID 7942EF72      Timid
    2. 816,994,416           157d 14h 22m 53s 600ms      PID E85091A9      Docile
    3. 1,821,972,669         351d 11h 03m 31s 150ms      PID E9375A48      Calm
    4. 2,324,046,137         448d 07h 28m 22s 283ms      PID F9426F72      Modest
    5. 2,964,478,064         571d 20h 26m 07s 733ms      PID 685011A9      Modest
    6. 3,969,456,317         765d 17h 06m 45s 283ms      PID 6937DA48      Modest

    Résultats obtenus avec le logiciel RNG Reporter 9.96.5 BETA


    Here is the gen4 output for these seeds:

    Search for: 31/31/31/31/31/31
    Found 6 result(s)!          
    PID: 7942ef72 (TIMID, ability 0) 31/31/31/31/31/31 (Seed: d2140289 Method 1: 114, J (synch): 71, J (no synch): None, K (synch): 71, K (no synch): 87) HP DARK 70

    PID: e85091a9 (DOCILE, ability 1) 31/31/31/31/31/31 (Seed: bf0b02aa Method 1: 3886, J (synch): 3823, J (no synch): None, K (synch): 3819, K (no synch): 3861) HP DARK 70

    PID: e9375a48 (CALM, ability 0) 31/31/31/31/31/31 (Seed: 5d000242 Method 1: 163, J (synch): 18, J (no synch): 48, K (synch): 10, K (no synch): 48) HP DARK 70

    PID: f9426f72 (MODEST, ability 0) 31/31/31/31/31/31 (Seed: 52140289 Method 1: 114, J (synch): 89, J (no synch): 93, K (synch): 91, K (no synch): 89) HP DARK 70

    PID: 685011a9 (MODEST, ability 1) 31/31/31/31/31/31 (Seed: 3f0b02aa Method 1: 3886, J (synch): 3817, J (no synch): None, K (synch): 3819, K (no synch): 3831) HP DARK 70

    PID: 6937da48 (MODEST, ability 0) 31/31/31/31/31/31 (Seed: dd000242 Method 1: 163, J (synch): 20, J (no synch): 60, K (synch): 22, K (no synch): 40) HP DARK 70
    Hopefully this helps. I hope you can share this with the devs of pkhex's legality checker.

    Hopefully these can be used to improve legality for the next release.

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    I got a problem where PKHeX says that my USUM main file is "too big" or "might be corrupted" even though its not corrupted but might be a reasonable size. Can someone help?


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    4 hours ago, best boi24 said:

    I got a problem where PKHeX says that my USUM main file is "too big" or "might be corrupted" even though its not corrupted but might be a reasonable size. Can someone help?


    Chances are, your "save" isn't really a save.

    Here's three things I want you to do:
    1. Upload the "save" file to your next reply and/or update your version of PKHeX (it could be outdated)
    2. Read this.
    3. If you still encounter issues, start your own thread under the correct subforum.

    (and also, why you posting a reply to a news page that is 3 years old)

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    This is now closed for further comments

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